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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I would like to read them also! Post them mark.


    Again, Markdavd, since this absolutely contradicts court-records, can you name these sources that have provided that "all indications" that Michael has spent "the moneyh on lawyers" instead of on her "medical care?"  I'd like to read those.

  2. I have to differ with you. This has been played out in state court and federal court for almost 10 years now. If the de novo evidence was an issue, it would have already been addressed.


    That's the issue.  The Supreme Court refuses to LOOK at the issue.  They don't have to review any case if they don't want to do.  This is the problem.

  3. Taffy, if any court that has been involved were not following the law, the Supreme Court would have taken up her case, don't you think? How many times have they been petitioned to get involved? More than once.


    Don't mean to be argumentative, but they courts are not following the laws.  There is not one piece of concrete evidence, living will, etc. that states that these are Terri's wishes.  This is whole argument here.  There is one judge (Greer) that refuses to even look into this and that's the problem.  The law states that there must be de novo evidence - THERE HASN'T BEEN ANY.

  4. I work in Atlanta! I could meet you at Insurrection! ;)


    There was a request by SquareRoots for me to schedule a time to have lunch and invite other. Well here you go. I will be available next Thursday, March 31st, for lunch.


    Above you will see some options. Please select the best answer.


    Please be aware that this is not a “meet and greet” nor is it associated in any way with the Paulding.com name. This is only an attempt at Paulding.com’s almost biggest butthead at having a lunch with other people. There will be no “meeting” or “greeting”, only sitting and eating.


    I’m open for suggestions on a place for the “sit and eat”.

  5. Just to be clear, who was the self-righteous judgemental hypocrite yesterday? YOU know nothing about me or Boogie or Texan or any other on that thread yet thought it was your MORAL (!) duty to call the SO and DFACS. And now, you think people are crawling out of the woodwork to tell you how bad you are?! You are rich, Honkin.


    Just WHO in Sam Hell are you talk about my MORALS? Oh yeah, your another one thats NEVER met me and knows NOTHING about me. And since your not my keeper and you dont write my paycheck you have no say about who I call and what for! Its very humoring to see so many self righteous judgemental  hypocrits crawl out from the woodwork so they can all say how bad the other person is. Have a nice day :D

  6. Not acceptable to whom? Just because you don't use switches or a belt or a spoon does not mean that someone that does is abusing their child. What is the difference between a paddle and a spoon?


    Again, DieHard, spanking does not equal violence against a child.


    Nobody said they were, but when you are talking about taking objects to spank your kids with its a problem.  Paddle is one thing but switches and such are not acceptable.  Are you saying that chances are no one here on paulding.com abuses children through violence?  If you are then your head is burried in the sand.

  7. Beating a child and spanking are two different things. Why can't you and Honkin make that distinction?


    So are you saying that ramming my head into the woodwork is justifiable because I hit my sister?  And then once I bounced off the door jam and couldnt get my fists high enough to block his punches coming in was justifiable?  What Honkin was referring to is what I have illustrated.  Some of you out there might be abusers and some of you might be fueling their fire by talking tough about spanking the hell out of your youngins.  I understand what you are saying Hiramgirl, if you havent been abused or lived in a physically violent home then you would think all this talk is ok.  I for one think we need to be very sure of how we draw the line.  Some feel you agree with their beating their kids when you say "what happens in my house is my business".    Be aware of your audience.

  8. You presented a totally different senario, DieHard. Your dad taking out his life frustrations out on you is different than correcting you for naughty behavior which you agreed he should have done when you hit your sister.


    Spanking in itself is not abuse.


    I suppose that is relative to what you feel are your legal rights.  Do you think my Dad was in his legal rights?

  9. Protecting kids is one thing, DieHard. Calling authorities for something that is well within my legal rights as a parent is something entirely different.


    I agree with Honkin on protecting the kids but if you believe in spanking your kids remember they do grow up.  When I was  a kid my Dad drank and Mom would get angry, when Dad came in the door Mom would tell on us for something we said or did that day, Dad would get pissed about her running her mouth and take it out on us.  The only time my Dad did rightfully kick my rearend was when I punched my sister, she kind of deserved it for being a .......female canine but I should have not hit her.  My Dad punched my lights out.  I respected him for taking up for her but because he was drinking again I disrespected him. 


    A father who spends time with his kids, interested in all aspects of their life including their discipline is a respected Father.  My Dad came home kicked my A$$ and back out the door which I didnt mind (him leaving) at all.  Now we are close but not as close as a Dad who helps their kid grow up.  I didnt respect my Dad for 35 yrs, now it is still minimal although he is a good man, the past haunts no matter how lengthy the apology.  You want respect from your kids, be part of every minute of their life that you can possibly be part of and then a spanking is ok...when needed.

  10. I *love* this movie. Have you seen The Mighty Wind? Written by Eugene Levy (Mr. Fleck).


    The movie comedy "Best In Show" is on at 3pm today...

    Comedy Central channel...

    Anybody else like this movie? B)  B)  B)

    This movie is so funny, especially for dog lovers...

    Just a hint :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  11. Okay, not my normal reading at 1:30 on a Wednesday but I enjoyed it and the professor makes valid points.


    Okay, this is NOT a debate on what you think about Terri Shiavo case...

    I only want your opinion on the following article ( written by a professor of ethics in 1992) -_-  -_-  -_-


    I found this article very informative regarding some end of life issues and

    christian morals and ethics...


    What do you guys think ?

    Not looking to get into an arguement about life/death issues;

    just would like your opinion on the article presented...


    PVS Withdrawl of care- Ethics/Morals B)  B)  B)

  12. Is the Xanga registered under her legal name? Plus, how would the Walmart know if she was just being bragadocious?


    Ahhhhh, but see I do not already have the pics. I have nothing to hide. It's not like I keep a notebook of kids......


    For instance. The daughter of a well known couple here in the county have a daughter that has to be drug tested through the courts........has a Xanga......and brags about the stuff she lifts at the mall and the Hiram Walmart.


    :blink:  :blink:  :blink:


    I just surf the web same as anyone else.

  13. Good question. I don't know if they would simply by the fact that they wouldn't know if you were being truthful or if you had some sort of grudge against the kids. It wouldn't hurt to call!


    Say I had pictures......many, many pictures of kids that do it on a weekly basis at the Hiram Walmart and then brag about it......


    Say I gave those pics to Walmart security. Can they post it on a bulletine board in the back room where the monitors are and watch for them?????


    Ferg.... :blink: .....Do you know??????

  14. Was it Buzz and Jonger?!


    Today on the way to work on I-20 before Thornton Road exit, I notice two cars with doors open then I notice bodies falling to the road. As I got closer I saw TWO GROW MEN fighting. WHAT is going on with people. Ok someone pulled out in front of you/cut you off ,whatever, but way would you take a chance of getting killed because of this. Why is it that big of a deal to stop and beat the crap out each other. I called 911 so I hope that both of the parties will have a couple of hours to calm down.

  15. I love Splenda! ;)


    I just felt like saying a little something about my intentions and

    thanking AJ for her lovely comments yesterday...


    I have long had a natural penchant for debate and persuasive arguement...

    My parents thought for sure I was going to be a lawyer, cause even as a child

    I could talk and talk them into any thing...


    I enjoy these conversations as a kind of verbal sport...

    Civility is very important to me, I try to never type anything that I would not say to your face in public...


    I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion/truth and I respect those who express it thoughtfully and logically...

    One of my favorite expressions is "live and let live"...

    I express my opinions and beliefs, you express yours, and hopefully we walk away

    with a broader view of the world we live in...

    No more, no less ...

    Just a few thoughts, Have a Wonderful day !!! :)  :)  :)

  16. My guess would be the older houses that are right across the street from the property on Mustang Drive.


    I read on the Fastread page about the denial - okay, now what? 


    What caught my interest was the paragraph:  "Commission Chairman Jerry Shearin said he opposed the project because it would have implied support for the purchase or taking by imminent domain, property from 35 residents."  Where was this property in relation to the development - and how did that figure into the development overall?


    That's the first I had heard of that - and I doubt that will be the last.


    All this talk about trees is silly - this particular property has trees along the boundaries, but most of the 94 acres along Mustang Drive is pasture - it has been cleared for years.

    There is a pond with a few trees around it - and I love the wildlife that stays in the area, but the trees have been gone from this site.


    Okay, COPAD, where are these 35 residential properties in relation to this development?

  17. Because, at that time, the doctors thought she could recover.


    If she said she didn't want to be put on life support, then why did the husband fight for four years, trying surgery and other altering choices to try to keep her alive??? Not to mention, he was the only one she supposedly told that too... I have told my mother, father, husband, mother in law and many friends how I feel on being put on life support... Just makes me wonder what his intentions are or were...

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