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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. I do catch myself judging other occassionally and I detest it. It's just a part of me that I am still working on.


    I've met people from all walks of life and after giving them time to let themselves relax and share, I am usually happy that I allowed myself to learn about them. Not many people are what you see at the surface level and if given the chance, they can show you just how beautiful they are on the inside regardless of what you see on the outside.


    True! But the opposite can also be true. I'm sure that most people have learned, to their dismay, that they have placed their trust in the wrong person because they misjudged their character. Our tendancy to make judgments concerning other people is also a defense mechanism. As parents, we rely on first impressions to protect our children. I believe that the reason for judging others is where right and wrong comes into play. I am guilty of judging others for the wrong reasons sometimes. I'm still working to improve there.



  2. Please everyone say a prayer for my sister in law, who is battling breast cancer that has spread to her organs.

    Her husband died 2 years ago at age 39 with a massive heart attack, and now she is trying to raise an 18 year old

    son who is an only child.


    She is still working a full time job to pay for her treatments and pay the bills, all while taking chemo and being pretty much sick

    every day.


    Thank you everyone and let's give God praise and all the glory for His healing hand!



    Prayers for your sister, her son and for you and the rest of the family.


  3. Thanks everyone. He is not out of the woods yet. They have found that he has had a blood vessel in his brain to bust. He is in Emory and I know that they will take great care of him. So if you don't have anyone to pray for, please do for our friend.


    Again Thanks and God Bless.



    Prayers for your friend and his family.


  4. I start my Interferon treatments today. I will have to go to the doctor M-F to receive the injections for 5 1/2 weeks. Then 3 times a week after that. I'll eventually be able to give the injections to myself.


    You and your family will be in my prayers.


  5. Cheffy i saw in the other post yesterday where you said today would be your Birthday. So i want to send a big Birthday wish to you. Happy Birthday.Hope you get all that you wish for . Now lay those pots and pans down and relax and enjoy your day.


    Happy birthday, Cheffy!!!


  6. How were the breakfast casseroles? Was it enough for everyone? I had to come home and make one for my family--they smelled so good!!


    Cheffy, it was wonderful! There was so much food left that my husband and I and my daughter's family had the casserole for breakfast the next day. Thank you so much for bringing it by the house on Sunday morning.

    I told my daughter about your dinners. She works late a couple of evening each week and hates picking up fast food on the way home.


  7. This is one of the sickest things I have ever heard. I feel horribly sorry for the horse (i'm glad it is doing ok!) but I feel equally as sorry for the little girl being brought up in an environment of negativity, anger, and taught it is "ok" to treat another living being in this manner. I really hope that father has mental issues, because I would honestly have no other explanation.


    I really think that people should have to have a license to procreate. This case supports that!


    I agree with you 100%! Obviously this little girl is a victim of her upbringing. It makes me really appreciate the father who taught me to respect all life. My horses are part of our family. They are treated with dignity and respect.


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