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LauraLeigh Farms

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Posts posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. I will not be able to be online consistently, but I will check in as often as I can.


    I have 1 child that is 13, female. I just cannot find the right communication for her.

    To me, she is disrespectful, and flat out a bully to her 7-year-old sister. Then there are times that she loves and cares for her lil sister more than could ever imagine. And it seems as long as she is getting something she wants or has plans that she likes she is the sweetest nicest most loving child ever! I do not get it… Her older sister, she loves her to death and looks up to her. Never really a problem there.


    I have racked my brain with this one. I had her research characteristics of respectful people and bullies yesterday after school, so she would see that I am not being mean when I discipline her, but I’m trying my damnest to help her grow up to be a wonderful person. And YES there will be times she must stand her ground and be a lil on the firm side. But learn when those times are. She is not a child that lashes out. She gets way too withdrawn or quiet. That drives me crazy. I ask her questions; she tries to hide her face or says, “I don’t know” to EVERYTHING! Mumbles when talking to me or grunts. I have thought about Home schooling her because she puts effort into school “half” the time. Her CRCT scores and SAT scores are at the highest of Meets and into the exceeds. But she does not finish her work or just flat out never turns it in. But if I home school her will that effect her by not being with the kids she grew up with?

    She has finally found a church that she feels good about (Thank God).


    Communication is sometimes great between us and then its horrible. She LOVES one on one time with me. And I love it when I’m with her. But I have 3 kids and I’m single. I’m pretty much all she has as a parent.

    To me it seems I must always walk on water to make her happy with out interruption. And that is so hard to do. I am not a whipping / spanking parent. I have talks and try my best to explain the situations with my kids and that has always worked out well. But lately… not so much with her. I popped her in her mouth last night and spanked her one morning that I tried waking her up for 30 minutes, which made me late for work. I SOMETIMES GET SO UPSET I think about sending her to Military camp or some sort of program. Because she makes me feel so disrespected. (then I look in her school binder and her profile that’s in there ask her who she looks up to the most and who she wants to grow up and be like.. and they all say MY MOM!) I cried. I’m confused.

    Do you guys have any words or experiences to help me? I’m at the end of my rope. I’m at a complete loss.


    The reason that we started the Circle of Friends Saddle Club is to help kids see themselves and those around them in a different light. Horses have a way of seeing into our hearts and making us want to be better people. If your daughter has any interest in horses, we would love to have her visit one of our meeings.


  2. I quit 16 years ago after having been a smoker for 25 years. I quit cold turkey but now I'm addicted to cinnamon fire Jolly Ranchers. lol I didn't know it at the time, it was just a craving, but cinnamon helps reduce the desire to smoke.

  3. This is really personal, but i feel compelled to share so that maybe it will prevent at least one person from going through what i did today...


    In october i went to my dermatologist because I noticed a change in a small bump on my face. It started of really small, then grew, became really dried out and came off. It immediately grew back within about 2 weeks. My dermatologist (who is awesome, by the way: Marietta Dermatology) cut it off for a biopsy. Within 5 days I got a call saying that it was indeed cancerous and i would have to have surgery to remove all of the cancerous cells. It is a Basal Cell Carcinoma which is the best kind to have because it is very slow growing and doesn't tend to spread. I am so thankful for that!! It is caused by SUN EXPOSURE and TANNING BEDS. I am ONLY 26 years old and this is usually found in people much older than me. Today I had the first surgery and tomorrow I am going to my cosmetic surgeon to have the wound closed. I am absolutely in shock form seeing the wound. It is a hole in my face beside my eye that is the size of a large marble! It is painful and there is a large chance that i will develop more of these. I would not wish this on anyone, especially a young person.


    Please think twice before letting your teen daughters visit tanning salons and lay out in the sun. I never thought this could happen to me.


    Again I am beyond thankful that this was not melanoma, and that it was caught very early, but it could have been prevented soooo easily! Please wear sunscreen! I know it feels good to have a tan, but if you have even slightly fair skin, you are at a higher risk and also if anyone in your family has had it.


    thanks for reading this and please think about your health before you bake in the sun!!! :mellow:



    My daughter just went through the exact same thing. She had surgery to remove the cancer cells on her face yesterday and had cosmetic surgery today. She is 30 years old. I would also like to add my plea to yours that young people think twice before heading for the tanning beds or sun bathing.


  4. Shannon the stalker?? lol. I thought for sure, he'd ditch her, but he thought it was her being informed, freak!


    I also think Deanna showing up is just a teaser - I'm going to say she's there to talk to him about his big decision at the end. Letting him know she was once there and mad a big decision and advising him on how to make the right one. That's just my guess. I could be wrong, who knows.


    Does anyone else like the one lady that had lost her husband 3 1/2 years ago? I really like her (aside from the heavy make-up). She's seems really genuine.


    :wub: I LOVE THE BACHELOR!!! :wub:


    She is one of my favorites.

  5. I have the time info and stuff, but I need more info--like-do we have to sign up early-what payments to you accept-who do we call and how do we pre-register if that's necessary-what types of activities are involved-is it outdoors all of the time?




    We will have membership forms available at the meetings for anyone who would like to join the club. There are no annual membership dues just the $10 per meeting donation which can be paid by cash or check. The kids will learn about being safe around horses, the language of horses, equine anatomy and basic riding skills. Most of the acitivities will be outside but we also have a club room with horse related crafts, board games, puzzles, videos, etc... for rainy days or winter days that are too cold for outside activities. We will be handing out info sheets, stickers, autograph pages, etc... for the kids to keep. We will provide a snack and bottled water or juice. Each meeting will have a simple Christian message that is related through the horses.

    If you have questions, you can contact me at 678-363-7722.

    Thank you for your interest!




  6. So many of my Star Trek favorites have moved on to the Final Frontier: Deforest Kelly, James Doohan, Mark Leonard and now Majel Barrett. I can't imagine any other voice for the Star Trek computers. My husband's cousin was president of the Star Trek fan club for many years. When she died, the cast sent a Star Trek uniform for her burial. James Doohan visited her in the hospital.

  7. Be sure to put up reminders!! This sounds awesome. There was a place like this in Oklahoma and it grew to be really a large thing.


    Will do! I hope we can get some local pastors, youth ministers and song leaders involved. Also, any adults with experience with horses who would like to help would be a blessing.


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