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Precious Newborn Baby Boy

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I did an in-home session for this adorable brand new baby boy last month and just had to share the cuteness! I absolutely LOVE photographing newborns, there is something just so calming about holding a brand new life. :wub: :wub: :wub:


If anyone is about to become a new mommy, we have an amazing "First Year Sessions" package that includes a free belly session, along with a session for your baby as a newborn (under two weeks old), three months, six months, and a year old.


At the end of the first year I put together a custom hard-backed coffee table book of all the sessions for you to keep, along with a high-resolution DVD of images from each session (with printing permission). It is amazing to see the progress over that period of time!


Enjoy the pics, and your own little ones!











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Thanks for all the sweet comments you all!!! :wub: :wub: This little guy was just precious!!



Simply Beautiful Ashley!


I can't wait for mine...


Me neither!! But i'm sure you are a little more anxious than I am. Keep me updated! :wub:


Great pics, Ashley! What a sweet little fella. :wub:


Thanks J! I have a few more pics coming your way this morning too... (P.S. Got your PM, I was at an out-of-town wedding all weekend)


Ouch!!! Those pics make my overies hurt! :lol: He's absolutely precious!!!!

You are an amazing photographer :good: Now I have to leave this thread because we are done having babies and these pictures make me ache -_-


You guys are hilarious!! I know, I showed the pics to my husband to "test the waters" and got shot down pretty fast. HA! :lol: We just got married in March of 2008, so we both want to wait a year or two little longer... but the newborn cuteness factor doesn't help any, especially when I have to give them back after an hour or two!! :wub:




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Thanks J! I have a few more pics coming your way this morning too... (P.S. Got your PM, I was at an out-of-town wedding all weekend)



Can't wait! Everyone loves the ones you've shown us so far. I've had a couple of people want your name and #. :good:




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