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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Not true. The BOE have added onto many schools in the county without having to build more support space. Dobbins and some of the elementary schools had additions about four years ago with exceptional growth money.


    Good question.


    I remember reading somewhere that if they were to actually build more classrooms, they would be forced to build more 'support' space as well. Bigger cafeteria, more offices, library, etc.


    So it's not as simple as just extending the hallways and building more classrooms.


    I guess the other consideration is that it would turn the school into a construction zone for a year or so. Great care would be needed to make sure the kids are kept safe.

  2. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/08/30/parents....d.ap/index.html


    CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP) -- The foster parents of a disabled 3-year-old boy wrapped him like a cocoon and left him for two days in a closet, where he died while they attended a family reunion, a prosecutor said.


    The couple made several attempts to burn Marcus Fiesel's body and concocted an elaborate sham to cover up the boy's death, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said Tuesday.


    "Marcus was wrapped in a blanket and wrapped in tape with his arms behind him -- and this was not the first time," Deters said in announcing additional indictments against Liz and David Carroll Jr.


    A grand jury indicted the couple Monday on charges of involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment, and David Carroll, 35, on a charge of gross abuse of a corpse.


    Tuesday's indictments included two counts each of inducing panic and one count each of making false alarms. Liz Carroll, 30, also was indicted on two counts of perjury for her testimony Monday to a grand jury, Deters said.


    The Carrolls are scheduled for arraignment Wednesday; they remain jailed and information on their attorneys wasn't available.


    Deters said the Carrolls left Marcus in the closet on August 4 when they went to a family reunion in Kentucky, and the boy was dead when they returned two days later.


    A week later, Liz Carroll claimed Marcus wandered away from her at a suburban park, authorities said. Hundreds of volunteers joined authorities in the search for several days.


    Authorities called off the official search on August 19. Liz Carroll pleaded for help finding Marcus at a news conference August 22 -- about the same time she and her husband were disposing of his body in a remote area of Brown County, Deters said.


    "They went back repeatedly to burn his body -- two or three times," Deters said.


    Authorities believe they have found the place where the body was burned, and they have brought back bags of evidence from the scene, Deters said.


    He said the material will undergo DNA testing.


    Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

  3. Exactly. This is war. These people probably saw unmentionable horror. Let's treat them like we did the Vietnam Vets and have them come home to beat their spouse or murder someone thinking they are still in the rice fields.....


    maybe it just gives those who need it an outlet to talk to a 3rd party who isn't involved.



  4. See, there you go showing your ignornance yet again, TBAR. I have had to point this out to you more than once but Mr. Murphy had a STROKE in January 2004 so he had no idea that the money was removed from the budget. He didn't have the power to remove the money because HE WASN'T IN OFFICE.


    I think YOU are being the first class jerk and you might be the first person in my tenure on p.com that I put on ignore.


    You know, we =had= a reservoir all ready to go.


    And then Good Ol' Boss Hogg Murphy got ticked off at Paulding for not voting for him, removed the money from the budget & gave it to other projects.


    What a first class jerk.

  5. Oh, you didn't offend me. This subject comes up every six months or so and people make it an opportunity to bash Bruce.


    I don't understand it either but I am confident there is a logical explanation for it.


    Yes I read your post did not mean to offend you just having one of those days, we have also had to wait for GSP too, I just don't understand why our deputies can't do what they should and leave us sitting on the side of the road. As we all know when an accident accures your a nervous wreck anyway why wait and make thing worse!


    Sorry If I offended you in any way I know how he felt.

  6. I really hope this doesn't turn into a bash Sheriff Harris thread because I love the man. He is not perfect but he runs a tight ship and there must be a reason for this policy. I *hate* these types of threads because not every constructive comes out of them. <_<


    It is policy so everyone deal with it. If you don't like it, sit down with the Sheriff. Ken, to be honest, I can't believe you would post this on a public message board. You know it is policy but you prefer to bash it in the open and not work behind the scenes with the powers that be to change it.

  7. Mach, what the hell are you doing up at 5:00 in the morning? Eating your bag of "Doritos?" :unsure:


    I stopped and bought a bag :o (Doritos) ;) on the way home last night!!

    Come on over! :D B)

  8. Wow, tough talk for someone that never worked under him, huh? What kind of axe do you have to grind against Segars? I still beg to differ with you. The strong teachers will not leave because they recognize that this is what PCHS needs. Many of the strong teachers stayed at Dobbins, didn't they? They all didn't leave to go to Jones. Many, many of them stayed. The only staff member (non teacher) that left was Carol Welch and she was missed but Dobbins survived.


    Wow, you are a wussy, aren't you?


    He has his faults but he will make a difference in that school.


    No they won't. The strong teachers will leave. The weak ones will submit. Test scores will stay the same if not get worse. He will make $100,000 for delegating.


    It is the teachers, parents and students who have the ability to turn things around.


    He is a weak little man that enjoys making women cry. Ego? His insecurities might equal the size of paulding county, but he would have to accomplish something to have an ego.


    What did he do at Dobbins? The best teachers and staff members I worked with at Jones were at Jones because of Segars' incompetence.


    Are you telling me that the dropout rate will decrease because he is there? Are you saying the average SAT score will improve? Are you saying that the teen pregnancy rate at PCHS will decrease?


    What are you saying? What does walk the line mean? It seems like you are saying they will be miserable. Is that what education needs? Misery?


    I have worked for good administrators. Intimidation and bullying will backfire.


    If I worked at PCHS, I would strongly consider getting a restraining order against him. I would not allow him to speak to me.

  9. Because many of us just aren't ready to settle down at 19. It sounds like you were which is great!. But, I did some mighty stupid things at 19. I didn't have the maturity level and, seriously, I don't think a lot of women do to settle down completely. You may think you do but you really don't and that will come back to bite you later in life. There is a big world out there. Everyone should explore it before making such a life changing decision. Go to college, travel! Make stupid decisions. This is all the things you should get out of the way before marrying and having children.


    Why does her age make the mystery solved? I turned 20 the day before I got married. My husband was 18, soon to be 19. We have been married for 14 years now. We have a very very loving and understanding marriage. I just don't see what age has to do with the problems in this marriage.
  10. I agree!


    Uhmmm...I'm no therapist, but it also sounds to me like the problems are a whole lot bigger than just sex. If this is how you feel about your "mate" and the father of your children, then you all have my sorrow. But yeah, if this is how you view him, why would you want to be intimate with him?


    Sex for the sake of sex doesn't involve intimacy--it's just a physical act, like playing tennis or taking a jog. Sex in a committed relationship usually involves intimacy--a complete closeness and giving of yourself to another person, for their pleasure and for your own. You can't really share that with someone you don't basically like to begin with...

  11. :hijack:


    But, but, but Pointy. Sex is much better with the fumes! Man, I am craving Doritos again.




    Because that plant has many good uses. Only some fool set one afire and breathed the fumes once and thus the situation we have now. Again, sex is great! Then there's perverts that take it and use it for evil.


  12. Well, I say you are wrong. Dead wrong. Segars has the ability to make the teachers and the kids walk the line. One way or another, they will. Segars may have an ego the size of Paulding but the kids will respect him by sheer force if need be.


    For those of you that think that Segars has some ability that Gottwald does not have, you are kidding yourselves.
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