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Everything posted by LUMPY

  1. i voted NO on the SPLOST. (the local government and school system throws money out the window, why agree to give them more?) I voted AGAINST Paulette Braddock (she got booted off the school board...wonder why?) I also voted against Beverly Cochran (her past association with Jerry Shearin makes me suspicious of her) I don't know the District Attorney, Post 3 or Post 4 opponents, however Mr. Pownall for Post 2 seems like a great choice. Mr. Gregory has good credentials too.
  2. The mayor needs more money, so he sends out the Gestabo to rob folks legally. That's why the po-po writes tickets, to bring in more revenue....
  3. Who is going to address Traffic? What can the County do to improve traffic? I know the State has been dragging their feet for years, but the traffic situation especially through Hiram is a real pain. Also, I asked for a red-light in front of Paulding County High School, but the DOT said NO. Wonder why? They'll probably wait until a few kids gets killed then say a light is needed.
  4. My car battery was stolen out of my Toyota last night. I live off Merchants Drive and I've lived here nearly 20 years and never had a problem. I'm pissed, it cost me nearly $70 to replace my battery. If you catch a thief, break his kneecaps for me!
  5. Gregory or Pownall ? Either one could be a good choice. Both seem to have excellent ideas. I won't be voting for Cochran though.
  6. Gettin a little sleepy.....
  7. The Crooked republican era will soon be over and a Democrat WILL win. I'm hoping it will be DuBose Porter.
  8. I suppose we have a lot of "holier than thou" politicians out there, and I understand you cannot legislate morality. The problem many folks are having is that Christianity is bashed in our society and many Christian people simply remain silent. They don't want to make waves. I don't like to see someone trashing Jesus, the Bible, church, or those of us who are Christians. I'm not perfect by any means, but I am a follower of the One who was. By the way, I have voted for many democrats, many republicans and even a few independents. I vote for the person, not the party.
  9. http://deesongs.homestead.com/tomthall.html I surfed across this and it brings back memories from long ago.
  10. I've narrowed my choice to either Mr. Gregory or Mr. Pownall. There's no way I can support Mrs. Cochran and the reason is her past association with Jerry Shearin. She may be a super nice, smart and well qualified candidate, but Mr. Shearin screwed the people of Paulding County and I won't forget that she was part of his administration. That may seem unfair by some, but there will always be the feeling of guilt by association.
  11. I like Mr. Todd Pownall. He's a great guy who's been really involved with the community for many years. He'll always listen and make good decisions based on the facts. There's no way I'd vote for Beverly Cochran, as she was one of the underlings backed by former commissioner Jerry Shearin who got booted out of office. I know absolutely nothing about any of the other candidates.
  12. Your VOTE is your voice. The current School Board will not listen to the parents, so we need to vote out ALL incumbents running for the school board. From the ridiculous calendar to raising of YOUR taxes, firing 1st year teachers to make up for their gross mismanagement of the budget and so forth. I've had enough. Many school teachers are sick of the current administration. The Board needs to be booted out! Boot 'em out!
  13. Went to Riverdale High School graduated in '89.
  14. I voted for the New Schedule. I like the idea of having a Sunday off myself. I can't blame others for wanting Sunday off as well. By the way, you guys have excellent T-Bone's. J.R.
  15. Cone, You seem to be disgruntled. Why not seek solutions to problems rather than sitting around badmouthing folks who are TRYING to help move this county forward. Property values are extremely important to our community. How would you like it if you bought a house and then your neighbor put in a hog farm? Obviously the hog farm would diminish YOUR property. Smart growth will increase your values, which, if you ever tried to sell your property would benefit you and your family. Thanks for the compliment on my teeth and hat.... my LOCAL dentist and LOCAL clothier provided those goods and serv
  16. Most of this county's current economy is tied to residential building as well as retail establishments (restaurants, retail shopping, etc.) We're no longer farming as was the case 25 or 30 years ago. We need to diversify our economy and bring in manufacturing jobs, business parks, financial & professional services, warehouse and industrial areas to sustain our job markets well into the future. Our county is growing and currently if one sector of the economy is struggling (such as retail), it can have an enormous negative impact on the entire community (look at the number of vacant restau
  17. Why isn't there a rail spur out to an industrial park near the airport? One would think having access to both air cargo and rail would be a big plus for future development here in Paulding. Maybe somebody neads to think about commercial business development such as manufacturing, recycling, warehouses, logistics, shipping & receiving, heavy locomotive equipment repairs, fuel storage, aircraft maintenance, etc. The Obama stimulus plan is going to increase railroad infrastructure and our politicians need to make sure Paulding gets a piece of the pie. We could easily put up a metal recyclin
  18. When I'm aggravated at the neighbors, I take the muffler off the lawnmower and crank it, turn the throttle wide open and let it run until it's out of gas.
  19. My wife, her best friend from church and three kids went to Panama City Beach. Her room was on the 14th floor of the Holiday Inn. Some drunk had puked in the elevator, there were teens drunk, right out in the open, teenaged girls were flashing their bewbies, and guys were even exposing themselves to anyone and everyone. The traffic was horrendous, loud parties, vulgar language and nudity sent her off the deep end. My wife raised cain with the management of Holiday Inn stating this was worse than Sodom & Gomorrah.... Holiday Inn Management responded and managed to find them a room in Desti
  20. Each year I have to pay out the wazoo. It is truly frustrating to see our taxes jump, from the state & local taxes all the way up to the federal level. Each politician along the way takes a bite out of my wallet and then they throw my money out the window on every pet pork project imaginable. I could vote for the fair tax. I don't really understand it all, but surely it will be better than what we've got now.
  21. In many companies, there's a 3B policy. be quiet and be happy or be gone. Too many times, employees are simply told to be quiet and to blindly follow directions, regardless if the instructions they're given are blatenly dishonest or even borderline illegal. Overcharging customers or charging customers for services that have not been performed comes to mind and being restricted in writing from ever talking to the media..... Be happy you have a job, because there's definately someone out there who'd gladly take it. How many times are employees reminded of that? Be gone. Do the 1st tw
  22. Claude, Cletus, Colt, Conway, Josiah, Jethro, Jude, Jubal
  23. http://newhopeeagles.com/baseball.php My sons played at New Hope and we always had a great experience there. Opening day is Saturday, so I'm not sure if it's too late to sign up or not. Go to that website and click on Jim Kuck's email. He's a great guy and he can get you the info you need. I'd rather watch a good little league ball team than go to Turner Field!
  24. I don't believe in aliens or ghosts or other life forms far more advanced than ours, etc. There's some strange things that can't be explained, but unless I personally see it, I would be skeptical.
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