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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I think it has an underlying sexual tone to it, Lacey. Big banana=big man part. That is my first thought.


    Okay, I just gotta ask if I am so stupid that I didn't see this right or what?


    I got a note from school telling me that Matthew's shirt was discussed and he shouldn't wear it again. It isn't a good shirt for a 5th grader. :blink:


    Sorry, but I just didn't see it their way until they said something. I still really don't think it is meant their way but what am I to say?


    I support the school 100% even if I don't agree or understand their reasoning. So he won't be wearing the shirt again.


    I know there are several people from the school that read p.com.....I am not bashing, I am just trying to understand. So please don't think I am bashing you.

    Matthew loves the shirt because he loves animals. He loves monkey's and he always tells me that monkeys like bananas. Just like ducks like bread, horses like apples...etc...That is why I got it for him. I never even paid attention to the words. But this is what it says....Life's good when you have a big banana.


    Now I just took it lightly. Monkeys like bananas and this monkey is saying life is good because he has a big banana......I never read anything else into it.


    What was your 1st thought when you read it. And I just so dang ignorant that I didn't see it for what it really was?


    (sorry for the quality, Brooke had my camera so I had to use the cell phone and the angle wasn't a great one)

  2. Nothing like having your arse handed to you by your daddy!! :o


    Saturday night at 8pm HHS will go to McEachern. Andy Dorsey will face off against his daddy for the first time. We need to get as many people to this game as we can & pack our side out in support of our Hornets. They had a great win last week & they are all pumped about this game, so let's get out there & support them. PAINT UP OR WHERE YOUR PURPLE!! GO HORNETS!!
  3. Now, I am all for a good butt whopping but not for potty training. That is a little extreme to me....


    Well, I sorta agree with you. Hey look we turned out okay and we used to get spankings . I never got put in time out ! But what I do believe is that kids now a days need to play in the dirt more often. How many kids just sit inside all day playing videos or watching tv when it is so pretty outside. What happen to getting a little dirty for fun.
  4. To be fair, I do think they care but it doesn't affect them like it does others. Their kids have books and have facilities and have nice clean schools. Many just don't understand (this goes for the higher ups at the BOE also) what goes on in a public school on a day to day basis and don't have to deal with the struggles. There is no threat of a double session at Mount Paran so their world isn't bothered with it.


    Thanks! ;)

    As I said, they obviously don't care what happens within our school system. <_<

  5. Why can't we start with the BOE who can not or will not give a straight answer about why some of the splost money is still sitting there? I am not using kids as a pawn. I am tired of double talk and the scare tactics that are being used.


    I will close with this...you can say all you want to that a a no vote is a vote for the kids...which I still am not seeing any logic on that one but, for the sake of argument...lets go with it. One thing I would love for you folks that make that argument to deny is...you are using the children of Paulding County as PAWNS in your beef with the Board of Commissioners and the lack of support from the builders and developers. That, to me is shameful!!! Go directly to the source...leave the kids out of this...go to the Board of Commissioners and demand a comprehensive growth plan that addresses our concerns and vote them out if they do not respond!! Again...leave the kids out of this argument!!! We have 30,000 lots already approved for building in this county. We could stop new development tomorrow but, these houses are still going to be built...the kids are coming...we have to face that fact!!


    Vote YES on September 19th!!

  6. OMG! We need to put this post on the front page, SG. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful post.


    Well, the BOE could not give us a PLAN that this money would impliment that would change ANYTHING within the next three years, so just HOW will this bond sale change ANYTHING about next year? Unless it's to buy more trailers which Trudy wouldn't rule out??? Please, if you are privy to this plan please let us know. I'm ALL ears!!!


    Two things are forcing my No vote here and neither of them concern IF we need the schools or not, that's a no brainer, nor is the growth involved:


    1) They have given us no information on how the past money has been handled. They sold bonds in 2004 right after the SPLOST vote for 79 million. 19 million was cost overruns on South Paulding. They then built their own building. Then they built theaters and new gyms on the three existing high schools so they could tell everybody that "We've got the same stuff that Cobb District does". (Paraphrased from Trudy's speech last night) Now, two years later they are finally getting around to building the North Paulding Complex while we've got schools at 199% of capacity. That's insane and though I asked twice, I couldn't get any information on WHY WE DONT HAVE A NEW ELEM SCHOOL UNDER CONSTRUCTION when we have the money AND the land available. So this 50 million has spent two years sitting in some bank (hmmm... there are bankers on this 'committee' aren't there.... hmmmmm) making them money instead of helping our kids LIKE WE VOTED FOR IT TO DO.


    2) There is no plan available for what is to be done with this money. I'm not talking a detailed plan with sites or anything, I realize that can't be done at this point. But I'd like to see a schedule of WHEN bond sales and construction is planned. At 6% interest, almost EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS of this bond will have to be used to pay the first years interest until the property tax bills start getting paid in 2007. (Note the wording inthe ballot about 'capitalizing the interest until August 2007') You rich folks may not be impressed, but that's a LOT of money to me. WHY ARE THEY WASTING THAT MONEY by selling the bonds now when they don't have a plan to build yet? All the current building plans are FULLY FUNDED THRU 2010. Trudy confirmed that last night. How about only selling bonds out of this 125 million in 25 million chunks as they need the money? That would save us a snotload of money. Why sell a 125 million in bonds NOW just to have the money sit in some bank (hmmmm...there are bankers on this 'committee' aren't there... hmmmmm) for two years (or however long... we don't know) while they get their act together and get ready to build?


    3) Using a non-official committee to do their dirty work with the lies and scare tactics just pisses me off. Sorry about the wording but that's just the way it is. I HATE scare tactics. If you can't justify this with the numbers, then don't do it. If you can, give me the numbers and the plan. I got the facts (thanks to Freebird and others on this site) about the fire tax and made an INFORMED decision to vote for it. But with nothing but scare tactics --- I'm voting NO. This is a message to the BOE, not the BOC.


    Besides, for another 25K, we'll have another election in December and you can be dang sure that they will have their ducks in a row for that one IF John Q. Public makes them by voting this down in their Secret election.


    You know, I just thought about this. Special election in Sept. Only advertised thru the schools by scare tactics to parents of kids in the schools. So the only people voting are scared parents. Of course they have success with Sept elections like Trudy said last night! What a blatent con game!!! Why is there nothing in the New Era about this??? Biggest school bond ever? Come on!!


    Whitey's signs and the flyers are a great idea. I know I voted no in the secret election for the community center because of a home made sign. And it failed. It can be done.



  7. Even if the bond passes, there would be no way to build a school fast enough to help Dallas Elementary so that information is just downright incorrect.


    But, I know for a fact from our principal, that my children's school, Dallas Elem. will for sure be going to double sessions next year if it does not pass. I really do not want to see double sessions either.
  8. Not me. I was born and raised here and live in the same house my parents did.


    But, when is enough, enough? When every acre is developed? When people will be taxed out of their own home they did buy 10 years ago? People came here for a better quality of life and they aren't getting it anymore. Hell, I don't like living here anymore and this is my home.


    Why blame the builders? As long as people will sell them the land to build PRDs and people are willing to buy them, so what? They have every right to make a living as well. They are following the laws allowing them to build.


    This is like someone blaming McDonald's because they are fat.


    How many of you blaming the builders are living in a home located in a subdivision in this county? I bet you quite a few of you who are blaming the builders are living in a subdivision built by a builder. How many of you relocated from another county (like I did) because you purchased one of these very homes? If so, then you're an accomplice to the problem even if you purchased the home ten years ago.


    To live in one of these homes and then point your finger at the builders and BLAME them for the over-crowding of the schools is absolutely a hypocritical thing to do. You benefited from the PRD construction. I benefited from it. Hell, a very large number of us benefited from it. We all added to the over crowding of the schools by moving into Paulding County because we purchased homes here. Do we have a responsibility in helping resolve the problem? Most definitely.


    How many of you who have purchased a home in a PRD constructed within the last ten years are blaming the builders? Come on fess up.

  9. Wow, she is good.


    Just wanted to make a post here, about a website, that we've recently done, EverlastingPortraits.com featuring artist Donna Garrison Leonard.


    Donna is a very talented and wonderful person -- her oil portrait paintings are awesome!!


    Several months ago, Donna did a couple of portraits in memory of Fallen Kennesaw Officer, Tara Drummond, and the unveiling took place in Kennesaw; not to mention, numerous portraits of children and adults.


    If you (or know someone who does) would like to a portrait painting done of loved ones, definitely check out Donna's work!


    Her website is www.EverlastingPortraits.com.

  10. How do you go from Sailors though? Have you tried going through Powder Springs, through Austell and getting to Atlanta that way?


    I have two kids to drop off, and I go 278 to Sailors (due to construction) and weave my way in from there


    sooooo sick of it

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