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Everything posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. You know I am still waiting on that phone call with some details. :ninja: Since you weren't really able to tell me on the way home.
  2. I know you didn't! Thanks for not in my car!
  3. This picture does not eve due you justice. You looked amazing Saturday night! Absolutely adorable.
  4. That explains what I saw on my way home Saturday night. Coming down 278 from the Hiram area, as I came up on 61, I saw a ton of blue lights. 2 of them even came flying past me to meet up with the ones ahead. They were all around the Kroger gas pumps.
  5. I think I took a great picture.
  6. Did he not learn anything from the OJ case?? :rolleyes:
  7. You know that you and the boys can always come to my neighborhood pool. It opens next weekend!!! :yahoo: We are there all the time when it is open!!
  8. I want to go to Hawaii! other than that, I wanted my tattoo and I have marked it off that list now.
  9. Looking good! Here's the real question. What does Tow think?
  10. :rofl: :rofl: Now that was funny!
  11. I think he should continue getting them, go buy the groceries and deliver them to food banks and others who need it. At least that is what I would do! If he uses them and selfishly sits back with $2 mil and lets tax payers feed him, then I am sure karma will get him for it.
  12. Good Luck! I want to see pics too.
  13. You couldn't just let us enjoy the prices dropping for just a few minutes could ya??? :lol:
  14. I saw her pic on GMA this morning as I was walking out the door and thought how nasty she was. Seriously, I would be embarrassed if I were him, not just for what he did, but who he did it with.
  15. :rofl: I am so bored here at work today, and this thread had me laughing out loud. Thanks for the entertainment guys.
  16. It usually works that way with me. I will look at the RaceTrac on the way in, and it's one price, and leave that afternoon and it's gone up 10 cents. But all I keep hearing is that it is going to keep coming down for now, so I am hoping it's 10 cents cheaper this time.
  17. I saw it for $3.79 this morning on my way in to work. I will be stopping by there on my way home this afternoon to fill up.
  18. Wanting a change does not mean a mid-life crisis. Some of us didn't actually start living until about 40! It's just the beginning for me baby!! :yahoo: Loving every minute of it! I say make the changes you want to make.... but you do look awesome just the way you are!
  19. :wub: We SAID nothing! You can't stop us from thinking it though. :lol:
  20. Bwahahaha! :rofl: Good to know it wasn't just me.
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