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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Let me find a link for you - the DOE website is down but I can find it on there later. We have been getting millions for being a fast growing district above the QBE funding for the past five years or so.


    I don't agree with you HiramGirl.  The normal QBE funding process, at best, takes 18 months.  I am stating that this process time should be decreased if approved in this year's legislature.  It should bring state dollars directly to fast-growing areas like Paulding.

  2. Once again, you missed the point. You don't have all the right answers when you become a mom, you have your own moral compass and you try to pass that on but sometimes you bend a little; sometimes more than you ever thought you would. There are no absolutes when you have children. They will prove that to you reeeealll quick.


    Only those with sexually active 14 year old daughters should give advice or opinion !

    The rest of you could not possibly know anything about this situation !!!


    I will refrain from giving my advice, opinion, knowledge

    in all threads about children from now on.


    Apparently I will be given some kind of magic book

    that contains all the right answers when I become a Mom...

  3. I am going to assume that no one is saying that you don't know anything about children, mrs.howard. But, knowing about children and how you react to your own are two very different animals.


    Okay people sorry for the jack, but I had to respond...

    ( I copied this from a post I made in August about pet peeves...)


    Believe it or not I was once a child and a teenager myself...


    People who assume that because I don't have children of my own,

    that I could not possibly know anything about children or give advice.


    I worked for 3 years in a new baby nursery (ages 6weeks - 6 months)

    where I cared for 5 newborns at once, by myself, 8-9 hours a day...


    I worked for 2 years as a pre school teacher,

    teaching and caring for (10) - 2 yr olds, by myself, 45 hours a week...


    I spent 2 summers leading a day camp group for 12 kids ages 4-10,

    8 hours a day + field trips +activites, with the office lady on occasion helping me...


    I completed my major in college with all A's (1 B)

    5 years of study in child psychology focusing mainly on the science of prenatal/neonatal ( newborn )

    brain development...


    Lastly My sister went to Europe for a month in June while I played Mommy

    (by myself)

    to my niece & nephew (2 & 4)...

    In 30 days I potty trained the 2 yr old and taught both children to sleep through the night without Mommy in the room...


    Not even mentioning the hundreds of days & nights of babysitting since I was 13...


    hmmm... maybe I do know just a little bit about children...


    sorry for the tirade, but this always gets my goat...

  4. We are talking about a 14 year old girl. If this was my child, I would be LIVID if she obtained a condom from school. A girl that age hardly can make simple decisions about clothes and sure the hell is not mature enough to make a life decision when it comes to sex.


    These type of reactions are why so many teens fear going to ask their parents

    for birth control / condoms, and are the reason it has become necessary for them

    to have access to these options at school...


    I can almost gurantee you that no teen will want to openly discuss

    their sexual feelings with a parent who gives these kind of negative signals...


    I personally would want my teen to come to me first with questions about sex.

    They need to feel comfortable talking openly and honestly with their parents about sex without the fear of being condemmed.

    And this is why condoms are available in school.

  5. This post goes to show that you know nothing about the process for wiretapping by the government. The NSA, the CIA or the Justice Department do not need to go to a judge - they obtain permission from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. They don't really "have to wait" - it is designed for speed and even had provisions to where the Justice Department could wiretap first and get permission later.


    After hearing a politician today calling for Bush's impeachment over illegal wiretapping, I have a question. Close your eyes and pretend it is 9/10/2001. A couple of agents with the FBI have a good tip that a group of extremists of Arabic descent might have a plot to hi-jack a few planes. These agents have to immediately act because they know that a call from the middle east will be made before they can obtain a wire tap warrant from a judge. They have the means to tap the phone line immediately to listen in. Should they tap the line and save 3000 lives, part of Manhattan, and part of the Pentagon or do you stand with the ACLU and the democratic leadership? Just curious. Where do you stand?

  6. New schools should be open in 2008.


    Atlanta Business Chronicle - 5:58 PM EST Monday

    Levitt plans third metro Atlanta development

    Levitt and Sons LLC has bought 855 acres in Paulding County, Ga., in Cousins Neighborhoods' Seven Hills development for an undisclosed sum.


    With the parcel off Cedarcrest Road and Highway 41, Levitt plans to develop its third active adult community and its first family-centered community. The Levitt communities will offer single-family homes from the low $200s to the high $400s.


    Seasons at Seven Hills will be a 724-home active adult community. Waterstone at Seven Hills will be a 514-home, family-centered community.


    Levitt and Sons is a subsidiary of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based Levitt Corp. (NYSE: LEV), entered the Atlanta market in 2005 with a 766-home community called Seasons at Laurel Canyon in Canton, Ga., aimed at active adults. Just a few months later, it announced its second project, Seasons at Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Ga., also an active adult community.


    Cousins Neighborhoods is a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Cousins Properties Inc. (NYSE: CUZ).

  7. It is in North Carolina.


    Is anyone else watching Fox...???

    They have been covering a huge chemical plant explosion

    near NE Georgia in Morganton...?


    They are talking about very toxic clouds of poisonous gas (cyanide, chlorine)

    moving W-NW of the accident...


    (They are advising people in the path (around 60 to 100 miles)

    to evacuate and/ or  shut windows and turn off ventilation systems ie: heating air..)


    You may want to alert people you know in this area as a precaution...

  8. I think the one you are specking about was on the Discovery Channel and it was very well done. They pieced together the entire flight with actual phone calls, the people at United and family and friends.


    I haven't seen the promo on A&E though.


    If it was the one that has been around for a little while then I have already watched it.  If I remember correctly it shows family also. They talk about their communication with the people on the flight and what they think happened.


    I personally saw nothing wrong with it but I also am not family to anyone that was on the flight.


    I saw it as the positive of what may have happened and how there were so many heroes on that flight.


    Just my opinion

  9. No, you are right. Not all employees will see a 4% raise.


    Rep. Richardson would be foolish to run for Governor. He has more influence now than he ever would.


    No, the state employee raise will be based on whether you are below market midpoint for your pay grade or position.  If you are at or above, you get less.  In my case, I will still be below midpoint after the 4%, and I've been here 7.5 years.  That's the latest I've heard, anyway.

  10. The Hiram Walmart is as clean as any other retail store? Where do you shop? Ingles? Any place in Hiram is cleanier than the Walmart.


    People like you are what is hard to understand. I find the store pretty much as clean or dirty as any other retail store. I have found the employees to be about the same as any other retailer as far as personality. Yes the parking is tight but the parking lot at the Hiram Walmart is 12 years old and the population has increased quite a bit in that 12 year period.

  11. Do you ever grow tired of yourself? You can't prove a point without resorting to unwarranted and downright rude personal attacks.


    Oh, I don't hate her. I love folks like her. Makes for some great comedy material. Seems to me you a the one with the problem in that you appear to believe that the sun rises and sets in her arse.


    And given the size it once was, I can see why that would be possible.


    See there, proved my point! :lol:

  12. Be in the kitchen in nothing but your apron!


    OK, on Valentines Day, my hubby will be at work til like 5, and then at school til like 9:30 pm. So I figured what I would do is surprise him when he got home that night with a nice meal and candles and a card and stuff like that.


    I need help finding a GOOD meal choice and also any other suggetions are most appreciated! :p


    I AM SO EXCITED, I have never done anything like this before!

  13. Well, it is funny how perceptions are different. They are lauding him as a "jolly good fellow" for not explaining himself. If you ask me, he is being a coward.


    Ellery is a very smart young man with a lot of potential, but he is a young man with a lot to learn. I did some business with him and some very unethical things happened, his boss found out and I ended up dealing directly with him. He is young and often young guys don't see the need for employer loyalty and the fact that the employer took the gamble and does deserve you to be there making money for them, not yourself. If things are not right, move on and don't burn bridges. I have not gone to the other site as it seems a lot of the reasons I don't post a lot left to go there.

  14. This is EXACTLY the kind of posting that doesn't belong on this site. Personal business that should be kept between you, your husband, Ellery and Pubby. Does it make you feel better to post something like this?


    I corrected it immediately...thanks.

    MrFixIt & I were defenders & supporters of pubby for a while.  2 commerce memberships...1 renewed.


    I had some personal dealings w/ him in December when he accused my husband of lying to me.  I asked for proof and he couldn't provide the proof because it doesn't exist.  Steve & Ellery both searched their  pm's & e-mails to prove it to me--not that they needed to.  The night Ellery left is when Pubby called our house to ask Steve a disguised question.  Ellery called and asked a question...Steve answered it.  Ellery called Pubby and asked him about it and Pubby lied.


    I was then approached about allowing the new radio shows to be done from Above Average.  There was no question as to my involvement.  Later that week the radio show people minus TBAR & Audioslave met at Above Average..this is when the site idea came about.  I was more or less voted and asked to be Vice-President of Highwy278 Productions.


    People can post on both sites.  But I am really tired of him twisting the truth and the "oh look what they did to me" routine.

  15. I can't believe I just sat and read this load of crap. Seriously. There is no reason that Pubby would have to post his personal business on a public website like this. If some people were or our still upset about their "gift", well, they didn't intend for it to be a "gift" in the first place. Well, good riddance to that group and let them stay over at whateversite.com they are on now.

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