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Everything posted by Hooray

  1. adults who can't clean up after themselves.....
  2. Can you restore your system to an earlier date? That's what I always do !!!!
  3. I hate IE updates, especially when it takes you to a different version !!!!!
  4. Yes...they are my favorite and Walmart has them !!!!!
  5. Will do !!! It's really weird because the yellow leaves feel sticky like they have sap on them ????
  6. I noticed that on my red crepe myrtle, some of the leaves are turning yellow and they feel sticky......anybody have a clue as to what this is ???? I did not see any insects on the tree and i always spray for the beetles in May....
  7. I've often wondered how you know if it is in backwards?????? One side has the cardboard on it and the other side doesn't, so how do you know ????
  8. Why was this woman "strapped" down to begin with ?????
  9. Okay...I turned my "panic" button off !!! LOL !!!!!
  10. Thank you !!!! Now I feel better !!! I thought it was just my tress because I am seeing some that are blooming around town. Maybe my trees are just late budders/bloomers. I wonder if the color has anything to do with it? Mine are red and purple
  11. They were beautiful last year !!!!!! I pruned them back in February like I have always done. Would watering them help?
  12. Plenty of leaves and new growth just no buds at all !!!!
  13. Mine don't have any buds ......nothing there to even bloom ?????
  14. I have 3 Crepe Myrtle trees that still don't have any buds on them.........anybody know why ??????
  15. Nope...I had the "best" package than Comcast offered.....don't get me wrong, Comcast was fast, but the extreme 6.0 is faster....it's unbelievable !!!!!
  16. I have AT&T 6.0 extreme...$49.95/month and it includes my antivirus software.....only had a problem once and they walked me thru the problem over the phone....I had Comcast and could not believe that the 6.0 extreme is actually faster and smoother than Comcast !!! I love it !!!!!
  17. If nyou have the 6.0 extreme, your MCafee is free!!!! You can call then or do it on line !!!!!! It's the only thing i use and it has caught so many trojan viruses !!!!! It's free too !!!!!!!!!
  18. Do you have Comcast or ATT ???
  19. If you have the high speed internet with AT&T, the McAfee is free !!!!
  20. The Weather Channel has some great jazz albums....
  21. hmmmm....Omeprazole can be gotten OTC and is not a cholestrol drug....hmmmm?????? WOW ???????????????????????????????????? You need to check into exactly what you are taking !!!!!!
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