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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. Trail riding on my horse alone. I know I shouldn't because of the dangers but it is so peaceful. The sound of her bare hooves on the ground, her breathing, an occasional snort and the sounds made by a good, soft, leather saddle; along with the sounds of birds, the wind through the trees and the sound of a running stream. It is truly heaven on earth.


  2. Hot damn!

    I'm a Mason. Could you let me know what we as MASONS are taking over? I'm ready to control the world. Oh crap, I have let it out that I am an evil Mason!

    This person is an absolute idiot. I'm sure he has a bunker full of supplies and still can't believe Y2K didn't occur. Get a life!

    Speaking of us evil MASONS, we have a chick-n-que coming up in Sept. Plates will be $6 and the proceeds will NOT be going towards the destruction of the world. But then again, as this op states, you cannot trust me since I AM a Mason.


    When the tickets go on sale, I'll take 2.


  3. My father was a Mason. He wore a Masonic ring most of the adult days of his life. He never made a secret of his membership in the Masons. The things I remember about his Masonic Lodge are their participation in search and rescue missions for missing children, volunteering in our local Civil Defense (back when we still had air raid drills), helping families who had lost everything due to a house fire or major illness and their annual community BBQ. This thread is an insult to my father's memory.

  4. Usually, I don't post topics asking for anything but advice. However, if you would please say a prayer for my daddy.

    He is being admitted to the hospital, as I type this post, for possibly having a mild heart attack this morning.

    They are running tests to determine for sure if this is the cause of his discomfort or not.

    He has had a mild heart attack before, and he said he felt as if this was the same kind of pain.


    I offered to go to the hospital to be there with him and mom, but he told me to stay at home and wait. (Something of which I can't stand doing! <_>


    So, any prayers would be appreciated!


    Prayers going up for your dad and the family.


  5. I am soooooooooooooooo excited for Aaron! I knew he was gonna win!!!! He's been my friend for a long time (before I moved to Georgia) and has a wonderful family! ok, I gotta call the family!!!!!!!!!!


    Please offer our congratulations! My husband and I hoped he would win from the beginning. He seems like such a wonderful person.

    LauraLeigh Farms & TopChef



  6. My husband had emergency gall bladder surgery at Cobb Gen. last week. Dr. Wyatt did the surgery.

    I had my gall bladder removed several years ago but I don't remember the Drs. name. My husband was in the hospital 3 days and was up and around after a week. He is still sore but healing nicely. I went in on Friday morning and came home on Friday afternoon.

  7. Bless you for wanting to adopt a mature kitty! There are so many nice cats @ Paulding but people still want the kittens and overlook the grown cats. Many of them are young themselves, only a year or two, and lots of them are already neutered/spayed.


    Let us know who you got and put a picture on here. This is such good news. Today I went to take pictures and they were everywhere! : (


    Will do. My husband just had emergency gall bladder surgery so I have to stick close to home for the next couple of days but I plan to go get my kitty no later than Tues. The little male cat that I adopted last summer was supposed to be an outside/inside cat but the only time he goes out is when he sneaks out the front door. He is the strangest cat I've ever had. He plays fetch, scratches on my bedroom door in the morning to wake me up and "feeds and waters" his toys. In the morning he talks to me, or at least it sounds more like talking than a meow. He loves playing with ponytail holders. My granddaughter had one around her wrist so he sat down beside her and started tapping it with his paw. I think he was trying to ask her to take it off and give it to him or maybe he thought it was hungry. :)


  8. I'm going to select a new "mature" lady kitty this weekend. No one can replace my Iddybiddykiddy but we have room in our hearts for a new barn matron. I talked with the ladies at the shelter today about getting a new "barn kitty". I adopted a male kitten last summer but soon learned why females make better barn cats. lol Boots' main job is to act as a paper weight on my desk while I'm working and to keep my lap warm when I watch television. ;)

    Speaking of mature ladies, my AQHA mare, Happy Hollow, just turned 22 this past Sunday. Happy is not only my best friend, she is like a sister to me.

  9. Cheffy,

    I lost my mom in Feb. 07. Her birthday was also in Feb. I still catch myself planning trips to Birmingham to visit her. My dad passed away in July of 92. I don't think the pain ever goes away. I have found comfort in writing stories for my grandkids about my parents. Stories about the things that made them special; things that made me proud to be their daughter.

    Hugs and prayers for you.


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