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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Have you ever called his office for anything? The few times I have, the service has been top notch. In fact, much better than I have ever gotten out of the Chairman's office and I thought it would have been the other way around. :ninja:


    and as far as richardson goes, you need to follow the strings up to see who you would need to talk to, to complain, get anything done etc.  JMO

  2. Believe it or not but this is the best place for information regarding Paulding. His cousins, second wives, brother's girlfriend knows *exactly* what is going on around here.


    Plus, we got rid of all the kumbaya crowd and this place is much better.




    You give me one good paper that details everything that is coming in the county and that will be the course that  I take.  However, our reference material is at most hit or miss on upcoming development information unless it is in reference to 1. Airport 2.Resevoir or 3. WAL-MART


    Once again thank you all for your time.

  3. Dude, are you not reading what you post. That makes me giggle because YOU have been the one getting bent out of shape.


    No, you know whats funny? Nobody can post an opinion about anything without you getting so bent out of shape when you dont agree that it goes on for 5 pages and turns into more rediculous stuff you dont like.  :rolleyes:

  4. I made it in high school and college for that matter. Full ride for cheering. Can you believe that?!


    But, I agree with you. I wouldn't mind banning the cheerleaders myself. :o


    Well, no...I never tried out.  I wanted people to appreciate me for my intellect and sense of humor, not my short skirt and ability to clap and say "Number Onnnnnnnnnnne" at the same time.


    That and I was busy with my AP classes.

  5. I think it was done in jest but I am not disgusted by it.


    This was NOT in Paulding or in Georgia, for that matter.


    I may get in trouble for this, but am I the only one who is upset by the fact that a girl was vrowned Homecoming King? I dont know the county, but I think that is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of. Now I got that off my chest. :angry2:  :angry2:

  6. You have been here over a year so you should know that business owners should get a commerce membership if they want to promote their business on this site. Plain and simple. I am sorry that his feelings are hurt but this could have been avoided by his curt and abrasive manner.


    Hi there! I have been on here for over a year. I believe I have been nice on here and met lots of nice people. Direct Tv Guy  is my husband. It was my idea for him to start a thread about Direct tv service. I told him to give it a try if he got a lead or two and saw potential that he should get a banner ad. He was not rude or disrespectful from the get go.  He is new to this site and unsure on how it works. I even metioned that he should bump his topic here and there. So he was not perfect on how this site runs. Now he is aware! I feel embaressed though that I have spent lots of time on here only for people to start in on him! I am dissapointed and hurt.  He never slammed cable man. Why is it that there could not be a cable guy and a satelite guy. That would benefit everyone! He has already helped a few people on here with problems!  He blew up because he was being attacked and I stand behind him 150%.  I am shocked at some of you!

  7. You ain't from around here, are you boy? :unsure:


    Had to leave for a little while to go to a meeting and on my way back I am behind this hick with a lab in the bed of his truck....#1 I CANNOT STAND PET OWNERS WHO DO THIS.... and the lab was apparently VERY happy he was getting to go on a trip and was bouncing from one side of the truck to the other putting his front paws over the edge of the bed....  I noticed that apparently the pets owner thought he was being responsible and cut the dogs leash down to give him just enough room to get to the side of the truck and stop him....  Well after a few back and forths the dog misjudged and went over the side and was basically hanging from the side of a truck going 40mph! :angry:  Well the owner freaked and stopped immediately and put the dog back up in the truck as I was getting out to see if he needs any help I hear him tell the dog he is a stupid dog and better sit down this time before he kills himself! :angry: I am going to call the Woodstock Police Dept to see if they can do anything, but don't expect much! 


    :angry: So my vent is....if you let your dog ride like that you are a FRECKIN IDIOT and should be hung from the side of your truck! :angry:

    ALL DONE.......

  8. I am going to ASSume you know this person selling the dog since you are so vehement in her defense. Am I right or am I ASSuming?


    When you clearly do not know this person at all, why make assumptions like you are doing RIGHT NOW! This is unbelievable.


    OK GUYS! NEW RULE! If someone makes an assumption about you or makes comments about you and the way you do things when they really have NO IDEA, dont whine or you will get picked on like we are in 2nd grade and told to call your mama!



    Sheesh..... And BTW, mama in this case is LUKE and I dont think you want to mess with her! :wacko:

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