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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The fourteenth amendment has been around since 1867 or so. Might want to read up on it at some point. Brown vs Board of Education is in every high school civics class. So is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Not all that hard.
  2. Here is what George Bush said about the bailouts. My link Here is where the Congressional Budget Office said the bailouts prevented a world-wide depression. My link I look forward to your economic analysis as to why they are wrong.
  3. Looks that way. Research shows that the same arguments are used by both sides when it advances their cause and makes the other side have a bit of egg on their face. In other words, political hacks are very hypocritical. My link (I've got lots of bookmarks all saved up.)
  4. Oh, no! That is not what I'm doing at all. I have never said the economy is in great shape. Not said that. Won't say it. I challenge you to find where I've said that. I am saying the economy is SLOWLY growing. It is growing but slowly. It is NOT in great shape. It is in only fair shape. It has a LONG way to go. There are many, many, MANY problems with the economy right now. However, it is not as bad as the political hacks are trying to make it in order to score attacks on Obama. In fact, Obama has no control over the economy at all. Neither did Bush. That being said, the bailouts w
  5. Oh, I've got plenty more. How about trying to make Bush look good in 2007 by saying the Taliban is crumbling. My link Or how about when the "private life" of Al Gore was considered to make him damaged goods to some people, but these same people supported Gingrinch? My link
  6. This is almost as funny as when Mrs Howard tried to convince everyone in November 2007 that the economy was in WONDERFUL shape as she did her best political hack job. My link
  7. Bull. State law should never trump the rights guaranteed under the Federal Constitution just like states used to have Jim Crow laws. Or do you propose we overturn all the civil rights laws and force black people enter the back door of restaurants again?
  8. OMG! This is one the funniest posts I've read in months on here. You took 4 econ classes and think you know all the ins and outs of that? Ooooook. You rock on! Look, I admit I don't know how it all works, but I'm smart enough to realize that when all the experts are saying something else than what someone who took 4 college economic classes is saying, well, I think I will just ignore what you have to say because frankly you've just lost all credibility. The article in the first post is a "must read" for you.
  9. You need to have your primary care pediatrician give you a referral and to make sure the insurance is accepted. Your pediatrician should have been handling this.
  10. It's not a crime to have a tattoo. However, our policy is very clear on tattoos. If you can't or don't cover it up at all times, you're terminated immediately. No second chances. If you have one that cannot be covered, we will not hire that individual as a matter of policy.
  11. Keep back tracking and playing word games. Whatever.
  12. I think "crush our fragile economy" is synonymous with destroy. In most places it is. But not in your world, I'm sure. Whatever. It's possible, but that would mean another recession. My link
  13. I've said for that for 4 YEARS the economy is growing slowly. I never said it was VIBRANT. YOU said $4 gas would destroy us. But whatever. Fact is, you don't know what you're talking about and the articles I've linked have shown that. But hey, I'm sure you're so much smarter than they are and you will be putting your application as an expert any day now. My link
  14. I would hardly say the degree is useless. There are lots of things someone can do with such a degree other than teaching, though teaching is probably what most do. It's not "useless" anymore than art of music is "useless" because sometimes the knowledge is the only point; without that knowledge being learned afresh, how will it be past on? So they have a degree in history. They are educated. That in itself shows they have the talent and drive to do many things. Sure, the person may have to go outside their chosen field but I hire people outside their field of study all the time. For exampl
  15. You really just don't know what you're talking about. Like I said, gas prices would go down. You insisted they wouldn't. But whatever. If you want $2.50 gas, then you have to take another 2008 Recession. Which do you prefer? My link If people lived closer to the job centers, there wouldn't be the choice with gas over other things, especially with a good transportation system we SHOULD have invested into 20 years ago.
  16. In March, American companies posted the highest number of job openings in 4 years since the Great Recession began. We're growing but slowly. My link
  17. Last month I said oil prices would be going down as the worldwide economy slowed, though still growing in the US. My link Now gas prices have fallen from $4 to $3.50. That's a 13% drop and it should drop more. World demand is down and that drives prices down. The US is importing and using far less oil than we ever have before. But the rest of the world is the new driver of our gas prices because worldwide demand is going to grow exponentially in the more emerging markets, at least that is what the experts are saying. Sure, gas prices will go back up but we've handled $4 gas and it
  18. It's commercialism. Same reason we have a Valentines Day, Halloween or any of those. It is an excuse for businesses to sell merchandise for profit, and an excuse for the rest of us to party it up a bit.
  19. From where we were in March 2009 when the entire world's economy was on the brink of collapse? We are MUCH better. It will take a long time to fix this mess but we are slowly improving. I'm sorry for your situation but the economy itself is improving.
  20. New research has identified a huge cousin to the modern flea that plagued dinosaurs. My link
  21. Big Time rain on us this morning.
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