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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Um, they prefer the term "animal control officer" now....


    Trust me, others on this site have the Dumb A-- title before you.


    When you say DA, you do mean Dumb A---, right? :D Where's the p.com peanut gallery that wouldn't vote for me if I were running for dog catcher?
  2. What most fail to realize is that most of those type of decisions are made by the professional staffers and don't necessarily have to go through the board. They have to be approved by Trudy but the day to day operations are not made by the board members.


    I just know that they have not made what I would consider to be very good finacial decisions, and the new grading system in high school , which I believe was their idea is horrible. My son had a 97 in a class, got an 89 on a test and his new grade was 87! And there are several AP, all A honor students failing because of it. I am going to make sure to start paying alot more attention to what goes on if nothing else. I haven't kept a real close watch on all of their decisions, but I guess I need to "wake up" and pay more attention.
  3. I like the school board members personally. It is the professional staff of the BOE that I am weary of.



    WHY ARE THERE SHCOOL BOARD MEMBERS RUNNING UNCONTESTED IN THIS ELECTION? As many complaints as I have heard and read on this website and many other places about our what my son would term our "wretched" school board, why doesn't someone run against them? I mean now wonder they are making bad decisions, they don't have to answer for them because they will just get re-elected anyway. I have often thought about running for office at some point in my life. Maybe this is the time? If not me someone needs to stand up and make a change. I am still pretty young , but maybe there is someone with more experience who would step up. I would support that!
  4. I keep hearing it is the Chamber of Commerce that wants her out.


    Thanks, Mason, for your thoughts on that race.


    As many of you may have heard, Justice Carol Hunstein is up for re-election in an non-partisan race on November 7th. She has served on the Supreme Court of Georgia (the highest court in the State) since she was appointed by Zell Miller 14 years ago. Prior to her appointment by Governor Miller, she served as a Superior Court Judge in Dekalb County. When I clerked on the Georgia Supreme Court in law school, I knew her and she had a reputation for being a fair, independent, hardworking justice who does not carry an agenda to the Court.


    Unfortunately, my party has decided to make this race partisan by suggesting she is a liberal Democrat and her opponent is a conservative Republican. The characterization is false and misleading. Justice Hunstein is supported by many conservative Republicans, including former Attorney General Michael Bowers. She has also been endorsed by multiple Republican District Attorneys, such as Pat Head in Cobb County. Also, Zell Miller is her campaign chair, and the former attorney for the State Republican Party supports her.


    Justice Hunstein supports the death penalty and voted with the majority in upholding Georgia's ban on gay marriage. Her voting history reveals she has voted in both Republican and Democratic primaries.


    Justice Hunstein also has a compelling family story. She contracted polio when she was two years old, lost her mother when she was eleven years old, and lost a leg to cancer when she was 14 years old. Given the time in which she lived, her father discouraged her from obtaining an education. Nonetheless, when she was in her 20's, she paid her way through school and became an attorney in the mid 1970's.


    This remarkable woman deserves to be re-elected to the Georgia Supreme Court.

  5. Kroger and Ingles.


    Last year I didn't need a turkey, but the previous 5-6 years when I was living in New York. The grocery stores had a thing where if you bought so much in gorceries you'd get a free turkey for thanksgiving. I was wondering if they had that here? I thought it was kind of nice that you could get that. Because most of the time, I'd spend enough on the rest of the thanksgiving meal to almost get the turkey.
  6. Don't you think if someone is educated and responsible enough to go and request such information that they would know the difference between an expenditure and a diembursement? If someone is requesting a capital expense, no operating budget monies would be on that spreadsheet, markdavd. Please try not to be so condesending. It is so unbecoming. :rolleyes:



    Start with something like - 'I'd like to see ______. I understand it's a matter of public record. What do I need to do to see it.'


    After reading many of these posts, I can only imagine people storming in DEMANDING to see some vaguley defined records RIGHT NOW and not being happy with anything but a 2 second response time of someone pulling a binder out of thin air and giving it to them without question.


    Then when they do get something, because they don't know the difference between a debit and a credit, or a operating budget or capital expense, so they decide something must be wrong because they can't understand what they see.

  7. Feel better now?


    In the future, why don't YOU start a thread about what you consider good parts of the story? That why, all the bases will be covered. ;)



    By all means continue....I just wanted to get it off my chest. The negativity in here sometimes just shocks me. I'm just shocked that as of right now, nearly 24 hours after the post by JTN, that nobody has commented on the good parts of the story.


    I agree 100% that to have an honest government you must check on it every once in a while. I just wonder if this works better than attending the meeting, asking questions, etc. in regards to the powers that be.

  8. When did questioning public expenditures become something that citizens shouldn't do or be criticized for asking? If we want a transparent government on any level, it is our duty as citizens to get it. Once the powers that be realize this, the better off we all will be.



    I find this thread AMAZING y'all. Just the News writes up detailed coverage of the BOC and BOE meetings. There is positive news about a million dollar donation. How many BOC meetings across the country were able to make that announcement yesterday? Two donations to the BOE were announced. Again I wonder how many BOE meetings across the country could say that. The BOC is bidding out for vehicles and a local company wins. Good on two points, bidding saves money and a local company won. The BOE has an accountant update them on the Splosts. Good for taxpayers I would think since it indicates they are trying to follow the law and manage the money. The BOC announces new technology in police cars to keep us safe. All these good things that give me some amount of comfort in our leaders and their efforts but some how someone finds a $75,000 expense to start a thread on. Just Amazing!!! Seems that some folks will go to any effort to find something negative to cling on just to dog their politicians.


    I don't know a thing about freezers or alarms so I won't even speculate on whether this is good or bad.


    As for site costs I would suggest that 5% is a drop in the bucket to what can occur on a budget in the construction industry. That is something I do know about. Weather can raise costs and there isn't anything you can do about weather. Too much rain and you erosion & sediment control costs skyrocket not to mention delays in grading. Too little rain and your adding water for moisture content and dust control. How about when you go down 5' and hit rock. First you rip it out, then it gets harder and you blast it out. How about when you dig down and hit a springhead that must be "french drained". How about when you hit a vien of gray unsuitable clay material that must be de-mucked and re-compacted with good dirt. How about the economy. OPEC cuts production and fuel goes up...those scrapers don't run on air. Hurricanes in the gulf affecting fuel supply. Production of storm pipes becomes more expensive with fuel increases. New government regs spring up like the Etowah HCP making their detention ponds bigger. There are so many issues that can affect site costs that are truly out of their control. I find it amazing sometimes that they stay as close to budget as they do.


    I suggest Av8tir that if the use of BOE funds is so important to you that you fill out an application. Better yet volunteer your time to check the quotes...that way it saves money for taxpayers two ways!!! Or maybe you would rather just sit back and fuel the fire against the BOE and its elected officials.

  9. Mr. Smith was such an asset to Austin. He did the announcing at the football games and he dressed up as Santa Claus for the kids of Austin's teachers. He contributed so much to his school and he will be terribly missed. :(


    The information I am receiving for his funeral is he will have a burial at sea (a former Navy man) and a memorial service for the community.

  10. The gentleman has died. He didn't survive.


    Im the childcare giver of the baby which was in the van

    with her mom.


    they are just fine, shaken up, but no injuries


    the man on a scooter hit the van headon

    in her lane

    he is a 59 yr old man.

    i have no idea how he is doing.

    i do know that he was life flighted.


    didnt sound good at the time...........

    hopefully he will be alright.

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