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Everything posted by NumberCruncher

  1. with a vengance! i know. i'm weak. as much as a goof off as i seem to be, i am pretty high strung by nature and have a high pressure job. my caffeine and nicotine are what keep me almost calm. (goofing off helps a lot too) the headaches were pretty bad when i tried to quit. but the bitchiness was WAY worse.
  2. oh honey. i feel for ya. i tried a month or so ago to give up my diet cokes. thought i was gonna die. i'm not sure there's a cure. hopefully someone will come along and help us both out.
  3. it's a fabulous word. i love saying it. and yeah. maybe we've worn out our boxes.
  4. i really wish y'all would come down for the weekend. and here are the things i get really pissy over when we get low, or god forbid, run out of. bottled water - jlh is now having a heart attack. he hates this habit. crystal light packets - iced tea wif lemon flavoring. plain water is gross. unless i have gum trident gum - spearmint flavored. baby wipes - cucumber & melon scented. i'm messy. marlboro lights - i have filthy habits sliced cheese - yellow. that's all i require. wheat bread - no chunks viva paper towels cottonelle toilet paper cer
  5. i'm having a tough time deciding between floating and admiring, logging on and joining the revelry, and catching up on some much needed sleep. at least now i'll know to keep an eye on the clock. if it's open. thanks for posting hun!
  6. you love me. you really, really love me. this would save me soooo much time and effort! ps. use the lime kind!
  7. crap. we're both wrong. Sevin Dust and it comes in 5 & 10 too. weird.
  8. fuzzy? or like, pixelated in a few spots? you might just have an etch a sketch head too, trying to make sure.
  9. it's an insect repellant? i think. maybe it just kills them? i'm a crappy spokesperson. they have it at home depot for sure. maybe walmart too.
  10. oh. thank god. are y'all coming by this weekend? i'm doing the suddenly salad crap wif MW. and to appease MCMM. here are the things i will never run out of, cause i will never eat/use them. (i might play this the right way in a minute. you know me. i hafta buck the system til it's my idea to straighten up) OLIVES - for whatever reason there's a jar of them in the pantry. puke rice-a-roni - bought a ton of it on sale. do you know how hard that crap is to make? what? put it in a skillet wif oil first? why? angel soft toilet paper - someone bought a 4 pack to go campi
  11. (jailsex) i bet she's pretending or acting tough. or they used her DL photo.
  12. try 7dust. you can dust the dogs with it, and the yard. we used something to treat the entire yard a month or so ago. i dunno, either liquid or granules. not sure. i don't trust it. i'm gonna dust the yard this weekend. i trust 7dust. oh lawd. i sound like a spokesperson.
  13. i have a confession to make. brace yourself. this may change the way you feel about me forever. i eat miraclewhip. still love me?
  14. i'm not able to view your videos at work. however, something tells me that you and i have differing opinions when it comes to precious lips. still would have liked to take a peek.
  15. your use of 'they' is way too vague.
  16. it'd be so much easier to just list the things that i am constantly running out of. the stuff we always have is the stuff we never use. your psychology is backwards. i don't understand. i'm not playing. wow. look how rapidly i just deteriorated over the thought of being out of crystal light packets when i get home. i need a hug.
  17. i agree with common sense. i just wonder if federal funding could get pulled for not meeting federal guidlines? (i know it's only 7% of the budget....but it's still a good chunk of change)
  18. public record. applies to arrests too, not just convictions.
  19. i thought the schools were mandated to be in session a certain number of days each year?
  20. comcast? i've been having weird, skitzy, moments where it'll pause a lil, and the sound will blank out. thought it was just my brain doing the etch a sketch thing again.
  21. course not. pfft. i have tried shaking the remote, screaming at the tv, and :gasp: having a lil patience. wound up just manually surfing the channels til i found a will and grace double header to satisfy my late night need for laughs.
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