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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Look on the bright side of this. You were able to help her when she needed it. Really, she couldn't give you a date in advance as to when she would go into labor unless it was an inducement or a planned C-section.


    Well, my sister in law finally had the baby this morning around 4:30.  But yesterday we got a call at 3:30 in the afternoon asking if we could come get her five year old son and keep him.  I was a little peeved because I talked to her two weeks ago and told her she needed to find someone or let me know in advance if she wanted me to watch him.  So I got an hour notice to watch him.  They really don't have anyone else and to be honest, I'm keeping him for his sake, not hers.  But it seems that you would let someone know if your child was SICK!!  So here he his coughing and snotting all over the place and I've got a nine week old baby that I can only hope will be ok.  I will make it through this.  Feeling better already!

  2. You can make healthly lasagna! I use the lower fat cheeses and I even make a veggie lasagna with spinach. Pair it with a salad and it makes a nice meal.


    I thought about lasagna but someone pointed out to me that that might be such a healthy way to go...and some of the people involved are older people.

    So....I was considering maybe collards, pinto beans, cornbread and some kind of meat.... :unsure:

  3. Wow, Pointy. That is such a harsh statement. If God gives permission to divorce because of infidelity, why don't you?


    I divorced my first husband because of his infidelity. It is an absolute and total lack of care for your partner and a pain that I would never, ever want anyone to feel.



    I have to say this would be the biggest mistake you could ever make.


    Think about this, what in this situation is not covered in the vows you two took when you got married?


    It's my contention that divorce is wrong, for ALL REASONS, even infidelity.

  4. I gave my honest opinions with the facts you posted. I am sorry you didn't appreciate the responses but, at no time, did anyone attack you or shun you in any sort of fashion.


    Today, several of you came to my home to pick up clothing I gave away for free.  All were very appreciative of my contribution to their family. 


    As I look at resonses to my ISS question on the school vent, not only do I wish I never started it, but I regret reaching out to Paulding.com.


    Thanks for encouraging me to be here.

  5. Wait, Jones 8th grade beat East? Wow, that is excellent!


    The Tigers played very well in the 8th grade games.  Excellent coaching and good teamwork.  They steadily improved throughout the season (what's with the girls having 18 players on the team, tho??) Impressed with your coaches.


    We're very disappointed EPMS parents.  :(    A disappointing way to end a drama-filled season.  We look forward to watching everyone play in high school, though - four more years!

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