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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. If anyone knows which one of the girls ends up having an affair with the crew member PM me ...
  2. You are in for an adventure of sickness. It gets worse...
  3. I thought it was kind of hokey when he rode in on a motorcycle...
  4. Whatever you do, don't leave it on Bankhead Highway too much longer or there will be nothing to salvage...
  5. Hey back! We have missed ya! I'm glad you are feeling better. It should be a very slow process, after all you did have major surgery. Eventually you will be feeling like a new woman. Hang in there! This confused me too! Thanks for the clarification...
  6. <~~~~~~~~~~Still reading and you quilted me out of more Kisses...
  7. I hope you are feeling much better and able to enjoy the show!!!
  8. I read it as I am sitting here eating Hershey's Kisses...
  9. MeWhoElse


    I've had him on my mind all day long...
  10. <shakinghead> Blessedmom, thank you to you and your son for trying to find a solution to avoid foreclosure. It is sad to know that some here would not even try...
  11. Welcome back! I'm glad you have all your issues fixed. I would be lost without my internet connection,,,
  12. I'm so sorry you are feeling this way but this too will pass, promise...
  13. It is too COLD to go anywhere...
  14. Okay, I just assumed no one could post in there without approval. The CC rules were at the top of the thread so it looked as though it had been approved...
  15. It was so cold . . . the squirrels in the park were throwing themselves at an electric fence!
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