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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. When is the next BOE meeting?


    How will double sessions work for just a couple of schools?


    All I can say is that the School Board has never approve a single building permit.

    I kept hearing about 2 story schools, they cost more when we still have land and the cost to put a second story on the schools we already have is sky high. We have looked at those ideas.

    I believe that Moses and East Paulding High will be on double sessions next year and there could be more. That is a fact.

    By the way when we start double sessions there will be no more school choice....

  2. If the QBE money wasn't being paid out properly, it would be flashed all over the media. Especially now since this in an election year. GAE would be all over that.


    While QBE isn't perfect, I would venture to say that Paulding gets it's fair share and more.


    Sorry, but I do not agree that every mandate from QBE is adequately being paid for from state allocations.
  3. Quit being Superwife!


    I get up every morning 30 minutes before him to get all his stuff ready for when he wakes up. Then I do any extras that he didn't do the night before to make sure he isn't running late.

    Well, this morning I went into SUPERWIFE. Why? Because I am a moron.


    This morning, I went into the back yard to drag out a billion pound 30 foot ladder because HE "forgot" he needed it today! Then, I helped him put it on his truck! It was heavy as hell and long and bulky and I am sore.


    Now, I am off to Home Depot to buy a new washer since our's bit the dust.



  4. Vicious attacks?! Please. No one to my knowledge has been vicious. Many have just countered your points which, I think, pisses you off.


    I have never said double sessions is the basis for my argument, I have alot to base my argument on and have shared it on P.com, but you people choose to believe your own conspiracy theories and nothing I say or do will be taken seriously by you folks, so I will not waste any more of my time. I believe I know what's right and so do you, I respect that, but it truly makes me angry when I hear people saying untrue things about people that I know have the best interest of the children in this county in mind. As I have said before, you people have been vicious in your attacks and it makes me SICK!!!
  5. Do you ignore the points that everyone has made about double sessions or do just close your eyes?

    Double sessions is the whole basis of your and your buddies argument for this bond and that is just bunk.


    As I said I have argued with these people and they invade any post you make about the vote, so now I just have to try to ignore them. They think they have all the answers and all the facts and nothing could be further from the truth. I can tell you they will sit here the rest of the night and bash us and repeat themselves over and over again. If they win there will be many more posts and if they lose there will be many more posts. I simply enjoy the reading material. They like to repeat over and over that they are voting no, so once again this household.......YES X 4 and YES, FOR THE CHILDREN!!!!!!
  6. What makes you think that, all of a sudden after 15 years of rampant growth, that the BOC is finally going to have a controlled growth plan?


    Another incorrect statement from the nay-sayers...I am for this tax increase as I see it as a necessary pill for us to swallow in light of the current circumstances...and I am NOT a builder, developer, county government employee, real estate agent nor a banker...you guys keep playing that card too!! I believe we pass this now or if you guys get your way right now...we pass it a year from now and then we move towards getting the attention of the current BOC's are some new ones voted in that support a controlled growth plan!!!


    Oh and Freelip...what do the children deserve?? Indefinate double sessions, more more trailers...schools at 300% or 400% capacity instead of 200% as some are now!!?? Tell me "specificall" what do children deserve??

  7. See, you tend to think that we don't know about the difference between the BOC and the BOE yet we are all educated to that fact. Plus, why are you cutting and pasting emails that were sent out? Can't you state your own opinion or do you need your talking points made by someone else? :rolleyes:


    Double sessions, double sessions, double session. I want to puke on double sessions talk.



    What "specific" accountability do you want from the Board of Education...not the Board of Commissioners...the Board of Education??? Trudy, the Paulding School Superintendent has taken the issue to the people...conducting meetings, presentations and town hall forums.


    Unlike the BOC...Trudy and the BOE has:


    1) Conducted open meetings with no need to get your name on a list along with what you are going to be speaking about days in advance.


    2) Not limited comments to 5 mins.


    3) Willing to respond to the questions.


    4) Stayed to nearly 10:00 p.m. at EPHS week before last answering questions.


    5) They have gone to the people. with /their plan and proposals.


    The BOE is being accountable...I cannot say the same for the BOC's. You guys are soooooooo missing the point...penalizing the BOE and ultimately our children is not the answer to drive some message home to the BOC's. If this passes...great!!! If it does not pass, well I have peace in knowing two things:


    1) When folks actually feel the adverse consequences (i.e. double sessions)...this thing will pass with flying colors. The sad thing is our kids paid the price of another year that was TOTALLY unnecessary due to some misguided intentions of some and ignorance of others.


    2) When double sessions occur nexy year and they will...I cannot wait to hear what all of you will have to say then that have contended that double-sessions are just scare tactics. I have a feeling I will simply hear a whole lot of crickets chirping!!


  8. The first thing you can do is spare this board your drama and whoe is me crap. You are an adult so act like one.


    Second, fix the television and give her money for the food your family ate.


    Even if she never forgives you, at least you made reparations.


    Well, I am ready to get bashed some more but here goes. I dont know what to do to make things right with her or anyone I have hurt in these past few weeks. I know saying sorry doesnt do the trick. And for the ones really wanting to burn me like it sounds like you really want to do, send me a pm and I will let you come to my house and beat the sh** out of me. If that will make things better, I am willing to do anything.
  9. But, it might be one of those things to where she wanted to apologize out in the open so the other party will see. Then, some p.commers will be asking the other party why she won't forgive her. Blah, blah. Am I making sense?


    yes she still would have lost her friend BUT at least it wouldn't be aired for ALL to see.
  10. Well, I do know that word is getting out. The earlier PTA meetings were fine. Now, no one from the BOE wants to show up to "explain" the bond because they know parents are going to question the H$ll out of them. ;)


    I think that all of the propaganda is because WE as a community have the BOC and BOE running scarred! They are acting as a cornered animal trying to bluff the attacker!
  11. Have you been to the new site of the middle and high school? I haven't seen anything under construction yet.


    An elementary, middle, and high school are under contruction right now. The middle shcool WILL open by 2007. The elementary and high school will open the following year.


    But we will need to build more then that to meet the projected growth.

  12. He is three steps ahead of himself. First, the bond will have to get voted down. Second, the General Assembly would have to make it legal for counties to collect impact fees dedicated to schools which is currently illegal under Georgia Law. Third, the county would have to pass the collection of such impact fees. Then, the builders would sue.


    but that's not what you said. You said,


    voting down, and mandatory fees is not the same. So, what reason would they have for a suit if it's voted down?

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