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Everything posted by sexymom

  1. Another one that gets me is Best buy has a "family/pregnant" parking area. I can't tell you the times I've parked in the back 40 when I was pregnant, then while hauling an infant seat, then when managing a toddlers only to look over and see some young single dude getting into his car...alone in that parking spot. Really people...Is it that hard to be considerate? OOOOOOO...that gets on my nerves sooo bad! slashed areas, just because you can fit your car there, doesn't mean you should.
  2. He is out of surgery and is stabilized. Thank God!
  3. My heart goes out to them. They are friends of mine and my daughter and their son are close.
  4. I just called them. They are indeed closed with no estimated date of opening. I say it's about time, that smell is NASTY!
  5. If it's raining or super cold (like this morning) and if there is still someone here to watch the baby, I do drive my son. But like you...K-2nd was mommy mommy mommy...LOL Now in the 3rd grade it's "I can do it" lol They grow up WAY too fast.
  6. This happened a few days ago...but felt it was worthy of reposting 3:30am..... Alden: MOM!!!!! Me: *jumps to the ceiling from a dead sleep* What's wrong? Alden: *said VERY seriously* there's a zombie in my room. Well....what's the fun in going out for the first time...single. LOL
  7. I'm "that" mom who doesn't take my almost 9 year old to the bus stop. I normally have a 16 month old still in bed and he plays outside without me being by his side, so I don't expect other moms to have to watch him because he plays outside by himself and knows how to stay off the road. Not all moms can be there, some work, some have small children that they don't want to wake or bring outside in the cold.
  8. I passed by and that it was cool seeing all the movie filming stuff and cars. I even got a pic. It's not a great one..but it says Glenview Police on the cars
  9. I thought that also...when Addison was 10 months old and only 2 teeth, she was able to gnaw on it and get some pieces off and choked on them. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those mesh teethers! They are awesome and no food gets through the. Addison loved it when I just put ice in it.
  10. I give Addison Tylenol or Advil for pain (main just at bedtime to help her sleep through the pain), Since a 3 month old baby really doesn't have hand/eye coordination to hold on to a teether and chew on it, I would recommend Hylands Teething Tablet. There are also awesome teether necklaces that a lot of mom's are using called an Amber Teething Necklace http://www.etsy.com/search/handmade?search_submit=&ref=auto&q=amber+necklace+teething&view_type=gallery&ship_to=US Teething is so hard on the babies, Mine didn't cut her first tooth till 10 months old, and she's only got 8
  11. Well, that makes sense I guess.
  12. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...LOL And I'm LMAO @ incabiker...toooooooo funny! Serves them right!
  13. This whole story has me tore up. That poor baby girl. It makes me sick not knowing if she was taken or, worse, hurt by the hands of the one person who was supposed to protect her. And I just don't understand...if you KNOW you're innocent, without a shadow of a doubt, why need an attorney? To me, that makes you look guilty once you retain that attorney, especially such a high power one.
  14. Any other elementary fall festivals looking for vendors?
  15. I would like the vendor information as well please.
  16. Can you pm me contact info please
  17. Who do I contact for the one in Marietta on the 7th and 8th? Would like to get a booth if it's not too late. Also, there's another one on 10/15 at North Atlanta Auto Superstore I think the times are like 10-6pm (there will also be a bluegrass band) There's another one on 10/1 at Hardy Ford Not sure of the times though but I think it may be similar times. I would also like the info for: Nov 5 - Due West UMC Annual Holiday Market - 9:00 - 2:30 Nov 12 - County Line UMC - 9:00 - 2:00 Would love to know of any school fall festivals as well!
  18. LOVED the rain..HATED the 50 bazillion tornado warnings we kept having. And one of them spotted a funnel right over Pine Valley Rd... WAY too close for comfort.
  19. Yep Right around Pine Valley Rd...and guess who lives off Pine Valley Rd...and guess who just came out from her basement. LOL Yep...me
  20. Just saw that. Unfortunately so did my son...so now it's every 5 seconds of what if questions and panic attacks.
  21. Tornado warning in Carroll county till 2:14
  22. Great. so much for being lazy. Now I'm going to be stressing about the weather all dang day.
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