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Everything posted by Nemie

  1. I love Baguettes. I like them Lightly crunchy on the outside (lighter than most like them). I love, and am addicted to Tuna Mayo Baguettes. I have them often and anytime I go out to any pub for snack/lunch this is what I order. Here in England, Tuna Mayo is just tuna and mayo (mixed together) on bread (which type you want usually). Some places will serve it with thinly sliced cucumber placed in the sandwich/inside of bread, which I also like. In England, it is standard for a sandwich to have the soft side of any type bread to be buttered (then put on the tuna mayo), but I always say
  2. I had homemade Spaghetti & Meatballs tonight (leftover from last night). MMMM good Had Garlic Bread, but no salad. Already got tomorrow evenings planned. BBQ Pulled Pork, mmmm also good good good, along with home fries, baked/bbq beans, and maybe a salad. Got a beautiful should cut of port today from the Butcher Shop. (dont buy meats from grocery store anymore, only from the Butcher shop, who has awesome meats)
  3. I have just tonight started watching the Food Network/Food Channels to try and learn some new ideas for meals. I am in hopes that in time I will have obtained some good ideas and/or recipes (probably modify most recipes to my liking however, as I am bit picky on food).
  4. I will admit that I dont like having to pay the TV License each year. It wasnt until the 2nd year that I learned that the fee paid by all who have TV's goes to fund the BBC. We all know the BBC, huge organization, usually good trustworthy news, and wow o wow at some of the programming. Someone mentioned female nudity, well I have seen full frontal female and full frontal male nudity on the chanel on various shows and specials. It isnt every show, yet just now and then, not often. There is bad language in some shows including the F word, C word, and others. You find that usually in
  5. We have this often, we love it. However, ours does not have the skin on it, and it is usually from the frozen section of the grocery store, but even so, we love it. Same for Chicken Kiev, mmmm good.
  6. We had good o southern Pot Roast. MMMM good Cooked in the crock pot for hours and hours, with lipton onion soup mix which makes the gravy while the meat cooks slowly. I also add in some regular dark gravy to help thicken it up. With Mashed taters and Yorkshire Pudding (bread item), and corn on the cobb. It was really good. Our Butcher here had to look up American Pot Roast to make sure he was giving me the right cut of beef. I wasnt positive, so he got on the pc and I viewed what he found, and said yep that is it...yippee. The butcher but me the most awesome cut to make my yummy pot
  7. I am soooooo very jealous! A good burger is something that is hard to come by over here in England. Just cant find a REALLY GOOD burger and would love to, so I am so very jealous. (drooling)
  8. CONGRATS! I am sure your very proud of him.
  9. I tend to agree with everyones comments so far. Amazing isnt it. It all just shocks the hell out of me, shocking stories, stunned by all of it. And definitely Saddened by it all.
  10. Nemie

    Hello folks

    I had no idea Dis, but be sure that I will keep you in my daily prayers. Sending Good Thoughts your way all the time, wishing you the best of the best for you and your entire family.
  11. Well done BB, and thank you. I would imagine there are many who will want to help in some way. It was so sweet and kind of you to make the calls, investigate, and provide pcom with this information. Bless You! Thank You!
  12. WOW, that sounds great. That is such a fantastic idea, change it up, be creative, and ENJOY. I am sure all of your dinner guest will really really enjoy it. I know I would!
  13. I have a severe case, lost a lot of sight. I was born with it, very rare. My Atlanta Doctor was/is a fine specialist, tops, Dr. Harbin at Eye Consulatants of Atlanta. He is tops in the field. I was referred to him by Emory long long ago. He had a waiting list of 4 yrs to see a new patient, but took me immediately upon a call from Emory. He did surgery the next day. I have had over 15 eye surgeries. Last major surgery was on right eye (one I have some vision in) in 1993, left the pressure controlled well to date. Left eye totally blind. I moved to England in Feb 2010, and now go
  14. -Surepip... I think you have a very good and very clear understanding of the systems worldwide and your right on every point. It is a crying shame that in the USA, such a huge & modern country, that people die daily b/c they simply cannot afford healthcare, regardless if it is that they cant afford insurance or copays or just flat out medical care of any kind b/c of the high cost of such. It is a real shame that people go bankrupt b/c of medical cost and needs. I havent had any contact with people in or from those countries you mentioned. I would like to however learn more about their
  15. A Added note to my comment.... VAT (sales tax) is already included in prices here, unless stated otherwise. Prices, number wise are about the same as they are in the states. Example: TV at price of $399.00 in usa, same tv may be around £399 (although I find most tv here priced for little less than in usa), that price already includes the VAT/sales tax. It is weird to take a item that is £9.99 to cashier and she/he ask for £9.99 total, b/c tax already included. I am still of the mindset of adding tax to a price. Much prefer our way.
  16. I ONLY think housing benefit is good for those who otherwise would be homeless or in a real need of a place to live. Most Council housing would not be for me, but councils are building new housing all the time, better than before housing. I pray I never need it. BTW, I live outside of London/North London. I love London, but wouldnt care to live in the City/inside the main area of London.....besides I could NEVER afford it, way way way to expensive, which is why I live outside of the city/main areas of London. Thank god for the trains, which I love. I hate the Tube however!
  17. VAT = Sales Tax here, it is 20%, however, there is no sales tax on food/groceries here and certain children items.
  18. Heya Surepip, The deduction is I believe at 9% of your gross payck. Now I am not positive on that figure, but I am 98% certain it is that. That tax goes to NHS and to your Pension Fund (social security). I know that in the USA, ins premiums are horrible. It can be great if your single w/ company coverage provided for you, but if you add family on it is very costly. Self Employed Ins is really horrible (we had it at $1250.00 a month) I know that usa tax deductions for social security is around 8% ....just for SS/pension In the UK, you have 2 major tax deductions...Federal Tax
  19. I so totally DISAGREE with most all that you said. Sorry, I love ya, but I so disagree. I wont, however go into detail b/c it seems you have your opinion set, even though you dont live here and dont use our system. I have used both, and I certainly dont know everything about both, but I am content with the NHS. I wish it was better, but I guess everyone in the world would say that about their own medical care. One point I will make. They do indeed give prescriptions out for all the same things in the uk that they do in the usa, including pain meds. I take pain meds 24/7 and have for
  20. We have one. Tethering works fine with/on it from phone, but our issue is that you cant easily print from it. You have to have a certain printer, or so it says when we try to print. We have yet to get skype working on it either, it has been a real pain in the ass to try and sort out and still isnt done. Other than that, love it, works great.`
  21. OK, I read a few more of the post made after mine and I have only a few corrections to make. Hope these will help you all understand our NHS system here in the UK even a little better. Coverage is available to everyone, at not additional cost, no copays, no extra fees, but those who work do pay a small amount via payroll deductions which is required by all workers. It is a small amount that does help fund the entire NHS system. Prescriptions in the UK: Each country in the UK has a different policy on drugs/scripts. In England (where I live) you DO PAY for meds at a cost of £7.20 e
  22. There will never be a remake that could possibly compare to the original movie. Never! While Ms. Underwood may do a great job in the role, it will never be the same. Not a movie that even needs to be remade. I love the movie, the originai move!
  23. Just reading this thread, and wanted you to know that we will keep your dad in our prayers.
  24. Holidays and special days thru out the year are always hard on the heart and emotions when it comes to family members who are not with us anymore. In the past year and half, my mom passed away suddenly/unexpectedly, and we just lot Steve's/hubby's Mom Oct 18, this year. Our lives are not the same anymore, the holidays and special days are not the same. However there are many days filled with tears now from remembering our mothers and how special they were. Christmas is especially hard for us and many others out there. Both our moms loved Christmas time. All I can say is Keep
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