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Everything posted by michelay1000

  1. We used Deer Creek in Marietta. I think they are on Allgood Road.
  2. Isn't there also a sale on the 27th at the County Extension?
  3. I'm very surprised they never tried him at Poole. My son was having issues at Abney and they told me that Poole would be the only place that would be able to help him. I live within walking distance of the New Hope Education Center and thought they were only using it for staff training.
  4. I do not miss having to go to wrecks with DH and being on call every.stinking.holiday.
  5. I followed a lady in a minivan home one night to tell her her taillights were out.
  6. So do we, but I'd hate to shoot someone walking in the woods (even if they didn't belong there).
  7. More power to you Magic Mommy, I could not live like that.
  8. Exactly. Protecting oneself and firing in a residential area for the hell of it are too entirely different things!
  9. Me too... 50,000 units. It's insane.
  10. Someone got beat up by some of the employees. I've wondered how that man is. His niece was posting for awhile, but I don't remember her screen name.
  11. There are signs for The Good Lie in Powder Springs.
  12. Reese Witherspoon is supposed to be filming in Paulding, not sure which film.
  13. That is a pretty big list.
  14. The warning is the worse. A tornado watch means the conditions are favorable, a warning means one is actually occurring (even though afterwards they will try to call it something else ).
  15. I understand 100%. My husband makes me deal with all customer service issues.
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