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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Find a new place to move and be done with it.


    Our PCOM friend has found themselves in a situation I think you may identify with if you have ever had to deal with an abusive landlord. They have lost their home, due to the fact that the landlord claimed the lease they signed was invalid because it was not notarized. This person also refused rent because she wanted the family out. Since our friend is having trouble moving and was not able to move when asked, the landlord asked for and obtained an eviction summons on the grounds of non payment.


    The case was not held in front of a judge but rather handled through a mediator in a back room. The case was found in favor of the landlord with no regard given to the tenants answer. The answer contained proof that the landlord refused rent. In order to appeal our friend needs to obtain the rent the landlord is claiming plus penalties. An appeal would allow the case to go before a jury. This must be done by 6/19/07.


    I would like thoughts on this if you have had any such actions taken, were they successful? What was the outcome? Was this handled legally? Is there any other legal ground here? Either the money will be paid by next Tuesday or the eviction stands and they need to move.

  2. No, they were not the owners of Beaver Creek. They had a restuarant where Dogwoods is located for a time. The name is The Brooks Family Restuarant. They are related to Randy Brooks, AP at East Paulding High School.


    Who is the Brooks Family, Were they the owners of the Beaver Creek? When is it opening? Do you know the name yet?
  3. Well, I am not going to say much because I enjoy my anonymity on here. I was once big on Delphi when I was getting married and having my first baby. Then, I sorta tapered off.


    That's a little scary :lol:


    Martha and I have been on a private Delphi forum together for about 5 years (with about 10 other women who were there during the ab-pregnancy days--we all have kids the same age). I met most of the women on that forum on ab-pregnancy and then the various 'Clique' sites.


    Small world, huh?


    Are you on Delphi still? I have a different log in name there.

  4. No, Methodist.


    The judge could not sentence him via the intent of the law. He had to go by the letter of the law in this instance since the law was written with minimum sentences for sex offenders.


    There are two ways to interpret a law. This judge went by the letter of the law and not by the intent of the law. I don't think the law was ever written to put teenagers in jail for having consensual sex.


    Baptist much? :D

  5. State law has been changed and now has the "Romeo and Juliet" clause. But, I think it is important that all kids should know the age of consent. Just because middle school kids are giving oral sex doesn't mean that they couldn't have been prosecuted! Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Even for hummers.


    people dont realize Middle school kids are giving oral sex.

    Dont think your kids are too young to know!!

  6. Cotillions are usually reserved for older children. Plus, there isn't a society in Paulding that does this. The closest one is in Carrollton.


    Must not comment. Must not comment. Must not comment....


    Oh what the hell...Might I suggest ditching the pagents for cotillion? If you're looking to raise a proper little girl, this is a much more fruitful direction.


    PS...wanted to add that there are young lady programs in atlanta, not just young adult.

  7. Read the cert to the Supreme Court, Lesley. There is more to this than oral sex with a fifteen year old. Nothing has mentioned the videotaping and the rape of 17 year old.


    from the article in Atlanta magazine
  8. For many, it is an issue of perception and the perception is that it is athletics over education. Right or wrong. The BOE doesn't have any additionial monies for mobile units or books or teacher salaries yet spends the money on tennis courts plus bleachers for the football game. Dismissing the kids early to attend a football game that didn't start until 9:00 p.m.


    I am a huge athletic supporter but Trudy needs a lesson in PR.


    A couple of things....if they had taken the builders money..put it in a mobile unit...would you be happy...all they had to do was swap money around and build the tennis courts...yesterday we had a member complain about sports at NPHS...well all we need is a Title IX lawsuit and you aint seen nothin....on the gyms...when you put 200 kids in a non air/c gym...it is a nightmare...yeah right...I walked to school 14 miles when I went to school...our kids have had the best...the BOE...just did a bad job of explaining what, when and where things were going to built for the future....very poorly presented...in Cherokee Cty now...a developer wanted his mega subdivision approved before the new BOC were seated...now if they can slow down in Cherokee...then we can slow down in Paulding...on Cable 16...how interesting we questioned a setback of a new store...and yep right down the street from the comm...go figure....nothing is going to be right for the future in Paulding..just plain simple...
  9. You know, that is just an offensive post. The majority of people on this board do educate themselves and did attend the town hall meetings or the regularly scheduled board meetings.


    Nice post. People need to educate themselves with the facts. Not just what someone has said from what they heard from a neighbor talking to a friend at the supermarket.
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