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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Those homes are nice but I am not that crazy about that area.


    The SO and I went and checked this place out yesterday and we LOVED it. You have to go look at these houses if you're on the market. Great lots, wonderful craftsmanship, great upgrades and great location. The only complaints were that the countertops were formica and that getting out off Hart Road is a nightmare. Allgood is right down the street and it's a fabulous school! I was really impressed by the variation in homes as well, everyone was a little bit different. And the landscaping! This is definately not your trackhome style subdivision.


    Anyways, we fell in love with one of the floorplans and we're seriously considering building here...if you've been thinking about checking it out, GO AND DO IT!

  2. Have you tried the tractor supply company?


    My son's cat and dog are "eat up with fleas". Baths, Frontline, vaccuming and all are not getting rid of the little jumpers and biters.


    I just heard about this and it's make up for killing fleas and other cold blooded creatures.


    Where can I get some off line for how much and what results have users had?


    Thanks, Nicholas Cole

  3. Conveyer belt sushi, right? Went there last week. Enjoyed it but they couldn't get the sushi out fast enough!


    The $12.00 is for all you can eat, though. I can eat tons of sushi.


    Hey critty - I'm right across the street from the bellsouth building too! I've been to that chinese place before, it was pretty good until I found a...well...I don't want to ruin it for you ;-)


    Since you're in mid-town, if you like sushi - you should check out the new sushi bar down Peachtree - I walk to it from the 700 block. It's called Fune. I had sushi for the 1st time yesterday and loved it! It's very trendy, but a little pricey for lunch $12.00.




  4. Because some people thrive on on-line drama! :rolleyes:


    Pcom needs a good server crash over the weekend to let everyone cool down. Maybe we all can remember then that we all actually have lives apart from Pcom and can actually spend time with our friends and family instead of looking at a computer screen name! :closedeyes:
  5. I wonder how an average Iraqi does feel about our occupation of their country. Seriously. Not something that the media tells me but are they happy now as they were under Saddam? Not for you to answer but I question rather the average Iraqi is better of because of this war.


    I never denied anyone the right, but the facts about 9/11 have never been disputed with any credibilty.


    I also have the right to say that anyone who believes those conspiracy theories is, in fact, unintelligent.

  6. Because it is a right under our Consitution for free speech. You may not agree with her comments but she has every right to make them.


    It was bit more than just expressing an opinion...


    She called our troops terrorists in a time of war and implied that our government was responsible for 9/11.


    It amazes me that you feel the need to defend a person who makes such vile and idiotic statements.

  7. I could do without the 5 grams of saturated fat myself. It is good but not worth it.


    Just went through the good old drive thru with my ankle biters. Some McD's employee was handing out coupons to try the new iced coffee for free. I said "what the heck" and got one.

    It is actually pretty good, better than I expected for sure!!!!

    They have regular, vanilla & hazelnut (which is my fav).


    Have you tried it yet?? What did you think???

    MMMMMMMMMMM, mine is good :) Likely a new addiction!

  8. I would try a chiropractor.


    Wll, I was in a car accident yesterday and totalled my car. But, ever since then my lower back has been killing me!!!!! I have been taking aleve every 4 hours, but it doesnt really help...is there anything else I can do???
  9. My mom and aunt stopped by the yard sale yesterday. They came home with a car load!


    It is in Barrington Farms.


    I'm not sure why some can't see the pictures. I'm sorry.


    And there is an 'orb' in that picture. I didn't notice it before. ~shrug~


    Great house! And they are having a yard sale today and tomorrow!

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