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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I don't get your statement that "Separation of church and state is actually a well perpetuated myth." How can it be a myth when the Supreme Court has ruled as such? Maybe we are arguing over semantics but I really don't see how you can make that statement. The courts (or the Constitution) might not have used those exact words (separation of church and state) but they have held up the principle.


    Yeah, but HiramGirl, it is interpreted legally more like what Sound Guy said.


    You cannot require a religion test for government officials, as the only reason to require one would be to set up a state religion. That section only clarifies the fact that there will be no established state religion, it does not incite separation of church and state. That does not exist in our Constitution, it was, as I said, contained in a letter from Jefferson (which is not legal and binding).


    Separation of church and state is actually a well perpetuated myth.

  2. SG: I have no idea what you are talking about. That section of the Consitution is the legal principle behind the "separation of church and state." That was all I was pointing out.


    Me thinks you are reading a little more out of that than is there.


    It doesn't say that office holders can't be religious, it just says no law can be made that REQUIRES any type of religious conviction to qualify for a public office. 


    No state church in other words.  An office holder can be any religion they want if the people will elect him.


    Pretty good idea if you ask me.



  3. I just wanted to point out that, while separation of church and state is not contained in the Constitution, the principle came Article VI Section III. It states that "but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."




    I personally do not get the whole separation of church and state spaz we seem to be experiencing of late, anyway. Its not in the Constitution, it is a statement contained in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson (not a legal and binding document). What IS in the Constitution the Establishment Clause which forbids the federal government from establishing a state religion. Many take this to mean that the state cannot have any religious affiliation, but that is simply not true. Having some religious activities, even if they were sponsored by the school, is a far cry from the federal government establishing a religion, which is why our Federal Supreme Court building can have a stone carving of Moses and the Ten Comandments in it (which it does). It is the idea that a freedom OF religion is the same as freedom FROM religion that is getting all of this all messed up. That one little word makes all the difference, and quite a few people don't seem to understand this. We are guaranteed a freedom OF religion. This means we, as individuals are free to choose our own religion without being prevented from free practice thereof.

    That is also why in previous decades, it was accepted for there to be prayer and Bible study in schools.

    I will also add, that this goes for all religions, not just those of Judeo-Christian origin.

    On a side note, when did it become "offensive" to mention Christmas in school?

    Maybe that should be a poll.....how many people were offended by the term "Christmas break?"

    I'm sorry, but the right to not be offended is not granted by our Creator or the Constitution...lol.

    BTW, thank you Sound Guy for pointing out the legal stance of this in your previous posts.

    And what's really funny.....before all those who are offended by Christmas jump on me.....although I'm Christian, I'm not a "thumper." I'm not even an official member of any church. I just read the law, and happen to believe in upholding the Constitution, not unofficial letters from dead Presidents.

  4. surepip: What is the chamber and our county government doing now? I asked this question to Chairman Shearin but really didn't get an answer. Are they involved in the different economic develpment groups in the state? Have they spoken to the Commissioner of Economic Development on the state level? Have they made their desire made known to the people that can help? Do they have presentations that they send out to prospective companies? How is Paulding County being sold? Are their any companies that have expressed interest? How are they hunting down prospective companies?


    This is what I would like to know.


    Can anyone provide some direction, and suggestions as to how we can improve our industrial tax base without kicking the stinking horse over and over ?


    We can offer up suggestions on here of how to curb the growth, but if you were able to stop all new residential permit requests from today forward, you still have thousands and thousands of houses that will be built on land already approved for new developments plus the existing 2 houses per acre throughout the county.


    So, instead of kicking that one over and over and over, I suggest we move on to some more enlightening areas like how to bring the businesses and light manufacturers into Paulding.


    The Airport will help. Will it cure the non-industrialitist disease we have now ? No!, but it will send a message to industrial developers which says we want them to look at Paulding when they are considering their next Business Park or Industrial Park because we want them to come.


    How do we attract a "Crow, Pope, & Land", or Ackerman, or any of the major Office Park Developers of Metro Atlanta to come here and build an A+ type business park ? With nice buildings, wide streets to accomodate large trucks, masonary buildings that face the roads with the truck bays in back, well landscaped ?  Maybe not a Perimeter Center, or Circle 75, but nice enought that a Fortune 500 company would conisder it for a satellite office, or regional distribution hub.


    We have the location, the available land, rail access [well we still have a little left], work force, proximity to intermodal, easy access to the Atlanta Airport and plenty of nice houses for the work force to live in. We just need the businesses to want to move their operations to Paulding.


    Serious suggestions ?

  5. I just wanted to add that the Supreme Court sided with Cherokee County on the question of impact fees on development.




    You say "It can be controlled . . ."


    Tell us how it can be controlled legally in a way that won't cost the county big $$$ in court. So far, nobody has been able to come up with a way to do that.


    Cherokee country tried last year using schools  and infrastructure as an excuse. They ended up being sued.

  6. I don't think you have to go to church to be religious but I think it is important to attend church and surround yourself with a fellowship of believers.


    We are not looking for an answer as much as other’s opinions. For the record: We are Christians only, but we don’t only befriend Christians. We aren’t a part of any particular church, but we do try to read our Bible and practice the teaching of Jesus. We feel it’s more about relationships than any particular belief system itself.

  7. It just isn't the typos, Chris. It is the puncuation, it is the capitalizations is the wrong place. It is the spaces you don't put after a period. It is the run on paragraphs that should be spaced out. It is just a general lack of grammatical etiquette and it shows a general lack of education. Are you a bad person for it? No.


    But do you not see what we are saying? Why must people "bash"someone for typos? I mean if I got on here and said I was a drug user and I had 2 kids i don't feed or give baths to then YES you all would have something to say but I'm just a normal person ( A little more redneck) then most of you and I'm not the best speller yes I typo I miss spell but who doesn't.Until today since everyone wants to correct me had a typo,I have never said anything about someones typo I quote people all the time and reply I use IeSpell check and most the time in the quote from whoever it finds something wrong but I don't point it out to them.I'm not that low of a person that I need to find everyone Else's mistakes.

  8. I am not judging him. I am stating what I think is the problem. I personally don't think he would be bashed if he would puncuate and spell properly.


    Some of what you say may be true. He has had a lot of comments about it. Maybe that's one of the problems. Did any of you who bash

    him on a continuous basis ever stop to think that he needs patience and help, not "comments" and ridicule?

      Who set you up as his judge?



  9. The legal age for consensual sex is 16 - that is true, sew%craft. That is why all these 17 and 18 year old boys are getting sentenced for child molestation for having sex with girls under 16.


    Well, Chris, I must admit I learned something from you today.  Legal age for consensual sex in GA is 16; I thought it was 18.  I still think she's too young for you, but it's an opinion, not a judgment against you.  Just like your statement about "mixing" is your opinion, the posts people have made are their opinions, based on their personal experiences...that's how we all learn and whether you feel like it or not, you still have a lot to learn.

  10. Bravo, boogie. That is excellent advice.


    Still gross to me..


    Chris, no offense.. but what regular High School girl would want to date a 25 year old high school drop out w/ no job? Does that sound mature? I don't know you, but what I think I know is that I would respect you a little more if you would go up to McDonalds and fill out an application for employment.. then take a long look at your life and see if you really like where you are. If you are, more power to you, but do not get on here and ask people, hard working people to respect you for not working, and dating an underaged girl. I have a high school diploma, that's it.. I barely graduated, I thought it was cute to goof off in school and did just enough to get by, and boy do I regret it.. I woke up one day while making minimum wage working at 6-flags and decided it was time to turn my life around.. I worked hard, joined a band which led me down other paths.. I met my eventual wife, got married, found a great job, in which I am still at (IBM) and had kids.. You can do it too if you would just take a long hard look at yourself and decide what you want..


    Thanks for your time!!

  11. That is true, armymom. But, at one point, you would think that Chris would learn how to spell and puncuate better - hell, just from being on this site alone and all the comments he has received about it. How long has he been on this site and his mish-mash way of posting has continued. I have nothing against Chris as a person and I am not commenting on his value as a person. I just think it is time for him to learn how to post on this site as a learned adult.



    True, but just because someone can't, doesnt make them less of a person. Everyone has feelings and we have no right to hurt someone by harsh comments that will last a lifetime.



  12. Oh, weather coverage is just too rich. Especially when they put viewers on live and they try to do their best Glenn Burns impersonation! I have to admit that I do love Glenn Burns and his hook echo!


    I remember a big storm we were in the middle of last year. Glenn Burns was doing his thing with the radar. All of a sudden he noticed an interesting formation near Colombus. After about 2 or 3 minutes talking about it with another weather guy, Monica finally had to interrupt him and told him that most of the viewers were more interested in things a little closer to home.

  13. susangw,


    Just how does Bruce Harris fact into this? He has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with indigent defense. If you want to complain about it, focus on the people on the county level that kept renewing his contract (until 2002) for indigent defense even though he hardly mounted any defense for any client.

  14. Ugh, that stinks chevyman. I could take out Comcast and add just about every other company in there these days. Customer service is a lost art and the customer is never right anymore.


    My parents who live in Cobb County have Comcast Cable and have been customers since it was Wometco Cable then Mediaone Cable and now Comcast.  Saturday evening a comcast worker came out to their pole and turned off the cable. My dad called to see why his cable was not working and they said they did not know. My dad checked with his neighbor who said that his cable was working fine.  My dad called back and after further investigation he learned that the cable company disconnected the wrong line and they meant to turn the neighbors cable off for non-payment and instead turned his off.  My dad asked how long till his cable will be back on and they said we will get a technician out there on Wednesday to turn it back on.  My dad said this is unacceptable and wanted to speak to a supervisor and they said they would have one call him.  On sunday no one had called and he called back and they said they could not get a hold of a supervisor.  My dad had kidney cancer and enjoys watching his tv while enjoying his retirement and has always paid his bills on time.  I think this is the worse customer service I have ever seen and I just signed up for Comcast Internet along with my Comcast cable.  I am seriously thinking of cancelling my services and letting all my friends know about the lack of customer service this company is offering.  I think the rest of my family is considering the same. So just remember if your cable goes out because your neighbor did not pay their bill, as far as Comcast is concerned "tough luck".

  15. I'm not fancy enough to have a phone with blue-tooth technology!


    Thanks HC


    A huge difference between this story and the one Honkin' heard on the radio Friday.


    Anyone with a blue-tooth technology phone see the links I posted above for ideas to protect your phone.

  16. I don't see how this is going to change the tsumani that is Wal-mart!



    CINCINNATI -- Federated Department Stores Inc. is buying rival May Department Stores Co. for $11 billion in cash and stock in a deal that would create a powerhouse better able to compete against discount giant Wal-Mart Stores Inc. at one end of the retailing spectrum and specialty stores and other upscale merchants at the higher end.


    The deal announced today would bring together the operator of Macy's and Bloomingdale's with May, a company known for its Marshall Field's and Lord & Taylor chains, creating a company with 1,000 stores and $30 billion in annual sales.


    Federated has annual sales of $15.6 billion and 111,000 employees. It operates more than 450 stores in 34 states, Guam and Puerto Rico under the names Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Bon-Macy's, Burdines-Macy's, Goldsmith's-Macy's, Lazarus-Macy's and Rich's-Macy's. The company also operates macys.com and Bloomingdale's By Mail.


    May has 132,000 employees in 46 states and annual sales of $14.4 billion. The company operates about 490 department stores under the names Famous-Barr, Filene's, Foley's, Hecht's, Kaufmann's, Lord & Taylor, L.S. Ayres, Marshall Field's, Meier & Frank, Robinsons-May, Strawbridge's and The Jones Store. The company also has 229 David's Bridal stores, 458 After Hours Formalwear stores, and 11 Priscilla of Boston stores.


    Federated Department Stores: http://www.federated-fds.com


    May Department Stores: http://www.mayco.com


  17. Well, that just stinks. There is usually one in every neighborhood but I hate it that he is driving y'all out. There are some great people in your subdivision.


    Different Builders.. My house was built by Chris Cochran.. I think their was Glen...


    Yeah, I always love to watch him come out and mow half of the lawn, then leave the rest for 2 weeks.. I know my house isn't perfect, but c'mon...

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