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Everything posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. So I may be eating my words on this one. According to weather.com, our chances have increased from 30% to 70% for snow on Christmas Day. They say the big snow storm that is hitting the North is now expected to dip much farther south. This is if all of the elements come together right.
  2. I love to bake, but this week I has not been my week. My Brownie Bon Bons were a little over done (and the recipe said to make them on an UNgreased cooked sheet...pfft). My Snickerdoodles were a little under cooked, but you couldn't tell until let them cool and then bit into them. Those will be a do over tonight. I can't tell ya what happened with the oreo balls, but they weren't right either. But my Peanut Clusters and Turtles came out good. I will also be making some peanut butter cookies tonight.
  3. Looking over your recipe, I have everything except the chocolate and the paraffin wax already. I may just go by the store and pick that stuff up tonight on my way home and do them tonight. I will let you know how I do!
  4. I plan to do just that! I am going to make them tomorrow night of Friday morning. Looks great! I tried to make some oreo balls but they didn't come out just right.
  5. Shan06.... The Phoenix bar is beautiful inside. They have done a great clean up job. It's not the same biker bar AT ALL!!!
  6. And if it turns out like last week, they will be stuck there with ya for the night! I get the feeling you would be OK with that.
  7. I was offered an all expenses paid weekend trip to a casino to bring in the New Year. I have been told it is the best place to be. I declined. It's not in me to let someone else pay my way. Just can't do it. So instead, we will be starting off at Highland's Grill in Kennesaw, and then moving on to a place in Marietta, that I shall not name.
  8. Now we are up to 60%, but I think it will be all rain and then a few flurries. I don't think it will stick. Then again, we could have a repeat of last week.
  9. 50 dozen what? Assorted cookies or candies or what? And what the heck are you doing with all of that.
  10. These are great. We are doing something a little different this year. Instead of the traditional Christmas dinner, a bunch of us are getting together and having a breakfast dinner on the night of the 28th. We are supposed to wear our jammies and slippers. I think I am going to make the sausage and cream cheese thing above, and my cinnamon bread. I am going to keep watching this thread to see what other recipes come up.
  11. Yep. All while working a full time job, and had time to squeeze in dinner Sunday night. I've been getting off at 3 and still not getting nearly as much accomplished.
  12. So far I have made the brownie bon bons, snickerdoodles and I am in the process of making some graham cracker brittle. Still want to get some peanut butter cookies done tonight too.
  13. UPDATE: BROWNIE BON BONS ARE A MAJOR GOOEY PIA!!!! They better taste good after all of this. Just sayin.....
  14. I tried oreo balls the other night. I did something wrong. Not sure what yet. I am not giving up though. CreativeOne.... I always have a lot of energy. I cannot stand sitting still. I never sit down, and still don't get everything done that I want to get done most days. Maybe I expect too much from myself.
  15. I hope to do a little baking and trying out new recipes every night this week. I have some people I want to deliver them too. My plans to do it all this past weekend got shot so now I am panicked and rushed.
  16. Since I went home and cooked a large pot of chicken and dumplings and a pot of chili last night, I am not cooking tonight. Instead, I am going to do some more baking. So far this week, I have made some peanut clusters and some Turtles. Tonight I am going to try to make some Brownie Bon Bons and maybe some snickerdoodle cookies. I am in a baking mood! Anyone else trying out new recipes?
  17. Sometimes you may have a few minutes of silence and think it's not working, but really it is. Just leave it on they will start talking. If you don't hear anything in about 5 minutes, then let us know and maybe we can walk you through. Make sure you click on the feed line to start it. It should say buffering and then it will start working. Once you click on Paulding live audio feeds, and it brings up the little box, click on Paulding county sheriff and fire.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK11485CvNM
  19. :yahoo: Landon has LOVED eating the candy out of my candy jar that you made me BTW!
  20. I have not had those in a while. I may make some to go with the chili tonight. I actually have everything I need for them.
  21. I plan to go home and make a big pot of chili and a big pot of chicken and dumplings. Usually when I do one, I do the other. People can pick which one they are in the mood for, and I can bring containers of it in for lunch this week. This works out well, especially when the kids are out all week. They have a good meal to eat while I am working.
  22. I knew you did, and could tell from your FB posts that it was a busy day. I hope it stays that way for you.
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