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Everything posted by TJB

  1. You're looking for sh*t to criticize Obama over because you disagree with him politically. Obama is stupid? I guess you forgot about the previous moron holding office.
  2. TJB

    Gipper Girl

    She's adorable. Congrats mom
  3. You want to justify the killing of an unarmed person and will go through any lengths to do so. The dispatcher is not a police officer but works for law enforcement and is told by the police to tell civilians not to take the law into their own hands. Had Zimmerman followed the advice of the dispatcher, this tragedy could have been avoided. How dense could people be?
  4. Zimmerman initiated the confrontation after being told not to do so. I would have listened to law enforcement and let them do their job. If I was attacked without justification and didn't initiate the confrontation, I might use a weapon if available. However, if I initiated the confrontation with an unarmed man I would take my ass-kicking like a man, using my hands only.
  5. Check out this article from National Review, conservative publication. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/294357/why-manipulate-tragedy-trayvon-martin-heather-mac-donald
  6. I feel like a boob for reading this thread.
  7. I respectfully disagree. If the case had been handled properly, it wouldn't have given a reason for Sharpton or Jackson to be there. Obama didn't make inflammatory comments other than a full investigation needed to be conducted and Travyon Martin could be his son. President Obama didn't accuse anyone of racism but it seems many are making racist comments to justify the murder of an unarmed teenager. Regardless of whether Martin was a small-time crook or pot smoker/dealer, he was unarmed and had Zimmerman listened to the dispatcher one life would have been saved and the other not ruined. This w
  8. I don't think racism killed Travyon Martin; it was a vigilante cop wannabe. However, the response to Martin's death is a clear reminder that very little progress has been made in race relations. Anybody with a shred of humanity should want the truth to come out and should be concerned about the inconsistencies in the story. Martin's and Zimmerman's families deserve a complete investigation to put the speculation to rest. I can't imagine anyone who would want an unarmed 17 year old to be dead or an innocent man defending himself to be accused of manslaughter/murder. Had a competent investigatio
  9. This is the issue. An unarmed person was killed under questionable circumstances and needs to be investigated. If the case was handled correctly from the outset, much of this controversy could have been avoided.
  10. People may want to check this out.Funeral director saw no signs of fight on Trayvon’s hands http://nancygrace.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/28/funeral-director-saw-no-signs-of-fight-on-trayvons-hands/?hpt=ng_mid
  11. If that's the case, there needs to be a complete investigation for all parties involved. If things had been handled better from the outset, perhaps the whole truth would have come out. Instead, we have mud slinging on all sides and I think the "Stand Your Ground" law needs to be reexamined.
  12. If Zimmerman initiated the confrontation and started getting his ass kicked and then claiming self-defense killed Trayvon Martin, this needs to come out. If Martin initiated the confrontation this needs to come out as well. Zimmerman has a shady past himself. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/03/21/1076361/-Arresting-George-Zimmerman-not-enough. I never called Zimmerman a racist, I did say he had a screw loose and made the same comment about the black youths who lit the white kid on fire. I don't want to see Zimmerman's life ruined if he is truly innocent. However, he should have been arreste
  13. So basically Zimmerman followed an unarmed teen after being told by dispatcher not to do so, a confrontation started, the smaller teen started getting the best of him, and he pulled a gun. Sounds like Zimmerman was a pussy and a coward to me.
  14. Follow me and see what happens. Sounds an awful lot like menacing to me. the racist comment pertained to the Al/Jesse reference, both of which I believe are buffoons.
  15. Ok, the dispatcher from the police department told him to stop following the kid. Zimmerman wasn't a cop, still had no right to follow the kid. Your racism is showing.
  16. If, at 17, I had been approached by Zimmerman under the same circumstances and he put his hands on me, I would have taken all steps to defend myself and if I had to take him off this Earth, I would have slept like a baby doing so. This asshole (Zimmerman) was told by the police to leave the kid alone and he didn't. End of story. Lives were ruined because this moron was a vigilante, a cop wannabe who failed to follow police orders. All the other speculation is meaningless. Zimmerman is a criminal.
  17. I was making an attempt to be a smartass/funny. I didn't mean to offend anyone.
  18. No. I was busy trying to trace the family trees of Pcom conservatives but it didn't take long because it goes straight up with no branches.
  19. Were you choking on lead paint chips and wearing a helmet when posting your witty reply.
  20. Just as I prefer not to pay attention to the developmentally disabled mindset.
  21. At 17 years old, if someone continued to follow me for no apparent reason and I felt threatened, I would do everything in my power to kick their ass. Zimmerman was told by the police not to continue following this young man. End of story.
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