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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Neese, that is simply not true. Please, for God's sake, everyone read the guardian's report instead of continuing to spread mistruths when it comes to this situation.


    Again, read this link:




    markdavd...You are right about the hubby hiding something. He did not allow therapy that was ordered for her five years into this ordeal. Nurses from the center have signed sworn statement's that he asked on several occasions "if she was dead yet" as well threatening to have nurses fired if they continued with ANY type of therapy(5-6 yrs ago)  After he collected money from a suit is when he began to "give up" hope. I watched and listened with  an open mind this morning of Fox news and I am convinced that this husband is acting in HIS best interest NOT Terri's. He has a new family now, and should divorce her and allow her parents to keep their daughter alive. I thought about this and I was convinced that her parents were grasping for hope, BUT after watching her respond to her family then I changed my mind, this woman is NOT brain DEAD......it's brain DAMAGE. It is so sad that he could just walk away from her and allow her family to care for her, instead he is putting them thru hell and it sickens me. There is no reason that removal of feeding tube should be ordered.

  2. I hope you read more about her and her situation than just on her parent's website, markdavd, because that website is nothing but propaganda and has terrible half-truths. Read the other thread that was started about this same thing because some of the things you have posted are just incorrect.


    The problem is he appears to be hiding a lot of things. His lawyers have somehow gotten the facts skewed in court and in the court of public opinion. He has allowed only selected medical caregivers access to her, and cut off all therapy that would have been normally given.


    Doctors who have seen a video of Terri have said that she is NOT in a vegitative state. It's true that you can't use a videotape to diagnosis someone, but I would think you could easily use one to dispute the diagnosis.


    He has a court order allowing immediate creamation without an autoposy. Why is that?


    The biggest question is there seems to be evidence that he may be somewhat responsible for putting her in this condition. Otherwise, why would he be pushing so hard to see her dead?



  3. PauldingBiz, what should we do with convicted criminals? Have you ever visited a state prison? If not, I would recommend it to everyone. To say they have the comforts of home is just wrong.


    If Terri's husband is not fit to make that decision, who should?

  4. The Heath Place at Kennestone Hospital is wonderful or Natural Body Spa at the Avenues is great. I go to the one in Vinings though.


    I think this topic may have been discussed sometime in the past but I couldn't find it.


    I've been through a lot fhte last month or so with my mom's illness and death and as most of you know I am a tax preparer.  I'd LOVE to get a massage after tax season.


    Anybody know of a good place in and around East Paulding/West Cobb?  Somewhere around downtown Dallas, the shopping area of Hiram or Powder Springs would be great.


    Thanks in advance!

  5. Why not drive up to Blue Ridge or to Amicalola Falls? Have a great hike and a nice picnic lunch!


    I have been to this several times and have always had a great time:




    well we own a twister game  :blush:  ;) ..lol..but its no fun staying home all the time! LOL! I thin kwe are looking at the zoo or fernbank (a bit far but Ms Couple likes them wierd colored frogs) for right now  B)

  6. Give Soapmom a break. Has there ever been a development thread that you haven't posted on? She gives a nice check to everyone that the entire world is not Pro-Christian. Everyone has their causes and different expertise. This just happens to be hers.


    Probably for the same reason you read it and post to it. Works every single time, doesn't it? If it weren't for the Pro_Christian topics on here, you and your Dark buddy wouldn't have much to say. Just an observation on my part.

  7. I have wondered about this, armymom. I guess I don't know what it feels like being a non-Christian in this country. Would I be intimidated or offended enough by these symbols to want them removed? If I was a non-Christian, would I want my kids to have to pray or see a nativity scene in front of our city hall?


    I believe that the ACLU or other organizations want them removed because they feel it is a violation of the establishment clause and it is not based on someone’s being offended or being able to avoid the prayers, but instead on the government’s involvement in and active promotion of a religious activity.


    Hell, once the Supreme Court outlawed school prayer in 1962, it just snowballed and the non-Christians in this country took note.


    As I've stated before, I don't need the Government to "validate" my faith.

      My concern is the "reasoning" behind the removal of the "symbols" of Christianity from Gov. buildings and property, whether it be the Ten Commandments, nativity scenes or prayer in schools. 

      These symbols, although just an "outward" show of my faith, many times makes a statement OF my faith. Why do you think orginizations such as the ACLU try so hard to have them removed?

      Do you really think it's simply "politics"?


  8. FreeBird: do you work for BellSouth?


    I believe in VOIP systems - I sell them to government and commercial accounts, but I would not use them in my home for reasons stated.  Maybe "poor" is a “poor” word to use.  I just want people to know this pitfall that is not thought of - until after an emergency has occurred and help was delayed in arriving due to the fact that your location could not be determined easily.

  9. Os, I love you!


    A footrub can be very sensual!


    We all know acupuncture works very well, but you need a certified practitioner to perform it. What happens if you don't enjoy those tiny needles inserting into your body or you just want a little bit help to relax yourself? Well, how about a foot massage?


    Foot massages are a simple and effective way to better health. According to Chinese Medicine, the foot is, in fact, a separate body, which is directly related to all of our body parts and organs. Your foot is divided into many different vital-energy sections, which can treat different areas of your body. By massaging a section of the foot, the corresponding body area receives specific therapeutic treatment. Foot massage can also be used to treat internal organ diseases, relieve internal discomfort, and relax your body.


    So, by stimulating one or a combination of areas, you will in turn be massaging the corresponding body muscles and organs.



  10. See, this is good information!


    Good Question.


    Well, from what the Chairman said at the meeting, we now have a land use map, but forcing a zoning change on property won't work.  Illegal. 


    Can't stop the building completely.  Illegal.


    Sounds like the best option is:


    1) Where residential building is going to occur, try to push for high end housing that at least generates more taxes per house/child to try to slow down the budget crisis.


    2) Create new zonings that will have advantages to the developers over R2.  This forces them to come to the commission and ask for a change to get those advantages.  Then negotiate infrastructure building assistance from the developer ($) as a condition of approving the change.


    3) Limit the number of Residental zoning requests reviewed by the commission while allowing unlimited commercial rezoning reqests to try to emphasize commercial growth in the county.


    4) Try to find Federal and State monies for infrastructure improvements that are both needed (roads, lights, etc) and will attract commercial builders. (like an Airport)


    5) Within the limits of State Law, plan ahead for growth in the School system and infrastructure needs.  (Water, build a lake?)


    6) Try to get the cities (Hiram/Dallas) to work with the county instead of against them.  (Cobb used to have this problem big time... if the county wouldn't rezone it, the developer asked the city to annex it and then change the zoning. Kennesaw annexed miles of US 41 just to have access to annex the land next to it )


    Anyone have any other ideas?  I'd like to see them.


    Hmmm, seems the current adminstration is already doing all the above.  They are trying to work around the cards they have, it's just a poor hand. 



  11. Okay, that begs the question. What should the leadership in Paulding do now?


    Well, I'm not TBAR, nor do I play him on TV but.....


    That's the problem, there is NO limit on housing in Paulding.  The county is zoned to be a complete bedroom community feeding Atlanta.


    If the leadership at the time of the Trailer Crisis had taken a *little* more time and generated a land use map and then fit the *Brand New* zoning to that map, we'd have commercial areas, residential areas, all fairly well laid out. 


    But no, instead they thought, "Hmmm R2. That will stop the trailers and NOBODY will ever want to build houses in Paulding.  Shoot, we don't even have a 4-lane."  Famous last words.  :)



  12. TBAR, I have a honest question for you: What is the limit for housing development in Paulding?


    All the housing development has brought jobs, good jobs, to Paulding? I don't see it. I still have to drive to Atlanta everyday for work because I doubt I would ever be able to make a living working for someone in Paulding. The wages just aren't there and I doubt they will be anytime soon.



    I thought your opposition was to the Sheffield development. Regardless, the point is the same.


    Perhaps you need to do some research on the State of GA law as to how schools are built. The BOE cannot build a new school just because a development is coming in or may come in. The students have to already be there & all the available options of redistricting to spread out the overflow must be exhausted. Once that is done, the BOE may submit a proposal for a new school to the state. Then the state has to approve it. Then the process can begin.


    If your opposition to a project is due to school conditions, then you need to rethink it. It wouldn't matter what project it is or when it is, the schools are going to be overcrowded no matter what. Anytime there is growth, there will be the same process.


    Question: how long have you lived in Paulding?


    Moreover, it has nothing to do with "greed." Wait. Define "greed" for me, please. Please explain who is the "greedy" one in this whole process. The folks who sold the land? Yep --- they made money. Shame on them because no one else who owned the land would do that. The developer? Yep --- they are making a living & hire a lot of folks too. Shame on them for spending money on constrution in Paulding! No, wait --- I know. The "Greedy" ones have to be the workers who build those projects/homes. Yes, sir. Let 'em be on welfare as that'll show 'em! Or how about the people who are buying here in Paulding? Maybe they are the "greedy" ones because they are buying a house here cheaper than in Cobb. Dang them! How dare they look for a better deal! Shame on them!


    So exactly who is "greedy" here?


    Maybe the "greedy" ones are the folks who want to dictate what someone else must do with their land, because "someone" wants to enjoy the virgin scenar/wildlife but not spend the money on buying the land for themselves?


    Isn't that called a "moocher"?


    Let's go another route, shall we? How dare anyone tell a private citizen what he may or may not do with his property. As long as the owner abides by the rules, keep your opinions about what he/she chooses to do with it to yourself. It doesn't belong to you; it belongs to another. They are not telling you how you can or cannot do on your side of the property line, you know.


    Are you saying you don't want the devlopments to bring the jobs in to Paulding? So you're against jobs in the local economy? You really want people to have to drive all the way to ATL every morning? Isn't that continuing our dependance on foreign oil? Is that what you want? You actually WANT the US to pay hard earned tax dollars to a Muslim state for oil? Why in the world would you be opposed to development that would bring both jobs & money to a deserving property owner, who paid all the taxes on that land for all those years? And now you want to tell the former owners that they cannot sell their own land?


    Why, that's unpatriotic! UnAmerican. Sounds Communistic.


    Tell ya what, comrade. Who is the "greedy" one?


    Oh, I am on a roll today! (BTW, the above was intended to raise dander & get the ire of folks rolling. Flame away at me!)

  13. Go to Oga's! (It is still open, right?)


    Why is it every meat and vegatable type restaurant there has ever been is just plain nasty?  I prefer Mexican (cause meat and taters don't go with margaritas) but I would eat "country food" every now and then if there was a clean place with good food.

  14. Oh, I have a tremedous distaste for Darby's Run. Have you noticed that huge pit in the backyard?! Who would want to live there with such a hazard in the back?! I can imagine trash, Christmas trees, and who knows what being thrown down there!


    I, personally, wish the county would slow up on all the new subdivisions that are going in but if we are going to keep having them built I would really prefer them not to be the current eyesores such as the Darby's Run subdivision going in on West Hiram and the "Box" community that is just south of 278 in Hiram.  I would rather see more mobile homes than these "zero lot line" subdivisions.


    Just my opinion.

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