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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Canon 1176 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law states, "The Church earnestly recommends the pious custom of burying the bodies of the dead be observed, it does not however, forbid cremation unless it has been chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching."



    Can you please provide your citation for this, SoapMom?  I am not sure that is correct.  I am Catholic and I have never heard this before.

  2. No, a *jury* looks in the eyes of someone that has committed murder and makes a judgement call.


    There you have it.


    A judge gets to look in the eyes of some one that has commited a murder and make a judegment call. But he can't look in the Terri eyes the one he having  murdered. HUMMMMMMMMM!

  3. Mark, the reason why they haven't been entered into legal record is because the Schlinders or their attorneys have not asked for them to be! The two healthcare professionals you posted about days ago were never been deposed by counsel. If their claims were true, I would have been jumping up and down to get their statements in legal record.


    Regarding the judge, you can't have it both ways. You complain about a judge making medical decisions and then complain about a judge not visiting to see her medical condition. Which one is it?


    Do you mean the facts as allowed by the Judge, or the facts as what's really going on?


    There are a number of health care professionals who have treated or examined Terri who have given SWORN STATEMENTS counter to the Judges finding of the facts. These have NOT been entered into the official legal record.


    There has been NO report of any judge visiting Terri.

  4. Pointy: I can look Mary Schindler in the eye. If nothing else, the fundamentalist are the ones that have wounded our nation's character for their grandstanding and making this into a circus.


    This is the letter that Rush just read on his show, that came from The American Thinker


    It bears repeating here.

    Reader letter

    The essence of the Terri Schiavo case is simple, all ink and hot air to the contrary. We, as a society, the government and people of the United States of


    America, have not managed, for whatever reasons, to permit a mother, deluded or not, to put water onto the lips of her dying child, brain dead or not.




    Everything else, every legal, moral, theological, constitutional, or philosophical argument, is a sideshow, diverting attention from the essential issue of this case.


    We have wounded our national character. By our actions, or inactions, we have placed ourselves one notch less, above the Nazis.




    We, as a people, have so shamed ourselves, that we cannot look Mary Schindler, Terri Schiavo's mother, in the eye, and give her one good reason why WE did not allow her to give water to her dying child.




    How we came to this shameful point in our national existence is a question that demands examination, and rectification. For our sake.




    For Mary Schindler, and her severely impaired child, Terri Schiavo, it is too late. We did not find it in our collective hearts and souls, in our actions, to have mercy on them.




    May We, and G_d, forgive us.




    Martin Katz

  5. I'm saying. Florida law calls for the trial court to determine what Terri would choose to do in this situation, and after a trial hard fought by Terri's husband and her family, where each side was given the opportunity to present its best case about what Terri would do, the court determined the evidence was clear and convincing that Terri would choose not to continue living by the affirmative intervention of modern medicine -- that she would choose to have her feeding tube disconnected. In a second trial, brought about by Terri's family's claims new therapies could restore her and that the existence of such a therapy would make her "change her mind," the trial court again heard evidence from all sides and determined that no new therapy presented any reasonable chance of restoring Terri's brain function. The propriety of these decisions -- from the sufficiency of the evidence to the appropriateness of the procedures used -- has been unanimously upheld on appeal each time.


    39 judges have found PROOF that this is her wish...

    Let her go in peace...

  6. Your grandfather is John Rauch? That is neat, Chemmie.


    My grandfather was the quarterback from 1945-1948.  David Green broke his record just last year for winningest quarterback in UGA history.  We are close family friends with a lot of the old Georgia alumni from the Wally Butts era.  Every year for G-Day the surviving players for Wally Butts have a reunion that I usually attend.  It's always a great occassion.  This year will be one of the best with the release of the "Wally's Boys" book, that my grandfather helped write with Loran Smith.  I'm pretty bummed that I'm going to miss it this year.

    I grew up a Gator fan, living in Jacksonville.  Have sentimental ties to UGA, even though I'm a Bulldog hater deep down inside.  I attended the University of Central Florida myself, and I'm pretty much just a fan of them now but I always follow, and cheer for, the Gators.

  7. To be honest, surepip, I don't think the county did a very good job explaining either issue to the voters. There was a void there that the anti-crowd gladly jumped on and exploited it for all it was worth.


    I think many of the "Powers that be", who have attempted to block any industrial/business development in Paulding now regret those decisions. The current administration has embraced an open arms attitude to industry, but we have yet to find a developer who is willing to risk his money to prove that.


    And, by turning down the bond issues to underwrite the airport, and then the civic center, Paulding County sent a message to any potential developers that we as a county would do nothing to help or encrourage industrial growth.

  8. You know, I thought about this last night for awhile. If the county commission, the Chairman and others will allow a select few "oldtimers" dictate for the majority of this county, that is their problem so why are they complaining about lack of industry and Paulding County's reputation when the powers at be allowed this sort of thing to begin with?


    Thanks markdavd - I missed Hiramgirls question.  Yes, for the most part that is the group I was refering to.  Though even now you see newcomers jumping on this bandwagon, convinced that the county will be better off if it's all one huge bedroom community.



  9. This is from the Guardian Ad Litem report:


    By 1994, Michael's attitude and perspective about Theresa's condition changed. During the previous four years, he had insistently held to the premise that Theresa could recover and the evidence is incontrovertible that he gave his heart and soul to her treatment and care. This was in the face of consistent medical reports indicating that there was little or no likelihood for her improvement.


    In 1997, six years after Theresa's tragic collapse, Michael elected to initiate an action to withdraw artificial life support from Theresa. More than a year later, in May of 1998, the first petition to discontinue life support was entered. The court appointed Richard Pearse, Esq., to serve as Guardian Ad Litem to review the request for withdrawal, a standard procedure.



    It's my understanding that the issue of taking her off the feeding tube didn't come about unltil 7 years after her collapse.  Why so long?


    Also, what about my "Proof" argument.  Who can argue this point with me?  Again, I'm all ears.

  10. I don't know who you are, mssourgrapes, but you crack me up!


    I don't have an ab lounger 2, but I have one ab lounger.  He comes in any time from around 6:30 to 7:30pm, gets a cold one, and lays his abs right down in the louge chair.  Sorry this isn't helpful.

  11. So, will UGA have a "mental hex" with South Carolina now??



    We didn't lose to Zook.  We lost to the mental hex that Spurrier put on us during the '90s.  Well, that sh*t has been broken now, so it's time for the series to go back to how it was pre-1990.

  12. I *love* coconut cake. Now, I know why my grandmother would eat a slice and drink a Diet Coke. It evens out in the end!


    I would love to have a copy of the coconut cake from the Rich's bakery.


    Okay I found this coconut cake recipe (from scratch) on the net...

    I have heard it is VERY good...

    I 'm going to make it this weekend for Easter...

    Thought you all might like the recipe...

    If any one else makes this, please post so we can compare notes on how it turned out... :p  :p  :p  :p


    Jamies Coconut Cake Recipe

  13. Big difference. Her parents won the right to take her off the respirator and they did. It took her 10 years to die.


    Do you remember Karen Ann Quinlan?  She was in a coma for many, many years (over 10, I believe).  She needed no oxygen, she was not brain dead, but she was fed and given hydration on a daily basis.  She died on her own, of natural causes.  No one TOOK HER LIFE.

  14. Give me the source, Pointy. Because everything I have read states that she has no current ability to swallow.


    This has been going on for SEVEN years. Seven years to have a fresh look. When is enough, enough?


    What larger process?


    Now who's making assumptions? There are several nurses (read qualified medical personnel) that have signed sworn testimonies that they have personally fed her ice, jello, puddings, etc, and that she is capable and has swallowed.


    Here's the point-What harm is there in stopping this process of KILLING this woman, everyone stepping back and taking a fresh look at this case? If the killers are correct in their assumptions, she's in no pain, so what would be an extra few weeks or a months to get all the evidence before KILLING her?

    Any there's also a much larger process going on here that has escaped so many of you....

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