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Everything posted by carrie2675

  1. Personally, I love Aldi. I wish there was one closer to where I live. The last time we went there, my buggy was pretty much overflowing. I had about 200 items and the total was $229 (which is much less if I had purchased the equivelant at Walmart or other stores). The only thing that I have purchased and didn't care for was some of the cereal. Some were a tad to sugary. Other than that, I like most of their products.
  2. Yes, it is. I was updating my privacy setting this morning. This question was asked in the "help" section. FB states there is not an application that can be used to see who views your profile.
  3. Yes, I have been and like the new prices. I went about 2 weeks ago to my local JCPenney. I bought my child 2 pairs of jeans, 5 tops, and a bra for $90. In the past, if I had purchased the same items, it was over $100 (and that is with a coupon). As for the selection at the Hiram location, to me, the Town Center store has more selection. I think it is a bigger store too. Sometimes, I will look on their website to see which location has an item that I am needing.
  4. Love, love, love Forrest Gump: Principal: [after Mrs. Gump had been entertaining him] You're momma sure does care about your education, son. Principal: [Forrest remains quiet] You don't say much do you? Young Forrest Gump: [imitates the noises he has just heard] eh, eh, eh, eh, eh...
  5. Let's see: Coal Miner's Daughter Steel Magnolias Forrest Gump E.T. Something About Mary
  6. I had the exact same thought yesterday while reading this thread. I say as soon as the trial is over, an episode will be in production (if not already in progress).
  7. I love Coal Miner's Daughter and Steel Magnolias!!! One of my favorites from SM: Truvy: Louie brought his new girlfriend over, and the nicest thing I can say about her is all her tattoos are spelled correctly
  8. I don't understand it either. I feel sad for her teenage daughter.
  9. An old wives tale I heard was you are more sick with a girl than a boy. Now I can't say if it is true since I have all girls. And yes, I was sick with all of them. Especially the last one.
  10. I couldn't do prenatal vitamins with any of my pregnacies. The pills made me very sick. Zofran was my BFF with my last pregnancy. I was very sick. I found that tea also helped with sickness.
  11. We need one of those for my neighborhood!!
  12. Go to www.zumba.com and put in your zipcode. It should tell you where the classes are being held and times of classes. I live in Bham, so I don't know where in Dallas. Most of the classes I have been to are $5 per class. Once you find one, you can contact the instructor for fees. Hope this helps.
  13. That is part of the fun of Zumba!! You don't really need any coordination. No, you won't look like a fool. Do this, stay in the back of the class. No one will see ya and you can see everyone else's uncoordination....
  14. There is no way in he## that my daughter would be wearing a dress like that to the prom or any event while living in my house!!
  15. Prospect Park was not able to get the backing financially to move the shows online, so they have decided to put the plans on the shelf indefinitely.
  16. My husband was teasing me the other day about what I was going to do in the afternoons now that All My Children and One Life to Live won't be on anymore....LOL
  17. When my oldest (now 17) was younger she couldn't make the 'f' sound, so she replaced it with 'b'. Beet-feet bish-fish Billow-pillow nuppins-muffins blower-flower Acaboon-balloon (this one took me over a year to figure out) mazageen-magazine wackles-waffles I could go on and on....... To the poster that mentioned NOO-ah, mine still says that to this day!!! Along with Don't-ah, stop-ah, quit-ah....LOL
  18. My favorite is "O Holy Night" by John Berry. Next would be "Christmas in Dixie" and "Happy Xmas (War is Over)"
  19. I wish I could give you thousands of "+" for this statement. Most loved ones don't realize they are enabling instead of helping, even within my own circle of people I know.
  20. The Smart Limits is a good idea. The only thing is it won't work for iPhones. I tried to put it on my daughter's phone. AT&T said it couldn't be done. Thankfully, we only had 1 issue with her and the phone.
  21. I honestly can't remember. I know it got better once she started eating food. Plus, she was on the Enfamil AR formula. The dr did recommend feeding her foods like potatoes, cereal, etc basically things that were considered "a little heavier than formula", but in small frequent feedings and to prop her up after eating.
  22. I used to work in banking. You wouldn't believe some of the gossip that would flow through the branch, especially in the one where I worked. I am not talking about my co-workers either. The interesting ones were customers who were going through a divorce. Usually, one of the spouses would see me and the other one would go to my co-worker. We knew way to much about folks in PC.
  23. I can't say one way or another about chiropractic care since I have not tried it for reflux. My 2 middle girls both had reflux pretty bad. Has the doctor recommended adding a little rice cereal to the formula? My pediatrician suggested this since at the time the reflux medication had been taken off the market.
  24. I think $118 for the whole house is worth it!!! I would stay away from the cheap 1" plastic blinds. Every set I have owned, the ends would bend easy and then tear off. The 2" faux wood ones are nice and last a lot longer.
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