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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Ummmmm....hello iknowiam. Who do you think actually puts the budget together? Come on. Come on. TELL ME because *I* already know.


    So, good cluck!!

    Ummmmm....hello....HiramGirl...exactly who do you think ultimately reviews, questions, signs off and votes on the plans and budgets!!! Here I will make it easy on you would be the board members of the BOE.

  2. When did I mention the BOE members? I was speaking directly to the professional staff at the Paulding County School system.


    The members on the BOE don’t do it for the money. They serve on the board to try to do their part in making things work in this county. What is it that you think they are gaining by being on the board? Why aren’t you on the board if you feel there is a better way of doing things?


    What consequences do you think the BOE will suffer? It is the citizens of Paulding County that will suffer the consequences of your No vote.

  3. The alternatives are not scare tactics. Amazing. All you chicken littles coming on here stating that the sky is now falling because of the bond being voted down are the ones that need your head examined. The "wait and see" and the "bitter pills" are just like harpy and PMSing women. Live it alone and let things fall where they may. Yes, we may have double sessions. Yes, school choice may be gone. Ad nasuem. I will let the wise minds on Atlanta Highway figure themselves out of this boondoggle. If they set their own financial plan on a bond vote, they need to suffer these consequences.



    The BOE would not have asked for the bond if they didn't NEED it. That was their plan. You said NO to their plan. And you call the alternatives scare tactics.


    But what I don't see from the No vorters is their plan. What is your plan?

  4. Not really. If you know any state employees, they can go the last Friday of every month. If you know a specific store, just call and ask for a pass. Most will graciously oblige.


    you have to own a biz that sells the same stuff they sell there... you must have your biz lic, commercial rental agreement, etc to even get a pass.... OOOOOOOHHHH, it's so cheap and great there...
  5. Whaaaaatttt?! North Paulding High School is already planned and the SPLOST funds are paying for it. NPHS had nothing to do with the bond vote.


    Oh yea, we will definetley be going to double sessions and we will be darn lucky if we get the new high school now!!!

    We are looking at a nightmare situation with our schools over the next few years and ya'll are too busy gloating about your big defeat to realize it!!!

  6. Go to Eckerd's!


    Bah. I would rather spend the extra $6.00 than actually having to go inside a Walmart. ;)


    true...and I might have to do just that to save the money. I admit I rarely go to walmart, except for film processing because I like theirs best (matte prints without having to wait for mail order).
  7. That is just cowardice, in my opinion. Truth is truth. If you believe something is the truth, don't be afraid of posting it. If you can't stand by your posts and what you believe to be the truth, you will be eaten alive. However, *you* stood in there. You posted your thoughts and were not eaten alive. You might have had 100 posts disputing your opinion, but you stood in there. Why couldn't the committee? ;)


    I totally believe the reason more YES voters did not post is because they would have been eaten alive. The committee would have been also. Just MY opinion.
  8. I don't think, necessarily, the BOE should have posted but the "Committee" really should have been on here (if they were smart). Forgiven, there was only a handful of people on there that was pro-bond with you being one of them. It would have been nice to have some official numbers or some officials posts from the "committee members" to weigh against everything else being posted. Wouldn't you say? Hell, people might have twisted their numbers. But, it would have been nice to have them.




    I agree with alot being said in this thread and I'm still not so sure the BOE should post on here. Don't bash me but there are a few differences between P.com and the newspaper. Yes the newspapers can get facts wrong and such, but here at P.com there is a lot of "gossip" that takes place. Leaving the bond issue alone for a minute. A lot of what I read in the school vent is just that...."gossip" or hearsay. A parents student will come home with a "story" and they run with it. That's just one example. So many untruths and rumors are posted on here and that is just wrong. I am not saying all threads are this way and there is a lot of good info that we get from P.com.(not to mention all the entertainment and drama). My concern is that if the BOE posts info about the bond issue people will twist it and turn it, they will not take it for fact, just as they have done many of us yes voters. I know many of you have said the BOE has been vague, but regardess of what they come out with some of you will never accept what they say as truth. You know it is true. I am truly not trying to be mean, but there is a lot of nonsense that goes on on this sight and that is why some people are afraid to post on here. I really don't post that often, but have done so over the bond issue, because I feel just as passionate about the YES vote as some of you do the NO vote.
  9. Knowledge is power. Look at the knowledge that p.com provided. If one went strictly by the presentations in the town hall meetings and PTSA meetings, the sky would be falling today. I, for one, am glad for The Sound Guy and others on this site. SG provided such wonderful numbers and knowledge of the SPLOST vote. I think he changed many of minds on this site. I know that the powers that be are pissed off. They brushed off the homemade signs and the flyers that were passed out. Things in Paulding aren't what they used to be and the citizens aren't going to take things at face value anymore.


    I think it would have behooved the Committee for the Kids to post on this site. It might have been one-sided information but that is no fault of p.com. They (including the BOE) just didn't think this site mattered. Guess what? It does.

  10. I am paying attention. I, for one, am not attacking the builders. I lay fault right on the feet of the BOC. The builders and developers have had their free run of this county for long enough. I realize the Paulding of my youth is gone but I really don't like Paulding right now. This is just one huge mess that is going to get worse before anything gets better.



    I'm glad that I could help you laugh HiramGirl but you are not paying attention. Yes I *agree* that we are all accountable. That was the point and if you cannot get past your builder attacks there will be no need to proceed any farther.


    The opportunity for change is here and if handled correctly we can all see a brighter future.

  11. I find your argument downright laughable. So, "this bunch" that has moved in is causing all the trouble now? This sprawl and uncontrolled growth affects us all. Not just the oldtimers or the newcomers. Quality of life. That is what people came to Paulding for and that is why people are leaving. No tax base and it is all on the shoulders of the homeowners.


    Nice little swipe at surepip, by the way. :rolleyes:


    No one is saying here that the nonpassing of this bond issue will bring recession. The crucify the building and builder attitutde is what is being referred to.


    I fear you are all so caught up in this that you are missing a golden opportunity here for change.


    "Basically what you are telling me is that no one wants to own up to any accountability. Not the BOC - not the builders? "


    Accountability lies with us all lowrider. I would be interested to see how many of you have purchased homes here in the last five to ten years. Yes, I know you have lived here longer, but the majority of this bunch are newcomers. Are we all not part of the problem. How many of you have sold your property at a profit to these builders or will in the future. How many would have sold if there doubled or tripled asking price had been met?


    Maybe a public lynching and get it out of the way and you may then concentrate on the problems at hand. Without a reasonable game plan you are not going very far.


    Another suggestion to consider if you would like to be taken seriously in your efforts would be to distance yourselves from those who have recently filed suit against the county. Just a hunch, but it may not be the best way to get the ball rollling.

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