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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Same here. Entering everything twice is a duplication of effort unless you link to your account...
  2. Anyone else wake up with swollen eyes from watching this special last night?
  3. When your child is a biter, you will take desperate measures, LOL.
  4. Great post CC... YES, that is exactly who I meant, LOL...
  5. Will twitter tell us if the older guy with the guitar playing with the younger guy was James Taylor? lol
  6. I know exactly what you mean!!! :lol:
  7. For my daughter, biting her back worked after a few bites. I had to do it right after she would bite though, so day care was a struggle. Eventually she caught on...
  8. @ Axl Rose! I think the world of Kidrock, he has finally grown up!
  9. OK you are right. That one was horrible. During the Christmas holidays, TLC had a special on about some of the survivors and their personal videos of the Tsunami.
  10. Kid Rock, Cheryl and Keith singing Lean On Me. OK, I am officially crying...
  11. I am glad they are trying to reach as many people as possible. I can't ever remember seeing such a tragedy in my life time and I hope I never see another one...
  12. If anyone calls to contribute and is able to talk to a celebrity, post who...
  13. Me too! Stevie singing Bridge Over Troubled Waters just did me in, lol...
  14. Even BRAVO is showing it, lol... It is so good to see you posting and feeling better!
  15. Anyone watching beside me? I have stayed up late every night watching the coverage on different channels. I hope tons of money is raised and successfully distributed...
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