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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. +10 And that is what the articles in this series is saying, especially about the advantages education provide for not just the current, but successive generations. The investment in education cannot be overstated.
  2. Anecdotal instances do not negate what the statistics show. The fact is that the lower income people tend to stay in lower income positions. The single most important factor in determining advancement is education. So why do we not evaluate educational policy and budgeting more when discussing poverty and the links to success? The American Dream is alive and is open to everyone. However, the statistics show that those with less educational opportunity and resources tend to stay in the lowest socio-economic positions.
  3. The article is saying that the PSA screening is not needed since the few it does help would have most likely been helped without the screening because other means would have predicted or shown the problem. However, the PSA does give so many problems that it is most likely not worth the effort and cost because of the total cost to the patient in terms of quality and money. I'm not saying the anecdotal evidence of the the small percentage the PSA screen helped each year is not worthwhile, but that the evidence is other means are better qualified to be effective. That's all the article
  4. Why are you so on edge? Can't you control your temper long enough to discuss something rationally? First, more production here won't lower gas prices. My link I welcome your expert analysis as to why this referenced study is wrong. Second, would please post a link that says the price of gas is predicated on the national deficit? I would love to see that. Thanks. Third, I don't like the tone you're using. It is not very nice and in fact is coming across as crude and belligerent. There is no need for that. None.
  5. Actually, there is no difference whatsoever. Context. These things don't go straight up or down. The point that both articles are saying is the same, and that is that things are slowly improving and the numbers change all the time. But even with the changing numbers, the slow improvement is not hard to see. The point is that while things are improving, most people think it should happen faster. They want an immediate fix and for things to get back to like they were in 2007. That is just ignorant. It doesn't work like that.
  6. Sadly, I don't think many took the time to listen or read the article and are discussing it from anecdotal evidence. You listened and understand the issue. Thank you. It only take a few minutes to listen to the story and it would open a whole new world of understanding.
  7. Here is the second part of the story. My link Basically the research is saying that the wealthy think the American Dream is possible and the poor tend to think it is less so. Those are general statements and not absolutes. However, the research does bear that out. The poor tend to stay stuck in the lower class systems while the wealthy tend to stay in the upper class. The deciding factor seems to be education and everything else seems to be driven by that.
  8. I know there are companies out there that can mitigate the negative stuff but I have no idea how it works or what they charge. Some people are just mean.
  9. Can anyone still do anything with the right amount of hard work and determination? According to this story, it depends on what side of the economic spectrum you happen to already be on. The wealthy say the American Dream is possible. The poor say it is largely impossible today. My link
  10. Like with the mammogram testing debate, the question of PSA testing for men has got some feathers ruffled. The 4 minute story is worth the listen because it gives much more detail than the print summary. The argument comes down to "I know a guy" verses the reality of the statistics. The truth is that statistically speaking, the PSA screening doesn't do much good and can even be harmful. If a guy happens to be those very few the stats don't help, then the PSA testing is a life saver. Hear the story. My link Read the summary. My link
  11. The person has issues. Just ignore most of it.
  12. Here is a quick list of grilling tips from Alton Brown, a couple that surprised me, like the salt and the grill moving. My link
  13. The current Congress make speeches more like high school sophomores than college educated Congressmen. My link
  14. Huge ground beef patties (3/4 pound!) with shrimp. Grilled asparagus, onions, peppers and tomatoes with avocados. Homemade blueberry pie and ice cream like I used to have in PA, not that blueberry filling stuff, but hundreds of blueberries.
  15. I am not a baseball nut but I do like the Pirates just because my dad liked them and growing up in PA you've gotta be a Pirates or Phillies fan.
  16. My experience has been far, far different. I've hired almost a dozen people in the last 30 days. 11 to be exact. Only 1 for less money than where they came from and that single person is on a trial basis because I'm not sure if her skill set matches the job, so she is on a trial basis, still being paid the same as before but if she works out, she knows it will mean a pay cut. She is happy with it because she wants those hours and less stress. The rest have been for the same or significantly higher pay. One guy doubled his salary because he came from management at a fast food place but
  17. +10 Don't expect much more from anyone else.
  18. What you just described is exactly the case for a single payer national healthcare program, whereby the private insurance companies and the employers don't take medical decisions in the hiring process. The numbers are what they are. If you care to discuss the numbers and what the various experts have to say about them, I'd love to listen and discuss. But presenting anecdotal evidence to support a position that the broader evidence doesn't is just not the way to present it. And you're describing construction and building industry problems. The rest of the nation is not that tied to that
  19. Gas prices at that level would mean we're in the midst of a worldwide recession. You can't be serious! If you want gas down to $2 a gallon again, then you have to take another 2008 recession. If you want lower gas prices, a recession is the answer. My link
  20. Your'e comparing things now to the irrational stuff before 2007 when housing, credit and all that was over priced. That is not a fair comparison. I'm looking at the improvement, not where we were. In 2007 the credit and housing bubble had everyone living above their means, in jobs that never should have existed, and doing silly things they never should have been doing. All that while the banks made easy money and eased more and more of the guidelines because the bubble kept making things bigger and bigger. Then the bubble popped. Things are improving. Not great but it will take a w
  21. And policies that remove more and more of the safety net, while benefiting the more wealthy, will only add more people to the rolls of the desperate. Why do more people have outlooks on life that resemble Ayn Rand instead Ghandi or others that value helping people?
  22. And 4% GDP growth is better than negative GDP growth that we did have. Again, the point is that things are improving, not that things are perfect or too much like we experienced when we had the bubble. Please be truthful. And look at your quote again. It says GDP growth is going to increase then pull back a little but is expected to grow because of positive consumer sentiment and other factors. All that sounds pretty positive to the reasonable person, I would think.
  23. You're not being truthful. No one ever said the housing market is booming. The article reference that it is improving but it we have a long way to go. Please be honest. Taking things out of context to present a false picture is still presenting a false picture. Here is the context. Fears about rising prices are also abating, likely because of falling gas costs. Consumers expect lower levels of inflation in the months and years ahead, the survey found. "This is a good report," said Yinbin Lei, an economist at IHS Global Insight, in a note to clients. "Consumer moo
  24. I am so sorry you're going through this. Some people are just mean. Here's hoping you get better and the situation improves soon.
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