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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Paulding County would win over Atlanta or Daytona Beach?! What have you been smoking this morning markdavd?! :p


    Here's an idea maybe some of you that don't want industry to come into the country can get behind, plan for and push for.


    I heard that Nascar is looking for a location for a new museum. What better place than Paulding County. Imagine the tourist dollars that would come our way if we could get them to locate here!!!


    So somebody who what's to prevent the airport and industry (or anyone else that thinks that thiis is a good idea) needs to take this bull by the horns and run with it. Convince Nascar to come here!!!

  2. Wow, I am terribly sorry for your niece. I hope you will update us.


    Everyone please pray for my niece Sarah.She is 17 and a senior at East Paulding.She is very ill and we dont know why.She hadnt been feeling well for a while and they were running test but could not find the problem.She took a turn for the worst yesterday and is in the hospital.She is in the ICU and we still dont know if she is gonna make it.Please put her in your prayers.

  3. I did the Richard Petty Driving school at Atlanta Motor Speedway. I have no idea how fast I was going but I was scared and my face started to hurt!


    Just wondering what is the fastest speed that you have ever driven while operating a motor vehicle? In my younger years when common sense was not as readily available to me as it is now I had my Mustang up to 137 mph.  Telephone poles go by really fast at that speed. Now I hear my kids saying all the time....Dad can't you drive any faster!??!! It is a wonder that I survived those wreckless years when I knew more than my parents did! :rolleyes:

  4. I don't find it odd. Some come on here because of things like development or to ask a question. Once they have their information, they leave.


    Most people aren't nuts like the rest of us that stay and post.


    Anyone noticed that we seem to have a lot of folks who register on p.com . . .


    post only on one topic that pertains to them . . .


    pitch hissy fits about that one topic . . .


    then when the issue is gone, so are they?


    Example: the Walmart at Cedercrest in Cobb. Several folks were posting on that topic & are no longer here. Some were even found to be a Criminal Genius, posting under several names.


    Anyone noticed that?  :ph34r:

  5. Quite honestly, nothing in any thread has been "knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law." No one called her a crack ho or white trash or a redneck for that matter.


    According to his spin, it's my fault!!!



  6. Embrace Josh Smith!


    Thank you for the kind words, however I am no different than anyone else, I just love the life I live and my family makes that possible, nothing more to it in my eyes..


    Well.. there is still the Hawks.. but they are losing so that makes it a little more difficult..  :p

  7. You do rock, boogie.


    Let's just say my brothers and I learned from experience how not to live our lives.. It's kind of sad as I have grown up resenting them to the point where I barely have a relationship w/ my Mom... My Dad up and moved to Florida and both have cleaned up their lives somewhat, but I will never forgive them for how they were.. The only thing I can do is give my kids all the love I never had..

  8. True and I will leave things with your post, boogie!


    I think our focus should be on the children, not Biggrl.. the children are the ones in need.. I am guilty of making this about her, but US CHRISTIANS are not obligated to give anything but prayer.. So let's pray for these children involved, pray that they are getting what they need, pray that they have food, water, and shelter.. pray that their mother is well and that her husband gets better soon..

  9. Her own sister posted that she has trouble with money!


    Hey there Mr. Caring.

    Why do you say she needs to learn how to spend her money? Did she ever say she had a money problem? Did she ever ask for anything free other than a dog??


    I think some people need God's help in reading and understanding posts.

    :blink:  :rolleyes:

  10. It would depend on how important the test was, really. If it is important, I would call back and just explain it to your brother. You could always go to the rehearsal dinner and leave it at that.


    As for the gift, I agree with NavyEagle and would get something small.

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