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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. those who have met me know i have a rather obvious and unusual disability so here is the scenario....stopped to grab a burger...lady in front of me with small child did not have quite enough money and said, "well, just take off her stupid frosty" so i tapped her and said if she didnt mind i had it and would pay the change to which i got "FINE!" the little girl then asked me what is that" (referring to my tubing and bag) and i told her, "Well, that is a big word, but the doctor gave me this so i could eat and be healthy like you" (my standard response to kids) The mother then spun around and told her child, "YOU dont need to be talking to HER!" and snatched her by the arm and grabbed her food and stormed out of the building.

    The whole place heard this and was shocked. The cashier said, "what the____?" to which i had to respond,"well, no good deed goes unpunished i guess" o keep from crying and ordered my burger and left.

    Okay folks, i just dont get it What has happened to manners and just general courtesy? i can remember my mother threatening to whoop my a___ if i stared at someone with any kind of disability, not treating them like they were freaks herself! She always helped seniors in need of assistance when we were out and taught me to smile and be polite to those less fortunate....yes, i did get to my truck and tear up a bit but not feeling sorry for myself...i felt sorry for the little girl who now does not understand and will be taught to shun people like me.


    I'm afraid that the little girl is going to have much bigger problems as she grows up unless there is another role model in her life.


  2. Maybe shes just a lonely dog lover. You people suck for making fun of her.


    I'm with you, Bones. All 4 of my dogs were rescues and have socialization issues that make it unsafe to take them to the dog park. I wish I had a puppy to take to share with this lady.

  3. I wanted to make some ornaments this year with my girls. Does anyone else do this and if so what are your suggestions??


    Michael's has some little wooden cut outs in the back of the store. My horsemanship students made ornaments from those. We used paint, glitter and ribbon. We used a single hole punch to put a hole in the ornament to run ribbon through and then tied each one with a bow. They were easy and inexpensive to make and the kids had a lot of fun making them.


  4. I just received a call from a good friend and brother in Christ down in Panama City Fla. His wife has been Admitted to ICU and she needs prayer from all the praying people on P. Com. They are from Paulding but was in Panama City when she took sick. WE know our prayers can reach all the way down their. Thank you so much for your prayers.


    Prayers going up for your friend's wife and for your friend.

  5. Just saw on my cable guide, the original is coming on AMC, Dec 11th at 8Pm.


    I'll have to mark my calendar. I watch it every time I spot it in the movie guide.

    I hope that the new film has a strong story line and as good a cast as the first. That coupled with todays special effects should make for a real sci-fi treat.


  6. the trailers make it look like it is only loosely based on the original. I much prefer that than to try to stick to the original, but miss the mark. War of the Worlds was one such movie. The recent remake wasn't bad, but it didn't have much to do with the original.


    I agree. If the films are based on a book, I don't mind a little literary license as long as they don't deviate too much from the original story line.

  7. Lyrics to "Happy Trails" by Dale Evans Rogers

    Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

    Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.

    Who cares about the clouds when we're together?

    Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.

    Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again.


    Some trails are happy ones,

    Others are blue.

    It's the way you ride the trail that counts,

    Here's a happy one for you.


    Happy trails to you, until we meet again.

    Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then.

    Who cares about the clouds when we're together?

    Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.


    Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again.




    Alternate Religious Verse:


    Happy trails to you, it's great to say "hello".

    And to share with you the trail we've come to know.

    It started on the day that we met Jesus,

    He came into our hearts and then he freed us.

    For a life that's true, a happy trail to you.



    I can't remember a time that I didn't have a recording of this song on a record, cassette or CD.


  8. Did you Gene Autry's "ranch" was actually about two acres? When you saw him chasing the train the tracks weren't very long. They would just change the angle shot each time to make it look long. And they used the same train in all his movies.


    I had no idea. Interesting info!


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