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Everything posted by MarkPalm

  1. Does anyone know what night the kids are supposed to go out trick or treating?
  2. The one thing I always try to do is remain positive and appreciate any opportunity. I appreciate the acknowledgement. I'd love to assist in any way I can.
  3. I'm lurking here now and then. And thank you, I always love it when clients have a good experience.
  4. You just thanked me again here and that's all I would ever expect from you. I appreciate any opportunity afforded me. I'm just grateful that I got to meet you and your MIL and that sweet fur baby Murphy. And again, the goal was to sell the house, the path to get there is insignificant. You don't owe me a thing.
  5. I think it's ego. I used to have my picture on my card. Though I've since dropped that. Frankly, sex sells. And my industry is overwhelmingly populated by women. And I guess most people want to see a buxom blonde. The majority of buyers are emotionally driven. Rarely do I find a client on the buying or selling side that views the purchase or sale as a business transaction. That's why guys like me exist. We keep the emotion out of it. Though I will admit that some of my colleagues and even me from time to time have invested emotionally in a client. You're very welcome.
  6. It's the hardest I've ever worked in my life and the most fun I've ever had with anything I've ever referred to as work. And you aren't wrong. I don't drive a Mercedes.
  7. You're technically correct, and I imagine there are some in my business that would hold a client to that. However, I'm not one of them. Even if she had signed, I would have let her out of the agreement. I'm excited for the seller and I'm glad she was able to get this done. It is an unusual situation for sure though it appears this is turning out for the best for her. The point was she needed to sell her home. I'm glad she is doing so, no matter how it happened. I don't lead with money. I lead with service and relationships. We aren't all vultures. Some of us actually are human beings.
  8. I nearly wet my pants laughing. That's one of the greatest things I've ever seen.
  9. I am not a religious person. I do not believe in heaven or hell. I do believe in ghosts. I've seen and felt things. I was at a friend's house a few weeks ago and both of her parents and a grandparent had died there. I was unaware of any of that information. I went into the kitchen leaving the rest of the party outside. No one was in the house. A shadow crossed the floor across the room and I knew immediately what it was. I went outside and told my friend that she had a shadow and her friend popped up right away and said, "You saw it?" And my friend said, "You saw it?" And I said yes, there was
  10. But you'll only hold it over your head in the presence of low flying planes. I was half way up the lift hill on Goliath the other day and a small plane flew over. And not a cigarette to be found.
  11. Congrats on 10 years of success. The greatest thing Pcom has done for me is introducing a ton of friends into my life. Most of whom I now consider family. That's Pcom's lasting legacy from my point of view.
  12. It's always about race, until you're the injured party.
  13. And it appears the issue wasn't really a problem until it began affecting once middle class whites. It wasn't ever The American dream to me when it was a nightmare to minorities.
  14. I recommend Stephanie Kyle at Wells Fargo. www.stephaniekyle.com
  15. Sissy Spacek. I'm also quite fond of Beth Grant and Jessica Lange.
  16. I can personally vouch for the fabulous rack.
  17. Can we just watch a movie in our jammies instead? I still have your DVDs.
  18. Wait...I'm one of them. Can I just call you a whore instead?
  19. You have never been innocent. You most certainly have been nailed.
  20. I'm just thrilled there are so many people that want to vote and are voting. Now, in two weeks, absentee, however. It makes me so happy.
  21. MarkPalm

    Johnny J

    I've never known a more kind, loving soul. He left a loving imprint on my heart and I will never forget him.
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