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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Not only right off Windale but that old land behind Paulding County High School on Davis Mill in the clearing stages. The old barns are in the process of being torn down and all the livestock is gone. :(


    I wanna say "I heard there was a new development / subdivision" that was in the works, on Windale Road, near where it meets 61.


    Have noticed recently, like in the last couple of weeks, a lot of clearing the land has taken place, with trees being removed and such. It looks like a lot of clearing is going on.......


    If that's the case, I can only imagine the traffic it will bring, to the vicinity of Windale / 61 and 278 / 61...


    Out of curiosity, anyone "know?"

  2. When did I say anything about an impact fee? I never mentioned it. And, I don't have a problem with my tax bill.


    Have you not seen the Chairman practically begging industry to come here? There was a huge write up in Georgia Trend about Shearin courting industry.


    If you think that by me calling John Hall to tell him that I am unsatistifed is going to change anything, you are crazy. I doubt he would even return my call. :rolleyes:


    Why are you lobbying for an impact fee...why are you lobbying for changes to our growth? I am guessing because you don't like your tax bill. One way to fix your tax bill is to diversify the tax base in this county. If you and everyone else unsatisfied with your tax bill don't lobby the Chamber, the IBA, the BOC and the BOE than they will assume that you are satisfied with the way thing are.


    NONE (industry) would be my guess. As a community we have not marketed or courted a particular industry so as such none have us on their radar. We (as a community) have to decide what industries, businesses and such we want to have in our county and then figure out what they need. Then we can go after them...I assure you they are not looking for us since there are plenty of other counties already courting them daily.

  3. Why should I have to lobby for the Chamber of Commerce to do exactly what it is suppose to do? This isn't anything new to Paulding since the population has tripled in ten+ years. No industry + vast residential growth = taxpayers will foot the bill for everything.


    My question still isn't answered. What industry wants to relocate to Paulding?


    It doesn't just happen and it sure doesn't happen over night and it for sure does not happen without the support of the citizens. This county must get together and determine what industry it wants to court, then it must find out what they need and if the county can provide it. Then we have to get the word out that we are open for that business. Then the citizens will have to agree to tax breaks, land discounts etc for it to work. Businesses are notorious for playing one municipality against another to get the best breaks.


    Go visit the Rome / Floyd county Chamber of Commerce / Economic Development Authority. They are one of the best at it. No interstates, topography issues and yet they still manage to get more than their fair share. Know how? Because its an entire city / county / BOE effort. Because they have taken a risk at taxpayers expense to build industrial parks and speculative buildings. Private developers can do some but I have NEVER seen a private developer willing to build anything the size of the 1000 acre Berry Industrial park they have.


    Lobby your politicians and fellow tax payers to get the word out that we want some of this in Paulding and maybe in time we will have it.

  4. Paulding has been exploding for over 10 years now. Where is this industry and commerce of which you speak? The businesses are coming?! Show me. I have talked to several people at the Chamber and on Planning for Paulding. No one can answer this. What businesses are coming? Where is this diversified tax base? Answer that for me. What business is relocating to Paulding County? Because no one in the know seems to know anything....


    People are moving out to Paulding County because the housing and taxes are even lower. Yes we are a bedroom community, but with the influx of qualified people moving into this area industry and commerce will not be far behind. Support your county! Buy in your county, Shop in you county, contract in your county, and yes work in your county. The businesses are coming (and not just Walmart). Support the Chamber and IBA -don't just complain. Be active and find out what you can do to bring industry to your county. What are you doing to help diversify the tax base? Complaining about growth? No industry is going to come into a county with no growth or declining growth! You want to pay less taxes diversify the tax base so it is not all on the homeowner!
  5. Their field is ready now but the schedule was changed at the beginning of the year when the field wasn't. The championship game will be at Hiram.


    According to our schedule it is supposed to be held at SPHS. Is the field at the school not ready?
  6. On the other hand, no one in my subdivision, besides being a teacher, work in Paulding. They all, me included, drive out of Paulding for a meaningful wage. You are not an idiot, here, FreeBird. You know that many, many people in this county do have to commute to jobs outside of Paulding moreso than those than do work here.


    I work in Paulding - I'm not a school teach or in retail and I make a lot more than basic minimum wage. I can name at least 4 others (on my street alone) that work from, just as I do. Making blanket statements promoted as gospel to support your agenda will not win over someone educated on the topic.
  7. What is a local back? :lol:


    There is a local back at Chatt. giving out info. on there checking and savings accounts. They are giving away free snacks and drinks. When Anita and I got out of class today, as we were leaving I asked Anita if she wanted some free snacks. So we walked over there to get the free snacks ( we were both starving). The lady from the back was trying to hand both of us information about their services. She said," This information covers a free account for students 24 years of age and younger." Anita and I just looked at each other and grained really big! We told the lady we were way over 24 years of age. We also thanked her for the compliment. Dang! After 3 kids I still look 24! We must be doing pretty darn good! :lol:


    I won't tell my age, ecause I'm two weeks older than Anitachos and I don't want to give rher age without her consent.

  8. Actually, the details that I am hearing is that it was a boy and a girl on the bike. The boy was the badly injured party and the girl was confused about exactly where she was but otherwise okay.


    Just got off the phone with busdrivers wife. Monitor on bus said it was two teenage boys on the motorcycle and the busdrivers name is kelly. Don't know her last name but, she was absolutely histerical. It looks like the boys were probably south paulding high students. She said that yes one of the boys had no signs of life but extensive efforts were being made to save him and the other boy, but she was sure the one boy didn't make it. This is just bad all the way around, despite fault. Sounds like it was just a horrible accident.
  9. You know. Antonio and Trevard were not even the most talented athlete at Hiram during those years. It was Jeremy Rosser that isn't playing any college ball but is attending Georgia Southern.


    I hope Antonio can get his life back together.


    Antonio certainly blew it, but another young man that graduated with that group has overcome an injury and is now a starter for University of Kentucky. Trevard Lindley was always a great kid in high school, academically and behavior wise, and was an awesome athlete. Antonio always seemed to get all of the recognition, but there were several young men on that team with lots of talent. Don't get me wrong, I loved Antonio and still do, he just needs to get his act together, he really messed up the opportunity of a lifetime! Go Trevard!!
  10. They won't think it is funny when their kid gets kicked out of daycare for biting.


    i work at a day care in hiram and this child bites pretty much everyday and the parents seem to think its funny.how do u make them stop. i know hot sauce in there mouth everytime they bite works,but we had parents permission in this case its funny to these parents for some reason.
  11. Did the paras approach you and chastise you directly? What exactly happened?


    I would approach each of the offending paras and tell them exactly what you posted here.


    To all of you special needs parents, I am the parent of a new middleschooler with special needs. I feel like we have entered a whole new realm. It seems that a couple of the parapro see fit to voice their opinion in reference to my decisions where my childs education is concerned. Here's the catch, neither one of these parapros are directly assigned to or have any dealing with my child. Any idea on how to keep their noses and comments out of MY business? I'm not saying that I don't know the value of a good para but my child has his own para and doesn't need all of the other input. I don't appreciate being chastised by someone in reference to MY child. Anyone else ever have this problem?
  12. Well, if we are admitting.....


    I went to Kroger today and used a maternity and new mother spot. A pregnant woman saw me. (I have birthed three babies so my baby roll is still there three years after the last kid). I poked my huge tummy out and walked right into the store. :o


    Yesterday I had to go to Kroger, duh, like everyday. So, I'm all tired from working, *sniff*, and hubby wanted sumfin to eat... so, I see it, the PERFECT parking spot but then there's a lil red civic that is almost on 2 wheels bc he saw it first and is coming around...and you know what I did?? I PARKED THERE ANYWAY. LMAO , nah, I let him have it and went to the one a few spaces down. I know that gets me a few Karma points, right?? How have you earned your Karma lately?
  13. I don't know for certain because it is not in my notes but, I believe, they are Shelton, Abney, EPHS, EPMS and Moses. I could be wrong though.


    I haven't seen one thing officially from the board yet about double sessions.


    Since I don't know the color codes for the schools, what are the names of the red schools?


    And double sessions for said schools are a definate for next year?

  14. Um, yes. Why would you assume otherwise? We aren't a bunch of hicks, you know.


    True. I just wonder how many of those complaining about the 'budget' being based on the 'bonds' (or just the budget in general) know the difference between an operating budget and capital expenses, and why bond money can't be used for the budget.
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