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Everything posted by icare

  1. I live in Paulding but teach in Douglas.....I along with many other teachers and staff and about 400 students are settling in for the night at New Manchester High School. We just heard that a bus of approx. 30 students is returning to us now because they can't get anywhere.
  2. There are school systems that didn't release even after the snow began. Our students are still here...
  3. No! They got it wrong this time.....the only school systems that got it right are the ones that told their teachers, staff, and students to stay home.
  4. I agree....the only ones that got it right are the ones that told their kids and teachers to stay home!
  5. Douglas County school teacher here......still at school. We don't dismiss until 2:40! Kudos to the school systems that got it right!!!
  6. Douglas County School System will begin a new software system to track substitute teachers. Our regular subs will not be allowed to get over 30 hours in a week because the school system would be required to provide them with insurance under the new ACA. This may not sound bad on the surface but many schools have regular subs that they know and trust in their classroom. Although subs must pass a background check, not all are fit to be in a classroom. I also have a nephew that desperately needs insurance and is out of work for medical reasons, he cannot afford the "Affordable Health Care" be
  7. Great explanation about school closing from the Forsyth County School System: School Cancelled for Tuesday, January 7, 2014! Forsyth County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2014. 12-month employees should report at 9:00 am or when conditions permit. All before and after-school activities and athletics will not be held on Tuesday. This school day will be made up on Monday, March 17, 2014 which is listed on the calendar as inclement weather day #1. We apologize for any inconveniences that this closing might cause for our families but we are simply not as pre
  8. Diehard FSU fan here........GO NOLES! :clapping:
  9. Great explanation about school closing from the Forsyth County School System: School Cancelled for Tuesday, January 7, 2014! Forsyth County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2014. 12-month employees should report at 9:00 am or when conditions permit. All before and after-school activities and athletics will not be held on Tuesday. This school day will be made up on Monday, March 17, 2014 which is listed on the calendar as inclement weather day #1. We apologize for any inconveniences that this closing might cause for our families but we are simply not as pr
  10. I just saw this.....I am sending a PM.
  11. Thanks Pink Pixie....sorry for being so defensive.
  12. I am revisiting this post tonight to let folks know how much I appreciate the information. We have been able to stock their pantry and freezer, however, they are facing more hard times. Please, continue to pray for this family. PINK PIXIE, I'm really not sure why I received a negative vote from you but I'm tough. I can handle it....
  13. Years ago....1993ish, I, along with many other parents, were able to make a difference and eventually get a red light installed at Sweetwater Church Rd./Brownsville Rd. and Hwy. 92. A talk radio station was covering Atlanta's Deadliest Intersections and they aired from the Winn Dixie parking lot. We showed up in numbers, wrote letters, petitioned and made phone calls. Together, we made a difference! Yep, after returning to KSU and student teaching in Cobb County, I slow down in school zones. Cobb County Police have trained their citizens that they better slow down near schools or e
  14. Thanks so much for the information everyone.........
  15. Thank you to those that have given me information!
  16. I have always wanted to do more for people in need during the Christmas season and all year long, however, I let life get in the way. I have been on numerous mission trips, taken meals to the sick, and donated $$, clothing, and food but it has never hit me as hard as it has this year. Last week, my husband's nephew(my husband's sister commited suicide when this young man was only 11 years old) had emergency open heart surgery. We had not talked with him in several years....we did not know how to contact him. When we went to the hospital we met his wife and her daughter. She is a very sweet per
  17. I went to McEachern but frequented Cobb Center....I worked at Steak n Shake on South Cobb Drive and cruised there and South Cobb Drive many times. I also remember Campbell's, Miracle Theatre, Belmont Hills Theatre (saw Jaws there when it first came out), Fat Boy's, Ol' South BBQ, got my class ring from Harris Jewelry, bought my wedding cake from McEntyre's Bakery. Those were the days!
  18. Excellent writing and reporting, Walter Chronic! As an English teacher, and with the big CCGPS push on informational texts, I would give you an A+! Great Job Stradial!
  19. Let me throw a few other words in the mix. My hubby and I discussed these last night.....poinsettia is not pronounced poinsetta.....and, magi has a long a and a long i.....may-gi.
  20. Oh man! We have already found someone. Thanks anyway!
  21. Thanks! Does anyone have his number? He hasn't been on in a while. Thank you!
  22. I am in need of a Santa for this Thursday at 3pm........the Santa we had scheduled cancelled!! Anyone???
  23. Wow! Thanks for all of the great advice!
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