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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Pointy, do you think I have a reading comprehension problem? I didn't state that you were being disrepectful to Terri. You were just being disrepectful period.


    H/G, if you haven't noticed, I have said nothing disrespectful about Terri. I am only dissing you and others of your ilk that have been advocating this woman's death in the most horrendous death.  I'm sorry if that is not apparent to you.


    I sincerely believe that it is you, Soapmom, and others that are overweening.

  2. No Pointy. It just shows that you have no couth whatsoever. None. Regardless of everyone's feelings on this issue, I would have thought that everyone could be respectful once she passed.


    Oh, you are now the moderator???


    Sorry, I didn't get the memo.


    But I believe that the sting of truth hurts, and that's the burr under your saddle.

  3. Put that drivel in the other threads, pointy, instead of the one expressing condolences.


    YOU PEOPLE  have just advocated the starvation of this woman, putting her through 13 days of pure parching hell, a death you wouldn't allow for a DOG, and you are now trying to be so pious with this "I'm so sorry she's gone" crap.

    Who has the manners now?


    You folks have sickened me from the onset about this. I hope everytime from now until you face judgement, that when you get thirsty or hungry,  that the face of Terri Schiavo overwhelms your vision.

  4. Rev, to be honest, I think the first thing you should do is to *talk* to someone. Be it a friend, a preacher or a psychologist. When I found out about my ex-husband's affair, everyone told me to go get some anti-depressants because they thought it would help but it didn't. The thing that helped me the most was just to talk to someone and get it all out of my system.


    For the past 6 months, I have been going through, what has been, the hardest time of my life.  :( Without going into anything specific, I have been completely and totally lost, depressed, and unimaginably miserable.  :( Everyone has suggested that I go to the doctor and have them put me on something, but to be frankly honest, I am terrified of these anti-depressants, and of what they would do to me. I am really sensitive to meds.


    3 weeks ago, I was trying to  pass a kidney stone, and my SIL had to practically shove a muscle relaxer down my throat. (I hate medicine!!) The doctor called me in some pain meds, and I had to go in for a CT scan, which showed that I have 9 more. Just thinking about these things breaking loose, and having to take these meds puts me into a panic.


    My MIL gave me a Xanax when my best friend died, and I thought I would go out of my mind. I could not wait for that stuff to wear off and swore I'd never take anything more than an Advil for the rest of my life.


    My point is...I don't like medicine, so what am I supposed to do? Bite he bullet and go on and let them put me on something? I have seen what these meds do to others, and it's scary.

  5. Hey! South Paulding can't get a Red Lobster before Hiram!!!


    since someone is discussion 4 lane on RR ....

    I heard yesterday


    a new day care on Townsend rd.        which is behind new ga elem. school

    a Marriott convention center at the Georgian


    and possible a Red Lobster & Longhorns          Yummy

    and other smaller restaurants.


    and 270 new homes on hwy. S61 close to Dollar General.  THE  far south one.


    I cant believe its moving out here

  6. Well, there is a lack of an adult novelty store in Paulding County......





    How can I get into selling MaryKay, can I do lingerie parties?  Dont care about pay, just job satisfaction, respect and ......nevermind, my wife would say its not right so can't do it.  Back to Chippendales I guess, can always fall back on that. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  7. DieHard! I had no idea. I hope everything works out for you!


    Just by the hair of my chinny chin chin,  still alive and well here.  Still no word on the throw down.  There is already more stuff brewing, this job is so much fun I hate to get fired or quit.  Builds character.  Thank you all for being supportive.

  8. I vote for outlawing negligent dog owners!


    Did anyone see that poor little two year old girl on the news a few days ago that was attacked by the pitbull? It was absolutely horrible!!! I have a two year old and could not even imagine! They were saying that they are going to try to put though a proposed plan to outlaw owning a pitbull in Georgia. I would be totally for it! But I was windering what everyone's opinion was on this?

  9. Now, I have seen a yard "forked" before but I have never seen chili beans on the air conditioner!


    This happened last night to my neighbor and has me puzzled.  :unsure: These people have 2 kids grown up and I can't think what the message whoever did this is trying to get across. That is a big I mean BIG can of Chili beans piled up on the air conditioner, and those white things sticking out of the lawn are plastic forks!! :blink: Must be at least 100 of them. Now I've seen the horse head in the bed and the fish wrapped in the newspaper message on the Godfather but this has me scratchin my head. :wacko:

  10. That is a stretch, mark.


    A newborn is also kept alive with intervention from others. A newborn would die without intervention from others. 


    In fact, some could probably read the 'symptoms' for a person in PVS, examine a healthy  newborn and claim they are PVS because they have the same 'symptoms'. Would it be OK to with hold food and water?

  11. From the Wolfson Report:


    By 1994, Michael's attitude and perspective about Theresa's condition changed. During the previous four years, he had insistently held to the premise that Theresa could recover and the evidence is incontrovertible that he gave his heart and soul to her treatment and care. This was in the face of consistent medical reports indicating that there was little or no likelihood for her improvement. He was beginning to accept the idea of allowing Theresa to die naturally rather than remain in the non-cognitive, vegetative state.


    In 1997, six years after Theresa's tragic collapse, Michael elected to initiate an action to withdraw artificial life support from Theresa. More than a year later, in May of 1998, the first petition to discontinue life support was entered. The court appointed Richard Pearse, Esq., to serve as Guardian Ad Litem to review the request for withdrawal, a standard procedure.


    Mr. Pearse's report, submitted to the court on 20 December 1998 contains what appear to be objective and challenging findings. His review of the clinical record confirmed that Theresa's condition was that of a diagnosed persistent vegetative state with no chance of improvement. Mr. Pearse's investigation concluded that the statements of Mrs. Schindler, Theresa's mother, indicated that Theresa displayed special responses, mostly to her, but that these were not observed or documented.



    I must have missed it. Please tell me again, or point the way.

  12. Have you not *read* this thread? That question was answered about five pages back.


    Let me ask all you death opponents one question!  If it was Terri's wishes, that never were in writing or a fact but based on one person or two but not in writing, that her life not be substained by tubes or such, WHY insert it to begin with?  Why substain her life and then years later decide its her deathdate?  WHY?????


    You make a decision to put in a tube to substain a life, you can't go back on it and decide 15 years later to put her to death.

  13. I am a Florida grad and my husband is a Georgia grad. I think it is a little silly to let something like a college rivalry effect what our children wear!


    Our boys have both Georgia and Florida gear and it doesn't bother me one bit to see them in Georgia gear.


    I'm not trying to start a debate about which school is better, blahblahblah, (I know which one is better :D ) but I have an issue. My hubby and I are on opposite sides of the todem pole with our schools, and I recently bought my son a hat with my teams logo on it. He looks soooo cute. My hubby saw the hat, took it off, and threw it down on the ground. He said he would burn it if it weren't my sons... This seems a little extreme to me, seeing as I buy stuff from both schools for all of our children. I don't rag him for liking his school, and I don't throw things on the ground cause I don't like them. But when our teams are playing, then the claws come out. Do any of you guys have rivalry in the house?

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