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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Most of the time, people just want their opinion reaffirmed by others.


    I know this can't be the first time this has been addressed on this forum. 


    Why do people come on this public discussion board, post something and then get P*ss*d off (can I say that word) when people respond with their opinion?

  2. No, it's not the school's job to raise kids but, guess what, they do now. People want the public schools to be everything to everyone and they can't.


    Tell me, you were the fat, smelly kid, weren't you? ;)



    Or maybe the nerdy kids would get picked on and ostracized and feel defeated before they get back to their classes and do worse academically.  It is not the schools job to raise our kids.  They feed them junk at lunch and then want to blame the parents for their weight.  My daughter had to start taking lunch because she wanted to become a vegetarian and couldn't do that adequately in the lunchroom.

  3. Go back and read, Os! There are provisions for that: (2) If a lane change under paragraph (1) of this subsection would be impossible, prohibited by law, or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for the existing road and traffic conditions, which speed shall be less than the posted speed limit, and be prepared to stop.



    With this new law, if there is no where to pull over, (ie: Nebo Road), are you supposed to wreck your car, or put yourself in a ditch to get out of the way?

  4. I hate this. I hate this. There should never, ever be a debate between SAHM and working moms. We are both trying to raise our children the best possible way albeit different paths. Raisin' children is hard enough without having to define ourselves by another label. :closedeyes:

  5. A child can be rear facing as long as you want them to be. I don't know of any manual that tells you that you MUST turn them around when they are 22 lbs. I would like to see that if it does. In fact, my convertible seat (Britax) states that you should keep them rear facing as long as possible.


    Many people get this confused.  Most convertable car seats are from 6-40 lbs.  Yes, they are deeper than a carrier, but not much.  Like I stated, one of the twins is just under 20 lbs and isn't rear facing anymore.  At some point, a "line" must be drawn as to when they can come out (for children under 20lbs, but older than a year).  Also, when length is a problem, but a physician feels the neck muscles are strong enough.  Most Dr.s will NOT authorize though (do to liablity) and tell you to follow the car seat instructions.


    My convertable seats are for rear facing from 6-22lbs.  Once the child is 22 lbs, the seat MUST be turned around and used forward facing.  Here again, as far as instructions say, they should both still be rear facing, but that is because of size, they are 20 months and much much to old/long for rear facing.


    In the owners manual, it says :


    The infant rear-facing postion is the safest postion for a child who weighs 6-22lbs.  If your child weighs les than 22 lbs., DO NOT use this car seat in the toddler forward-facing position.


    The toddler forward-facing postiontion is for toddlers ranging in size from 22-40lbs and up to 40" tall.


    "If your child weighs 22-40 lbs, but cannot sit upright unassisted, please contact your physician to deterine how best to use a car seat.

  6. I would much rather have a broken leg compared to a broken neck!


    Sure, you could go ahead and turn them around earlier, but just imagine how you'd feel if you got in a wreck and your child suffered a permanent neck injury due to your haste.

  7. A child should be rear facing until a year and that has been the standard for many years.


    Does anyone have any info on front facing and rear facing seats as to WHEN a child can sit forward facing?  I thought that when an infant outgrew the rear facing seat(20#), he/she would be put in a forward facing seat.  Someone told me recently that the child should stay rear facing (in a different seat of course), until at least one year old.  This is new to me.  Anyone know?

  8. If someone has celiac, wheat can kill them. While I am not advocating suing McDonalds, mislabeling food as they did is just wrong. Food allergies maybe a joke to some, but if you have a child with one, it is not so funny anymore.


    I've never heard of anyone croaking or having an allergic reaction to McDonalds French fries because of wheat or dairy in their french fries.  But Lawsuits will come out of the woodwork...



  9. Gah, what park is your son playing because that is one of the most asinine things I have ever heard! It shouldn't matter what kind of bat he uses just as long as he can hit with it!


    My 6 year old has advanced up from T-Ball to the Farm League. He was told he can no longer use his baseball bat because it says T-Ball on the bat. It is still perfect for him because he is so small.He should really still be in T-Ball but his birthday is 6 days before the cut off date so he will be 7 as of April 30th. Anyway went out to look for bats and a bat that is 27 inches long and a 16 oz. weight with a 2 1/4 inch barrel is around $150 OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!  So I was wondering is someone out at P.Com has one laying around not using theirs. It has to be a youth bat and can't say T-Ball. If your willing to let one go for cheap we could use it. Thanks!

  10. See, I am wondering if he feels the same way about our esteemed Speaker....


    As Ronald Reagan once said, "there you go again".  I know it may not seem to some that attorneys live in the real world, and even I'm occasionally labeled a liberal, I can tell you that when my client found out today that the false charges against him had been dropped, nothing more real could have occurred to him, nor could I have been more satisfied with my occupation.


    BTW: just a reminder as to a few of my fellow barristers who had a minor impact on the freedoms we enjoy today (although I readily admit I'm not worthy to shine their shoes): Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, George Wythe, Lincoln.  All of them were given pejorative names and considered liberals of their time, but certain rights, like the right to a trial by jury or the right to be considered a person rather than a chattle, was more important to them than labels.


    Leslie: have you asked your bosses for more challenging work, which may carry more responsibility, even if it doesn't mean more pay in the short run?

  11. Oh Lesley, I am right there with you. I wonder what happened to all my big career dreams but then I realize that I have a mortgage, three children and two car payments! I don't dislike my job but it is stale.


    Not my employer...but the nature of my work.


    It's mind numbing, repetitive and frankly, I'm too smart for it.


    Clerical work sucks.  The pay is great, but the rewards are nonexistent.


    There, I said it.



  12. :o


    Gosh, I love a good catfight every now and then!


    But the stuff you post is like a car wreck udont want to look but you just cant help it!!  I promise i will try my best not to read your posts anymore but just try not to make your topics such a mess that way I wont feel compled to look.

  13. You seem to want to know about it. Why not take some time and research it instead of asking all the questions and making assumptions you have on this thread? Not to be catty but you are assuming things that couldn't be further from the truth about someone, young or old, that has been diagnosed as bipolar.


    Please read the entire thread before the attack... I said earlier... "Although I will fully admit I have never researched it, but my "uneducated" response on the matter..."



  14. No, there is no cure because it is a brain disorder. But, it can be treated.


    Talking to a therapist is just one of the aspects of an overall plan of treatment.


    A truly bi-polar person is escaping reality because their "reality" is anything further from the truth.


    I see what you mean... So like diabetes, are we saying there is no way to "cure" this... And these are questions...thoughts... In my mind, I would think that you can cure it by letting a professional talk about it with you... and also in my mind, I believe some of these people use it as an excuse to escape reality. (I will get blasted for that one... :huh: ) But thats just me...

  15. Meds are just part of treatment for a truly bipolar person. From my view, Tegretol has been a lifesaver for my family in our dealings with my brother. He was hearing voices, people were after him and it has truly been the hardest thing we have had to deal with. He didn't think he was mentally ill - to him, this was all normal.


    Doesnt a pill or medication just cover the situation? I dont understand any of it either HiramGirl... Although I will fully admit I have never researched it, but my "uneducated" response on the matter is that the person doesnt want to deal with whatever it is that made them this particular way. Wouldnt one want to fix the problem rather than a simple coverup?


    I would think of it like a roof that had a hole in it. Nothing is right on the inside anymore and when bad things happen (rain, sleet, snow) it makes this miserable inside. You can fix this problem with a tarp (the medicine) but what if the tarp blows off (the person stops taking the medicine) then you are back to sqaure one. Why not save time, misery, and money by fixing the problem to begin with... Get a professional out there to fix the roof...


    Seems like it would work to me...????

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