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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Who built your phase? Was it Glenn Johnson? Did you try calling him?


    I rode through there this weekend. Egads. That house.


    Hiram Girl, you know our issue.. We were told to call the marshalls office, so I did, and they told me they only work from 8-5 Mon-Fri.. of course our issue doesn't come home until after 5 so they can not help us unless they see the problem.. We are at a loss of what to do, so we decided to just move, we are crossing our fingers that this issue does not keep people from wanting to buy our house..

  2. Look at all the papers you signed at closing. That is where your contact should be.


    As for enforcement of covenants in the entire subdivision, I have no idea!


    :D  :D


    THANK YOU Paulding County Marshall's Office!!!!


    I called them and there were such a HUGE help.


    Yes, junk cars, boats, car parts..etc - this is a county ordinance! 


    As for the convenants, yes, they suggested that we get them reinstated.  But, now here is the other question, how do you go about doing that?  Our subdivision was built in 5 different phases with 3 different builders.  Do you send around a petition?  Do you call the last builder that built in that subdivision?  This seems like such a long process.  But it will be worth it!



  3. I have ADT but I hate it. They changed the rules for calling when the alarm goes off. They first try to call you, then all of your emergency contacts, before notifying authorities. What's the point in that if it is a true emergency?!


    I am fixing to purchase a home alarm system and I was wondering who else on the board has one? Does anyone recommend a certain company. Any input would be great in assisting my search.  :)


    Is wireless better or a wired one?


    Thank You.....

  4. I golf! My home course is Creekside with some State Patrol guys out of Cedartown.


    Was thinkin about putting together a charity golf tournament this Spring and would like to get p.com to go along with it....Pubby?  How many golfers do we have who visit this site?  I would leave the cause up to Pubby if he would allow such a thing.  Its just a thought, we talked about it on here before.  But where are you golfers?

  5. If you do have covenants, call the developer of your subdivision! They are the ones that enforce the covenants rules.


    Thank you for your suggestions!  I will call the Marshall's Office and see what they say.  I will let you all know also. 


    Yes, there were convenants in our s/d, and no, we never had an association or meeting to uphold these.  I do have our convenants though.


    Thanks for all your help!  I knew I could find an answer here!

  6. My mom has had one for years and years. No problems that I know of and the birds come back. Feed them and they will come!


    Has anyone had any luck with these and do you have any problems with other birds nesting there. I just erected a 16 apartment house.


    Any advise would be appriciated.


    Thanks.  ;)



  7. For a cheap hotel, I would recommend the Hampton Inn. For a cheap Bed and Breakfast, I would recommend the East Bay Inn. They are both across the street from River Street.


    We are trying to plan our vacation for the spring break.  Does anybody know of a nice, reasonably priced place to stay in or around the Savannah area?

  8. Isn't Paulding a Tier 3 county? If so, they (being the potential company) would only have to have 15 employees to claim a tax credit. Isn't that correct or am I reading the GDEcD website wrong?


    I guess I just don't understand the process (economic development) enough. How does the Chamber find out about potential business relocation? Does the state call or does the potential business come knocking? Then, you find out what incentives the county may or may not be able to offer?



    I would be happy to answer those questions. But they actually should be answered by the Industrial Building Authority and the Chamber of Commerce.Those are the Economic Development arms of the County.

    Here are some  "Readers Digest" versions of answers for you. To get more in-depth call the Chamber:

    1. Job tax credits are o.k. but you have to prove you are in an economically depressed area (we are not).

    2. Tax exemptions are on a per-case basis, and require the assistance of the Board of Tax Assessors. They have indicated a willingness to help.

    3. Long range plans are invalid because we have had explosive property value increase. As cw stated, residential land prices are escalating faster than Industry can afford.

    More important than all of these issues are the overwhelming sentiments of the populace who fight every (and I mean every) single effort by the County to bring some sanity to the process. Even here on p.com there are constant calls for mob rule and referendums on economic development issues. In the past, the silent majority has lost out to the vocal minority in this County.

    We need one victory, just one, to get the ball rolling. We are shunned by the State because our populace supports houses over jobs. An airport or a large industrial park etc could be the start.

    Jerry S

  9. You know, Mark, I would like to know what exactly our county *is* doing to promote itself for attracting industry to Paulding. Is there a plan out there? What tax exemptions or public financing are we offering? What about tax credits and job training? What is the long range plan for economic development? Is there one? If not, why not?


    Maybe these are questions for the Chairman but I am curious now.

  10. Wow, drosser. I am glad you could give a personal touch to this story and share what you know about Mr. Gammill. Do you know what bank the trust fund will be set up at?


    I heard the beginning of this on my scanner when they were first going to serve the warrant.  I didn't think it would be anything major and didn't know who the officers involved were.  I found out when I turned on the TV at 5:00 this morning.  I was praying it wasn't anyone I knew personally, but sadly I was wrong.


    When I was attending Mercer University, I did a criminal justice internship with the DCSO.  Deputy Blake Gammill was one of the officers that I rode with on seveal occasions.  My heart is broken by this tragic event.  He was one of the sweetest, kindest, funniest people you'd ever want to meet. 


    It is doubly tragic that he was killed while serving a warrant on a former DC deputy, Jimmy Bilbo.  I also knew him.  I was shocked when I saw him on the news last year begin arrested for child molestation.  I would never have guessed that about him. 


    While I was doing my internship, Blake found out his wife was pregnant with their first child.  He was so excited!  I haven't seen or spoken with him since my internship ended.  His daughters are 3 and 18 months.   


    He enjoyed riding motorcycles, also.  We had a lot in common in that regard.  He liked going to the bike rallys in Daytona, etc. 


    He was an excellent officer, and I know he will be missed by all who knew him.  The only good thing out of this is that the perpetrator is also dead.  He deserved it, Blake did not.   


    It is a very depressing day today.  I just can't stop thinking about what a nice guy he was and what a tragic loss this is.


    The radio just interviewed the DCSO chaplain.  This was the first DC deputy to have ever been killed in the line of duty.  He said that Blake was going to be married on 4/23/05.  I guess he had gotten divorced from wife #1. 


    They are going to set up a trust fund for the kids.  The chaplain said that it was a random bullet that struck Blake.  He said there was heavy protection but it only took about an inch for the bullet to get through.  This is just so devastating.  My day at work won't be very productive.


    Blake and his family will be in my prayers.

  11. Oh Diehard, if I didn't have to work, I would have joined you! I love playing the Frog!


    My friend and I have a tee time tomorrow for 9:40am at the Frog.  Anyone wanna join us?  We play greenies and skins and are fair players, not pros by any means.  We need two more for a foursome.  Price will be about 55 dollars from what I hear.  We plan to be there at 9:15.  Any players?

  12. I am terribly sorry, fire. That is awful.


    I want to thank all of you for your special prayers.Thank you Eddie.It is with a very heavy heart that I have to say that Sarah passed away earlier this afternoon.We still do not know from what.I will keep you posted when I find out.Its just so hard to understand how someone so young can be taken so suddenly and not know why.Thank you all.



  13. I hope you are being sarcastic, markdavd. Atlanta, Charlotte, Daytona Beach and Indy all have "committees" to lure this museum.


    All I see is a bunch of nay-sayers with a defeatist attitude. What link did Canton, Ohio have with the NFL before they got the hall of fame???


    Maybe we could build a track to go with the museum. I can see it - 5 years from now they'll be running the Paulding 400 every April.


    That'll bring $$$ into the county so we can improve our infrastructure!

  14. Ooooh, that is a much better topic!


    Arcaidy: i am offically Hi_jacking your topic i will give it bakc in a second:


    maybe we should start a topic on how pcom has helped us as indiviuals, and as a group,


    example: what have we gained from pcom, how has pcom helped us?


    me? i have a lot of  new friends now, some i have met and some i have  not: i have  read about things that where on going on down the street from me, and did not know it until i signed on to pcom:


    county news is great on here: and i have also 2 chinnuinnas thanks to pcom:


    ok Arcaidy it is yours again

  15. NASCAR is heading down that same slippery slope. They have almost sold their soul to the devil to expand.


    Good point but isn't every perfessional sport a business. For example the womens soccer league could not continue because they could not afford it.


    I think the better point is that baseball has become to much of a business then it is a sport.


    Another good example is Nascar, the sponsers, the adds, the t.v. deals. But I think the diference with nascar then baseball, is that if you do not win, you do not survive. And for that reason you have 10+- drivers who win stay in the circuit year after year.


    I think there is a fine line between to much business and to much sport? The question is when do your cross the line?

  16. You are a manager, correct? And a co-worker told you that the morale sucks and the company doesn't have many opportunities for advancement. I think you can do something about the lack of morale but nothing about the career advancements within the company unless you own the business.


    This week a coworker came to me complaining about not having upward mobility or a drawn our career path.  This coworker blamed me and the other leads and managers for the morale and lack of promotions. 


    I found this very odd since there has been noone working late or coming to me or anyone else to volunteer in fixing a procedure or provide a solution to a problem.  What I have noticed is the group is highly paid and behind schedule with little motivation.  Most who have worked side by side with me have been here 6 or more years and complaining since I met them.  My promotion 2 yrs ago set them off, it wasnt hard to rise above them. 


    So, is my coworker correct or are we responsible for our own lives and our own career path.  My answer to him was " If you dont like this company or the dept.  move on and find someone who will accomodate you"  Nothing worse than hearing 6 yrs of whining about something they havent earned or self motivated themselves to get. 


    What is your take.  For me "I have always been responsible for me and what I do in life.  There are no handouts, they have to be earned.  The government owes me nothing although I gave them much.  I do not expect anything from anyone, I blaze my own path.  Therefore I have new silverware to eat off of but if I didnt I would wash some old stuff from a yard sale. Thats just me.

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