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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. Did anyone take their kids to see nojoe the clown Saturday? I didn't go but I know him and he is a great guy. He travels all over the country with his show and helps a lot of kids. I talked to one lady that said her husband had been and really liked his show. After all we are all kids at heart. :p :p :p


    I would really like to see him. I've heard some good things.


  2. I love the old westerns, simple justice, shoot the bad guys then have a drink. :D


    My favorite of the Weds. night WB big three was Sugarfoot. He carried a law book and drank sarsparilla. lol


  3. I am amazed. I honestly didn't think you would ever get the answer to Nick's horse! You beat me, Kemosabe. I give up.





    BTW, if you think about, please post the link to the rider/horse name site. Sounds like fun, thanks!


    Here's one for you. Who was John Wayne's side-kick in his early westerns?


    I hope this link works!




  4. I am so crazy about Westerns.... my den is full of old western movies and I could watch them over and over.



    Robert Mitchum/ Dean Martin (5 card stud)

    Nevada Smith (Steve McQueen/ Karl Malden)

    Hombre (Paul Newman/ Richard Boone)

    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (John Wayne/Jimmy Stewart/Lee Marvin)

    The Outlaw Josey Wales (Clint Eastwood)

    Charles Bronson (Breakheart Pass)

    Last Train from Gun Hill (Anthony Quinn/Kirk Douglas)


    the list of my favorite western movies could go on and on.....


    I would like to see "The Villian" with Kirk Douglas again. I loved his horse, Whiskey. lol


  5. How many remember Hopalong Cassidy? I got a white HC cowboy hat and HC six shooters for Christmas one year.

    Do you remember Lash Larue? Tom Mix? Tex Ritter? Lone Ranger and Tonto? Used to go to Saturday matinees, buy popcorn, drink and rasinettes all for less than 50 cents.

    Opps, telling my age.


    For some reason I missed out on Hopalong, Tom Mix and Tex Ritter but I grew up watching Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and The Lone Ranger. On Saturday morning I watched The Roy Rogers show, Sky King and Fury on TV. I have only recently started checking out the Hopalong Cassidy movies.



    I dressed as Clint in Fistful of Dollars/For a Few Dollars More for Halloween one year. I searched high and low for just the right hat, spurs, a poncho, neckerchief, and even a gun belt. My husband laughed at me. He said, "No one will notice if the hat isn't right, but YOU!"


    Now I don't have the time or money to devote to Halloween costumes like that. Pity.


    Cool costume!


  6. You are correct! 1968. I love the Clint Eastwood westerns.

    I'm going to have to think on Roy Rogers and John Wayne. That's a tough one.


    I have a tough one for you, Kemosabe! Or anyone else that wants a crack at it.

    you may be able to research it, but I don't think so :huh:


    In The Big Valley, Nick Barkley rode a horse with a white mane. What was the name of the horse?

    (I didn't know this until this week myself)


    Bonus: City & State where the Barkley Ranch was located?


    The horse was Coco and the Barkley Ranch was in Stockton, CA? I had to research the horse. But I found a cool website that gives the names of horses and riders from TV westerns.


  7. Okay, here's a trivia question for the Roy Rogers fans?


    What was Roy Rogers real name?


    Bonus: What was the name of the John Wayne film that a young Roy Rogers appeared in before he became Roy Rogers?

  8. Here is mine!


    Just fry up some Jimmy Dean Sausage, scramble some eggs, add cheese and wrap in butter crescent rolls!!


    Place rolls on the bottom and sides of a baking dish. Add cooked sausage and scrambled eggs and cheese. Use more rolls to cover the top. Brush with butter and bake at 375 until rolls are light golden brown!!!





    This is sooooo good!

  9. Good Morning!


    Some new Western Movie trivia for y'all to think about on a cold Friday morning...


    In what movie did Pat Hingle play a Hanging Judge?

    Bonus: Who played the Marshal?


    Ok, get some coffee first



    Okay, had to do some research. Is it "Hang Em High" and Clint Eastwood?

  10. Thank you for the creed, rules and prayer. I have saved them and will make plaques for my 9yo son.

    They remind us to be fair and even in todays world I feel they are very important values. I don't know about you but these things seem to have been forgotten in the world today.


    Yes, I remember Room 222


    I am so pleased that you enjoyed them. I agree that the values these things represent seem to have been forgotten.

  11. Good Morning!


    Some new Western Movie trivia for y'all to think about on a cold Friday morning...


    In what movie did Pat Hingle play a Hanging Judge?

    Bonus: Who played the Marshal?


    Ok, get some coffee first


    Okay, this one has me stumped. If this was one of the "spaghetti westerns" I may not have seen it.


  12. ...............and cowgirls.


    I know this is not that old, but I loved this movie.



    I liked this one, too.

    I love looking at the old pictures of the cowgirls on the walls at Long Horn. My dad and I were part of a little wild west show when I was 6 & 7 years old. We had two trick horses. I wore the full cowgirl outfit complete with two pearl handled cap guns. I would shoot my dads horse, the horse would lay down and play dead, then my dad would "crank" her back to her feet by her tail. Dad was the bad guy. He would tie me up and my horse would come untie me. I could stand in front of her with my back to her, she would lower her head so I could sit just behind her ears, then she would toss me onto her back. If she was saddled, she would kneel down so I could reach the stirrup. I have been blessed to have some wonderful equine friends in my life.


  13. Someplace I have a Tom Mix pocket knife....

    Also, my family bought property in Southern California from a man, who when I was much younger and we used to go to his huge house and go swimming....I used to call Uncle Lew......I didn't know who he really was.....but he was good friends with another (real) movie cowboy named William S. Hart...who had a big ranch with buffalo in Newhall, Ca (southern Ca. near Six Flags) where we'd go all the time... Uncle Lew's last name was Ayers......if that sounds familiar. he was one of the original cowboys and I met Roy Rogers and Dale and actually got to ride Trigger (okay....once around the coral)......


    Also, John Wayne had his yacht tied to a dock in San Pedro and once in a while my friends and I would go down to Ports o' Call and go to the Mexican restaurant on the other side of the gate......and a few times we'd leave later that evening and see him drive up and we'd talk to Marian once in awhile.... hell of a nice guy....


    let's see..... I've also met and had lunch with Dan Blocker (Hoss on Bonanza) and a few others......long story, but I was in the middle of a lot of the studios back than because of my fathers' contacts and friends....


    My favorite recollection (unwestern), of meeting someone when I must have been around 7 or 8...was a show on tv a loooooong time ago called "Room 222" ..my father had a client who lived in a pretty nice house. She had to see him along with the manager and I went with him. I was swimming in her pool when she came out in her swimsuit..... anyone remember a young Karen Valentine?


    What wonderful memories!

    Whenever I think of Karen Valentine, I think of the knee high, white, vinyl boots she wore in either Room 222 or something else that I saw her in.



    One of my favorite movies of all times is "The Cowboys" with John Wayne.

    I used to watch it as a kid every time it came on tv! :)




    I like that movie. My favorite John Wayne westerns are The Searchers, True Grit and Big Jake.


  14. Roy Rogers Riders Club Rules and Prayer


    1. Be neat and clean.

    2. Be courteous and polite.

    3. Always obey your parents.

    4. Protect the weak and help them.

    5. Be brave but never take chances.

    6. Study hard and learn all you can.

    7. Be kind to animals and care for them.

    8. Eat all your food and never waste any.

    9. Love God and go to Sunday School regularly.

    10. Always respect our flag and our country.


    Roy Rogers’ Prayer


    Lord, I reckon I'm not much just by myself,

    I fail to do a lot of things I ought to do.

    But Lord, when trails are steep and passes high,

    Help me ride it straight the whole way through.


    And when in the falling dusk I get that final call,

    I do not care how many flowers they send,

    Above all else, the happiest trail would be

    For YOU to say to me, "Let's ride, My Friend"



  15. Hey LLF, If you come up with some other "Old West" links, please let me know. You can PM if you like. I'm not particularly great on the computer and I'm a lousy typist.

    Friends and family laugh at me all the time, "I'm the only 50 year old in the world" with my house decorated with the Lone Ranger and the Old West. My GF always

    jokes that if she ever broke the LR cookie jar in my kitchen that I would run her off. It really isn't a joke. LR collectibles have always been few and far between.


    My husband made me move all my Roy Rogers stuff to our stable clubhouse. I have my Roy Rogers Riders Club rules poster there. I have a collection of old movies that my students can check out and take home to watch. Most of these kids have never heard of The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers or Gene Autry.

    Where in the world did you find the LR cookie jar?!



    I have a bunch of John wayne and other wetern VHS movies for sale if you are interested.


    I have several but I'm always interested in adding to my collection.

  16. I have this posted in my office. It is The Lone Ranger's Creed:


    "I believe that to have a friend,

    a man must be one.


    That all men are created equal

    and that everyone has within himself

    the power to make this a better world.


    That God put the firewood there

    but that every man

    must gather and light it himself.


    In being prepared

    physically, mentally, and morally

    to fight when necessary

    for that which is right.


    That a man should make the most

    of what equipment he has.


    That 'This government,

    of the people, by the people

    and for the people'

    shall live always.


    That men should live by

    the rule of what is best

    for the greatest number.


    That sooner or later...


    we must settle with the world

    and make payment for what we have taken.


    That all things change but truth,

    and that truth alone, lives on forever.


    In my Creator, my country, my fellow man."


    The Lone Ranger





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