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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. But none of those examples are calling out any individual. The government encouraging healthy lifestyles is part of the function of government per the General Welfare Clause, e.g., anti-smoking ads. Big difference. This is an INDIVIDUAL who was being RUDE. While that person has the right, what he did was rude and is as much bullying as if he had taunted her in the hallway of the local school. Come on. Don't be so partisan that we excuse this sort of behavior.
  2. Yes, the guy is rude and is using rudeness to bully someone. By saying what he did, he was bullying her and is no different than taunting her in the hallway of a high school.
  3. Good Lord. Here's the Point. ..............................................Here's You.
  4. Why is this even a topic? I mean, really? Don't you all remember that this has ALWAYS been a common thing since stupid people are always stupid and always around? If there were a real problem, the authorities would say so. Otherwise, it is getting worked up over nothing.
  5. Why, oh why, was this snake killed! Aaarrrrrgggg! Those are the Good Guys!
  6. It's not just the crops that are hit by global warming, the entire underpinnings for our economy are predicated on the climate. Fortunately, more and more people are accepting the science that humans have accelerated the climate variances and are finally willing to make the policy adjustments, even if it means higher costs. My link
  7. If you disagree with the additional jobs, might I suggest you present your own numbers so we can compare them with the numbers released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. My link If you cannot produce unbiased information to which we can compare the numbers, then you're just giving an uninformed opinion with no basis in fact.
  8. What I said was 100% accurate. If you don't believe me, here is the Wiki Link that does a good job of giving the time line. My link Again, the program began under W and he spent the first round. The last round was under Obama but that money was already approved to be spent under W, and was only about 1/3 of the S&L crisis under Reagan. So if you're going to complain, you will need to show where the time line is wrong (it isn't), also blame Reagan for the same thing (impossible since it was the right move), or blame W (also impossible since W says he and Obama did the right thing to p
  9. Not exactly right. The last sentence is not what he said. My link
  10. The "symptoms" of a mental disorder may be seen in nail biting, but there are also some differences. Anyway, it is an interesting view of such a common practice of many people. My link
  11. That's not accurate. The first round of bailouts was spent under W and the other rounds were approved under the W administration proposal per Paulson, and spent in the Obama time span. However, whomever spent the bailouts is irrelevant. When they were spent is irrelevant. The bailouts were necessary to prevent complete economic collapse. And, no, Bush isn't president but accuracy and truth should still be s goal.
  12. The financial bailouts began under W.
  13. Steaks from Omaha Steaks. Shrimp. Grilled veggies. A nice red table wine from Trader Joe's.
  14. Spending is up because of an aging population, not expanding government. The article says that but many want to make that political. The best indicator of academic success is the education and socio-economic status of the parents. Yet, many want to cut public education for the very ones who need it most, which in turns helps our entire economy. Healthcare costs are always going up because of medical advances and an aging population. Then we have insurance companies in the mix.
  15. Yes, and anyone who understands middle school pre-algebra knows we have a record population, too. That means we have more people in the nation than ever before. The ratio is what is being examined, not the raw number. Because amateurs and partisans dwell on the number of people who drop out of the work force, not understanding that the unemployment number is ALWAYS determined in the same fashion. So the people that try to make political statements (like your "annoy a liberal" comment) are focusing on something economists do not because they already understand what the number means.
  16. You should have no problem if it's Vegas. Just got back from a 2 day trip to Dublin, Ireland, for work and that can be a problem but it's not that bad. Just tell yourself what the real time it's and do it.
  17. Who said anything about burgers and fries? Would you please, oh please, point put where the government has said anything about banning burgers and fries? If you can't point put such an instance, you are propagating a falsehood. The point is that government does have the power to tax products it feels are in the public's best interest to do so. Please don't lie about what the discussion is about. Thank you. Where has the government said anything about banning those things? Thank you. It is a public health announcement for Pete's sake, not a ban of products.
  18. The government has the right to tax products out of existence if it feels is in the best interest of everyone per the General Welfare Clause. McCray vs US. Come on. That is high school civics.
  19. This is the revised number. If the Administration had any control of the numbers, they would look much better than this and the medias would be all over this. Get real. That's the way the unemployment figure is always counted and everyone who understands the number realizes what the number means. Only amateurs and partisans dwell on the parts of the whole number. And out was positive gain in jobs. Nope. The numbers reflect the growth show and steady. The number of unemployed is not increasing.
  20. This is great news. From March 2011 to March 2012, the economy added 386,000 more jobs than we thought. The economy is still plowing along, not great, not bad, just slowly getting better. My link
  21. Whether the lady was right or wrong, that did not give the guy the right to call her out like that. It's rude and very unprofessional. I've fired nurses and managers for much less, and doctors with that sort of attitude will not have their contract renewed by me.
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