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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. I caught it in the AJC. Course I am a newsjunky!
  2. Link to map: http://www.legis.ga.gov/legis/2009_10/house/communications/maps/HD019.pdf
  3. I have to agee with you about this.
  4. Animal already has a thread on it.
  5. Thanks! I may hang around for a while. At least until my stalker finds me again. I am trying to keep up with all of the mud flying around. Got any new mud lying around?
  6. Could you tell me which establishment you are speaking of?
  7. You got +2 for these remarks. I got -2 for stating the truth not even my opinion. This is why I won't be discussing politics here. I really did enjoy some of our debates but I really think this is childish on the part of some and I won't be back for more. My membership has expired anyway.
  8. A lot of folks feel that way but it is what it is and Deal is the better choice. Karen has endorsed him.
  9. He wasn't fired from his job because he did it badly but Barnes was! Once was enough!!!!
  10. No, it isn't. It is because Deal is a better choice than Barnes. Once was enough!
  11. If everyone agrees it is not a debate and some folks just like it that way. I have always enjoyed the debate but it is not here any longer. At least not for me. Madea is correct it is like watching paint dry.
  12. My Grandchildren didn't either until they reached Middle School.
  13. Runs in this family so it is the first thing I thought of. It can feel like a heart attack. Gall bladders are the devil when they aren't working right!
  14. Might be gallbladder to. So many things it could be. You need to see a doctor.
  15. I think the wording on the use of the SPLOST had to be changed to pay down the debt. Not 100% sure though. It has to be used exactly as it appears on the ballot. If it frees up money now spent to pay on the bond then that money could be used to pay teachers and buy supplies. I do not want to vote yes if it is not clearly stated that it will be used that way and for repairs. NO NEW BUILDING!!!
  16. She's beautiful!! Love that hair.
  17. If there is NO new building and this goes to pay off debt or make repairs when needed I am all for it. This one is not a new SPLOST as I understand it. It is a continuation of the one that is in place now. I think it should be in writing and very clearly stated though.
  18. I think Daniel was accused of missing a very important vote. I expect that in 8 years you could miss a few meetings. Some of them I am sure were routine and it was not essential that she be there. I am just guessing. Do they have Proxy votes on the BOE?
  19. Love to have lunch or coffee with you any time! You are one of my favorite folks!!
  20. If I know politics at all some constituents will regret it either way. If I was a betting person I might take you up on that but I'm not. I do agree that no minds will be changed on p.com most of all the folks you just named.
  21. Sorry you see it that way. I am stating what I believe to be true not what you view as the truth. I can see there is a world of difference! They ARE linked to Obama by the Party they all belong to and the platforms it promotes.
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