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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I would be a horrible carpooler. I have small children and would need to leave in an instant if need be. Plus, I cuss too much in the car and I wouldn't want anyone to actually hear me.


    I am definitely going to try a different solution into Atlanta....either bus or carpool. Vanpool schedules didn't work for me the last time I looked.


    I have just been comparing bus trips from D'ville vs. Hiram and the cost.


    Ideally, I'd prefer carpool I think, but I don't want to be the driver (I have a small car).


    I just talked to a friend last week who works in Atlanta and drives from Griffin and she just started carpooling and loves it. So, I thought I'd explore the options.

  2. Publix carries Beechnut.


    Where did you get it? I can't find it anywhere! I saw a few jars at Kroger, but they looked out of place, I mean there were only 6 jars total, and they were in with the Del Monte kind, I didn't get them b/c I just thought it was out of place like I said. I used to get that for my daughter, she liked some of the flavors there too.
  3. Actually, this requirement was repealed under the Barnes Administration.....


    On this one point - State law requires each student have a minimum number of PE classes for graduation. Do you not think having an additional gym would make it easier to meet this requirement?
  4. So, what should we do, those who are sick and tired of our taxes being raised? Sit down and shut up? Should we give our government a blank check to do as they please?


    This thread is about punishing the BOE because they can't keep up with the growth. The BOE can do nothing about how many kids they are sent to educate.


    That's like punishing your daughter because your son let some of his friends into her room and they trashed it.


    If you are aginainst this because you are against any and all new taxes, fine. But y'all need to quit making outrageous and impossible statements like the one about building new classrooms during the summer.

  5. It breaks mine also. God forbid if an accident strikes the House of FreeBird and let someone post such trite and apathetic remarks to him. :( :angry:


    It breaks my heart that you are so callous that you feel like you have to have the last word on this.

    Pubby, can we please close this topic or at least remove the hurtful comments that have no business in here?

  6. So, should we give the BOC and the BOE unfettered control to tax and spend at will? When are we going to have any controlled growth in this county or any land use plans? Should we just allow our taxes to shoot throw the roof so we can have expanding services? When is enough, enough?


    Whitey, do you have any family affected by school overcrowding? Yes, you might be able to curb future growth by running JJ and his buddies off, but that will not fix the current problem.


    Urban sprawl is affecting Paulding. I moved here because I could get more house for the $. Many others came too and the current state funding for building projects lags 18 months, at best, behind the needs of a growing area.


    If you continue to work to stagnate growth - I'm sure you will be crying about your property values that are not growing in the near future. For many, the investment they make into their homes is their only long-term financial growth plan.


    Expanding services and the costs associated with them are a by-product of a successful and growing economy.

  7. It is a county ordinance - not state law.


    I could not find anything in the GA code regarding pool safety. I would go back to the Marshall's office and ask if this is a county ordinance or not. If it is, then they need to enforce the ordinance. My feeling is that would be a county ordinance if there was such a law in Paulding
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