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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. :lol: :lol:




    Sorry about the dog thing CDUB, it was meant as a little tongue in cheek since Sonny is a vet, although it seems he could be looking for new ideas when he is performing that particular procedure on a dog.  Judging from his present buddies, it may be that he is digging out a new friend.

  2. Ugh, make sure that bad apple is not at home when the realtor shows your house!


    Boogie, where are those children going to play now that you are leaving?!


    You know, we probably wouldn't have any issues with where we are at now if we had a covnance that was enforced, or a HOA even.. Because of not having that, we have chosen to move.. we do have some great neighbors, but like I said before, one bad apple spoiled it for us.. Hiramgirl, you know where I'm coming from..

  3. Towncrafte didn't have the selection. And, I have never heard of Salad Master.


    The main selling point for Calphalon is most professional chefs use it and it lasts forever. I have had my set for almost 10 years now.


    Plus, I don't like purchasing items from home demonstrations. That is just me, though.


    Hiramgirl - Any particular reason for not buying either?  What would be the selling point with Calphalon?

  4. Well, this is the first time I have lived in a subdivision. I love my neighbors but we know waaayyy to much about each other! ;-) Kidding but I don't have time to really socialize until the weekends when things calm down. It is much easier when you have children to get to know your neighbors, I have found.


    Growing up I recall people being more social.  I live in a 2 years old subdivision and no talks.  I've honestly tried...but I guess it's no longer the way of the world to be kind to each other.........

  5. You are right, SG. It is funny watching the Republicans when they are in power for the first time. Most of the bills coming out of the General Assembly are pro-business and anti-consumer.


    As I recall, SB5 would allow governments to use eminent domain to condem land, not for a school or other public building, but to sell to a developer for a shopping center!!!!  :angry:  :angry:  :o  Just so they would get more tax money than you pay for raw land.


    Is that not unbelievable????  I'm ashamed to call myself republican!!  :angry2:


    Even the Democrats didn't try anything this bad.



  6. Well, after Boortz talked about this bill on air about a month ago, it started and the author pretty much admitted defeat.


    Thank you for that HiramGirl -- as I was trying to find all of this information myself.

    There should be a huge outcry!!!  And personally I think we all should add our voices to it!!!

  7. RRR: local governments already have the power of eminent domain. SB 5 would have made it easier for local governments to use it but that bill is dead for the session after such a huge outcry.


    But, Sen. Wiles has introduced this bill to address this particular situation:





  8. SG, I agree!


    How about putting the Five Pillars of Islam instead?  Would you be OK with that if Muslims were the majority?




    1)  FAITH (AQIDAH) -


    There is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.


    2)  PRAYER (SALAT)


    God is most great. God is most great.

    God is most great. God is most great.

    I testify that there is no god except God.

    I testify that there is no god except God.

    I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.

    I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.

    Come to prayer! Come to prayer!

    Come to success (in this life and the Hereafter)!

    Come to success!

    God is most great. God is most great.

    There is no god except God.


    3)  ZAKAH


    Our possessions are purified by setting aside a portion for those in need, and, like the pruning of plants, this cutting back balances and encourages new growth.


    4)  FASTING (SAWM)


    Every year, in the month of Ramadan, all Muslims fast from first light until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations.




    The rites of the Hajj, which are of Abrahamic origin, include circling the Ka'aba seven times, and going seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa, as did Hagar during her search for water. Then the pilgrims stand together on the wide plain of Arafa and join in prayers for God"s forgiveness, in what is often thought of as a preview of the Last Judgment.




    As the Democrats are learning, be careful of the rules you make when you are majority, as you may have to live under them when you are the minority.


    I am a Christian, but I don't want the government having support for every religion out there just because I want support for mine.  There are a lot more of them and it would be a real waste of funds.  (IMHO of course)



  9. A muzzle!


    Seriously, I would put them in a snug bear hug.


    I'm just wondering, what would you recommend they do to stop the tantrum..the kicking and head-butting?  If the child has been raised in this manner, it isn't like you can reason with him....at that moment.  I'm just asking...How do you subdue a child in the throws of a tantrum --- when they aren't your own?  You can't let them hurt themselves or someone else......

    Any thoughts?

  10. Armymom, let me say this and end all this back and forth crap and you can PM me if you want to continue this. If I wanted to call Chris a loser, I would have.




    You don't have to SAY it for the implication to be there.

      Have you ever bashed him? You mean besides yesterday? I don't know, have you?


      I'm sorry, maybe I ws raised better than you, but "bashing" someone with a problem should never be acceptable.



  11. Did I ever say that Chris is less of a person because he can't spell? Did I ever bash him? NO, NO, NO. I was never cruel nor make snarky remarks. What I said was the truth: if he would learn to carry himself better, he would never be bashed on this site.



    I agree completely with DieHard's post. Yours of yesterday, I did not. So no, you DIDN'T post almost the same thing.

      As for my comment to you about being Chris' judge, please don't take that out of context.

      The topic was about Chris feeling that people didn't like him because of his spelling and because he never finished school.

    I felt that the problem is much deeper than that and tried to explain what I thought PART of the problem with his posting is.

      To quote part of what I told him:

      "I don't judge you for not having a regular job. I know how hard it can be without that diploma (BTW, you ARE still going to try for that GED aren't you?)

      I wish you all the luck in the world Chris and hope you find some good, CIVIL advice here".

      My complaint yesterday was that Chris has feelings just like anyone else. Just because someone can't spell doesn't make them less of a person.

      We have no right to hurt someone by harsh comments that will last a lifetime.

      I knew though that there was a possibility he would get bashed in that thread and warned him of that.

      You then posted saying:

    "That is true Armymom, But, at one point, you would think that Chris would learn how to spell and punctuate better- hell, just from being on this site alone and all the comments he has recieved about it. How long has he been on this site and his mish-mash way of posting has continued."


    My response to you was:

    "Some of what you say may be true. He has had a lot of comments about it. Maybe that's one of the problems. Did any of you who bash him on a continuous basis ever stop to think that he needs patience and help, not comments and ridicule?

      Who set you up as his judge?"


      So HiramGirl, before you mention names in a thread that is possibly headed toward another bash-fest, please keep it in context.

      I never tried to defend Chris in his lack of motivation to get an education. I was defending him against cruel comments. 

      I see nothing wrong with what DieHard said to Chris. That's called "constructive criticism", quite different from what you were saying yesterday. 


  12. It states more than the government can't make other religions illegal. This is part of the court ruling in 1947:


    "The 'establishment of religion' clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs, for church attendance or non-attendance. No tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever from they may adopt to teach or practice religion. Neither a state nor the Federal Government can, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa. In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between Church and State'"


    There is no "separation of church and state".  Never has been.  Nada.  Zilch.


    There is absolutely nothing in the constitution or the amendments to the constitution that say that the government can't recognize a religion.  Nor does it say that the government can't base it's laws on any particular religion.


    It only states that the government can't make other religions illegal.

  13. Psst, DieHard, I posted almost the same thing to him and was told to shut up by Honkin and that I was being Chris' judge by armymom. You know, let him be a boil on the butt of humanity.


    Chris there is no way you could have gone to school too long with old Melvin, you dropped out.  Your description of your school is not impressive and may be the problem, lack a discipline by the school and on your part.  You language in the above post is not good and Rebelchick is not setting any records either.  Both of you go back to school and quit talking about what it was like then and all the trouble there.  Focus on education and you will succeed but honestly, I think you have no intention of completing school or working hard.  You have been on here talking about the same pie in the sky for too long.  Sorry you wont be making a successful life for yourself, you just dont have the drive.  Also Chris, you mentioned to not tell you about the ARMY, NAVY etc. , trust me, you are right about that, the service is a calling and you don't have that either.  Get rid of all your toys and grow up and get to work.  I dont mean this in a bashing way but a disgusted way. 


    All this talk about schools and so many drop outs.  Is this part of the culture in Paulding County?  Being successful must not take much since half the county can't write or read.  Sorry if I hijacked this threat but just couldnt take another post about schools, knives, smoke bombs etc when these kids have no intention of learning.  Someday Chris and whoever will be on my dime collecting something if they don't change.  Oh and by the way.  Shacking up is a stupid thing to do, when you break up and move out you are used goods to anyone else. Just telling it like it is.  No bad intentions.


    Ya'll have a nice day. :D

  14. If you don't want toursity beaches, I would mark Myrtle Beach, Panama City and Daytona off your list.


    I really like Carabella and Sandestin.


    I'm looking forward to summer and wanna go to the beach. I'm wondering which one is the best. Mrytle, Panama, Daytona....??? Not into the tourist stuff. Done all the dinner/show stuff.

    I like lots of space, quite and clear water. Fear Jellyfish!!! :o

  15. If I remember correctly from my constitutional law class, the Everson v. Board of Education was when the opinion of the majority stated that "The First Amendment has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach."


    HiramGirl, it may be semantics, but with law, each word is chosen very carefully. There is a reason courts use such scrutiny when making their rulings. There is also a difference between an implied right and an overt one. The courts make this distinction often.


    I am aware that there is an idea that the courts have used this in some of their opinions, but have yet to run across an actual case in which it is used. If you could please let me know which case, I can look it up and tell you whether or not I agree with the court's interpretation, or if I see this phrase in it.  I will let you know that I generally do not agree with decisions handed down that cite international documents like the EU charter, UN charter, or other documents not officially ratified by the states of this union as reasons for the decision. I am a strict constructionist, and as such the Constitution and semantics matter a lot to me.


    All law professors I have come across (admittedly few....3), on the first day of class, discuss the myths of the Constitution, and this is one of their favorites. In my Civil Liberties course (which dealt specifically with Supreme Court decisions), the professor went to great lengths to show how this myth simply was not valid.


    Just because Justices use the letter in their opinions does not make it Constitutional. It may mean that they had insufficient support from the Constitution to rule the manner in which they wanted, so they decided to legislate form the bench.....happens all too often lately  <_< .

  16. Yes, I grew up with plenty of rednecks who are racist but I also grew up with rednecks who are not.


    Well, you are wrong Ms.Hiramgirl.....Since you have lived here your whole lil' life then you would see what I ment just like Jonger did.

  17. Well, from your post, it looks like you did equate being redneck with being a racist! Sorry.


    I have lived here my entire life as my mother and my father.


    I am not saying that all rednecks are....But how long have you lived here? I have my whole life and you know when I went to Paulding County High school there was a big problem there...So, unless you have lived here in Paulding your whole life you would understand what i am saying..

  18. Whoa, buttercup. Being a redneck does not mean you are racist! I hope you were being facetious!


    I agree with you totally....Redneck, rebel flag, Paulding!


    I myself do not think I am any better then anybody else of any kind of race. God made us all of the same blood and bones...I will raise my children to honor any human no matter what back ground they are. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Untill they cross the line were they have ruined my trust then  I don't respect them. But, I would like for my children to marry with in there own race even thou some say love has no color. I do agree that all humans feel, bleed and love the same.  :p

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