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Everything posted by rchaos

  1. rchaos


    At least you are in a place with plenty to eat and drink. Have fun!!! Remember... Double tap.
  2. Nope. Nice try. These are more videos released by the school and popo.
  3. http://www.dallas-hiram.patch.com/articles/ephs-vandalism-footage-released#video-9399489 Saw this on the Patch. Funny how it's not posted here at this News Site.
  4. Historical Gas Prices Chart I am not an Obama supporter nor a Democrat; however, if you are going to quote historical gas prices, please give the rest of the story. When you click on the link, click on the 6-year link on the npage and you can see the real price flux. Google can be your friend...
  5. Pathetic. OP please remove the picture. No one needs to see this.
  6. I am going to post on a public forum that my house will be empty the week of spring break! Please be careful folks.
  7. rchaos


    If you look closely at the far left corner, near the grassy knoll, at around the 38-second mark you will see the shadows of the 300 other students involved in this harmless caper. It is gonna be a very short graduation ceremony this year.
  8. www.lifesitenews.com/news/president-orders-jewish-and-muslim-hospitals-to-serve-pork I love bacon!
  9. Need I say more? We all knew Surepip was going to hijack this one.
  10. Surepip can start his own damn thread about this. Stop highjacking other threads. I think markdavd was being a bit coy with remark.
  11. What the frock does this have to do with your lawsuit Suerpip?. Jeez. Does everything have to deal with your pent-up anger against the county?
  12. When I type in www.pauldingairport.net it immediately switched to pauldingairport.org and has this on the page: pauldingairport.net & paulding airport.org are undergoing some changes
  13. Bummer that the website link does not work anymore.
  14. rchaos


    I keep looking in the PCom News section to see if there are any articles about this. Wow, not one. Here is a link from a local news site... School District Completes EPHS Vandalism Investigation
  15. This thread title is a bit misleading there Pubby. This is a standard PSA. This type of email letter goes out to as many forum sites found within an affected region. They type in "All forum sites within Paulding County, Georgia. It is "blind carbon copied" to all with a generic heading such as "Dear Publisher" and so on. You, of all people, should know this.
  16. rchaos


    So why don't they just call it a suspension then? When my son told me yesterday that they were suspended for 10 days I told him that that was, I believe, the minimum punishment that the handbook stated for that level of offense and was probably the best form of punishment for the students. Telling the kids they are expelled when they are actually suspended is not a good idea at all. One has a lot more harsher outcomes than the other. Their records would be better showing a suspension.
  17. rchaos


    Nothing can get past my tin-foil hat!
  18. rchaos


    Wow. What part of "he did an illegal thing" do you not understand? And why do you keep spouting off like this? I'm a Jedi. Your liberal tripe does not work on me.
  19. rchaos


    Okay, so they are expelled, yet can go to graduation? I'm trying to find the logic in this. I thought if you were expelled from school you are no longer a part of the school. This is sounding more like a very long off campus suspension. Maybe the terms have changes since I graduated many, many years ago. The graduation ceremony this year is going to be very interesting.
  20. rchaos


    Don't remember writing anything about me caring what Atlanta thinks. Are far as me moving... You wanna buy my house?
  21. rchaos


    To think there are several on this board and in the county that still say that it's okay that they paint the road because of a tradition. And you wonder why the rest of metro Atlanta thinks we are a bunch of backward rednecks? We keep giving them the proof!
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