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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. Somehow, I get the idea that some folks don't believe that others at all have the right to disagree.



    Kind of like we all have to march in lockstep; that different drummers need not apply, that we should all wear gray little uniforms and worship our leaders kind of like they do Kim Jung Ill




    I just wish people could disagree without trashing each other!


  2. We were eating at a restaurant in Townsend, Tn. this weekend and our waitress got to crying telling us about her 4 month old granddaughter. She said there was a mass between the back of her eye and her brain. They were taking her to some hospital to have tests done and might have to have surgery. She said if she did, they would do it at a Ronalds McDonald hospital. We told her we would pray and call her in a few days to check on her. So, we are asking you to say a prayer for this baby. Thanks in advance.


    Prayers going up for this little one and her family.


  3. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, ear ache, and one side of my nose is dripping like a faucett, one side is stopped up like a toilet, and I feel like someone has a pair of pilers squeezing my head tighter and toghter...


    anyone else had this? and what did you take? I hate being sick... ^_^


    Feeling better today than I did yesterday but I have had similar symptoms since the middle of last week.


  4. I remember one cold February morning waking to my daughter saying she had something to tell me. She simply said, I am bulimic. My first question was for how long? When she said since 6th grade (she was in 10th grade), I nearly fell out of bed. Shock, how could this be possible? Hey, I knew everything about my girls. Yes, I can look back now and all the signs were there. I told her we would get help. So the long struggle began.


    My daughter was over weight by today's standards too. PLEASE KNOW that I am CERTAINLY not saying that your child has an eating disorder. I am saying that sometimes we have no idea what problem our child is trying to manage. Sometimes when we push ourselves into a corner we come out with claws. Burning herself with erasers is a serious cry for help. When one gets to the point of hurting herself, usually the pain has been there for some time.


    I first posted because I could feel your pain and I am truly sorry for what you are going through. I am sure you have tried to talk to your child and have expressed your love and concern. Sitting down and communicating and expressing your love and concern by validating her feelings is imperative.


    We went through individual conseling, family counseling, individual and family programs, hospitalization, missing a year of high school. Just name it, we have been there and done that. Some things helped, others didn't. When all was said and done, for us, we couldn't have done it without GOD.


    I am a rather private person but posted because your post hit such a tender spot in my heart. No one is perfect and life comes with it's own set of struggles for each of us. You will get through this by never never giving up on those you love and putting your trust in God. LIFE IS SHORT!


    My two cents!




    I'm with you 100%.

  5. My 22 year old is in great condition and I attribute it to her diet along with regular dental exams and deworming. She is on a 12% fat/12% protein textured feed that contains beet pulp and rice bran. I also feed her western alfalfa hay that has been soaked in water along with her fescue and timothy hays.

  6. Our friend and fellow p.commer (dulciminerman22) ask that we all pray for his wife. She passed out the other night at home and is in the hospital now. He said he thought he had lost her. They have been doing tests but can't figure out what's wrong. He said she was very weak and can't walk much. Thank all of you for your prayers.


    Prayers going up.


  7. Tomorrow Darlene goes back into the hospital for another operation related to the gall-bladder that has just been removed. It seems there is a blockage in the bile duct that must come out. We pray it is not cancer.

    The past three weeks of Doctors and Hospitals has been very tiring.


    Prayers for Darlene and for you.



  8. Most of our side walkers and horse handlers are middle school and high school students. When we go to the state competition in Perry, they clean stalls, feed and groom horses, tack up the horses and warm them up for the athletes. They also walk the courses with and without the horses to familiarize themselves before they go into the arena with the athletes. The coaches are not allowed in the arena during the actual classes. They also help make sure the athletes get to each class on time. It is a 3 month commitment from the time we begin training until the state show.

    In a time when we hear and read so many negative things about kids today, it's comforting to know that there are young people like these in our community.

  9. I hate to use a screwdriver.....if I need to screw something, I use a butterknife.


    This drives "Batteries Not Included" up the dang wall. He is going to buy a set of butterknifes for himself, and I can not touch his stuff.


    Does anyone else do this?


    I often use a butterknife as a screwdriver. I have also used coins when I couldn't put my hands on a knife.


  10. I was at work. A coworkers husband called to tell us what was happening. At first I thought it was a joke. I just couldn't believe that something like that could happen.

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