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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. So, the Trail of Tears was made up, huh?


    I'm sick and tired of all this crap that the "white man" stole the land from the "Indians." It's time to get something straight once and for all. The "Indians" never owned the land as they believed man could not own the land. Their belief was man was put on the Earth to care for the land. The "Indians" who accepted $24 dollars worth of beads from the "white guys" for Manhattan actually believed they had the last laugh as they accepted something of value in exchange for something they believed they did not own. They got the beads for free. I think that's a hoot!
  2. So, like, we *are* back in middle school now, huh? :rolleyes:


    What an absolute childish thing to say! But, then again, not unexpected.



    It must really suck to not have real friends.....
  3. What part of "I call 'em like I see them" did you not understand? :rolleyes:


    Make no mistake. I have no problem with Lesley. Nor do I have a problem with her winning the prize. What I do have a problem with is fifteen people trying, desperately, to "come to her defense" when a defense is not needed. It makes those people look absolutely ridiculous.


    No, you call it how you perceive to see it. If you all really don't care, why do you all keep it up.


    Lesley is entitled to her opinion & is also entitled to post as are you and everybody else. If RoniFreck & Yo Mama are friends with Les & take up for her, Good for them. I commend them. They have a great sense of humor & understand what is important & what is not. I also consider Lesley a friend. Ilike her. she challenges you & speaks her mind, if more were like her, maybe this whole load of bull crap would not even be going on.


    If any of you had won this thing, you would have been congratulated because I think the sheep tend to take the high road unlike others on here who have ruined this for Lesley.

  4. I call 'em like I see them.


    because you called me a tool and you don't even know me, but care to share your "wisdom" about me on this board. You don't see me posting to personally attack you.
  5. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted back to me, now would you?


    Do you really think that any of us care about what outsiders perceive us as? I know who I am and could care less on what you or anyone else consider me to be because I have a sense of humour and remain a loyal friend? I'd rather have that on my gravestone any day.
  6. It is not that the FOL (Friends of Lesley) intimidate anyone, yo mama, oh to the contrary. You have one perspective from the inside looking out. But, to people from the outside looking in, y'all all look like tools.


    There is no conspiracy to do anything hurtful to Pub or this site, that is where you all have it wrong. If people being themselves intimidate all of you, then go crawl back under a rock and hide from the world. Or post numerous threads about your intentions on leaving and never go anywhere. That's way more entertaining and real.
  7. Misty: Let me give you another perspective. I know people that own businesses in Paulding and they downright refuse to buy banner ads or become commerce members because of all the drama and downright silliness that happens on this board. It is a great information tool but not one that the business community thinks is legit for adverstising purposes.

  8. Lesley is a big girl - she can handle her own battles and defend herself, don't you think?


    Anywho, if Lesley did make the winning post, she deserves the prize. No strings attached.


    Friends defend friends, no?
  9. AcworthDad, I am relieved that you have this chapter closed. Bless you and your family.


    Pubby, I have been actively pursuing the Clark case since May 25, 2004. Thank you for your site. Without it, I would not have had the information necessary to help the GSP find a key witness to the collision. I pray that all parents who read this will tell thier kids to obey the rules of the road. You do not want to experience what my son and I experienced.


    Watch out for the Mr. Clark's who are driving on our roads. They have no respect for the rules and no respect for you or your passengers.


    Thank you, God, for delivering my son from this horrible collision. I am truly blessed.

  10. Whoa, guys. Nothing wrong with the milk banks at all. Buying from a stranger though, gross. The milk banks are a good thing for pre-mature babies when their mothers can't or won't produce breast milk. Those special needs babies need the colostrum.

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