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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The video of an enormous waterspout near the coast of Australia is quite remarkable. The particular storm associated with the formation also produced a large number of lightening strikes and high winds. My link
  2. The guy knows nothing about football but wants to put money into a club? At best he wears a few jerseys and has played FIFA on the XBox. I don't understand. He has more money than sense. My link
  3. Samsung is about to introduce its newest product that is has a pliable screen. My link
  4. Someone has been maiming dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico. Dolphins have been found with gunshot wounds, cuts and even missing jaws. My link
  5. Whichever I decide at the time and depending if I have enough paracetamol to match the day of decorating.
  6. First, I think the title of the thread is very telling of a political agenda. Second, education is what the parent and child make it, not the medium it is delivered. Third, I have 2 boys and both, now, attend private school of their own choosing. One attends McCallie My link and the other attends Darlington My link. Both live on campus and both are attending for very different reasons. My oldest goes to McCallie for the academics program in physics. My youngest attends Darlington for the soccer academy program that travels all over the US to play. Both did very well in public school an
  7. My husband does all the laundry so I don't really know how or when he does it. I just know that it is done, folded neatly, and deposited to its proper place. Life is grand. I do know that he uses baking soda as a soap and vinegar as a fabric softner. That much I am aware.
  8. The company has done some wonderful designs that are far superior to anything coming out of Europe right now. My link
  9. That's about what a proper Mercedes would cost.
  10. It's the 2013 Tesla. It's electric. And it's about time. My link
  11. Congrats on wanting to be debt free! It is an amazing feeling to know that each month the only payments that need to be made are the monthly utility and mortgage payment. You two are certainly thinking in the right direction! Here are a few ideas my husband and I do every few weeks just to spend some time together. 1) Go to a farm and pick strawberries. Since this is fall of the year, there may still be some apples to be picked in North Georgia. Add a Bed and Breakfast. 2) Bowling, Beer and Brats. It really is a good evening! 3) Find a local Fall Carnival. 4) My Fav --- attend a lo
  12. Ummm, I don't think you're understanding this. There is no sales tax on equities or bonds at the time of purchase, either. There is no tax on holding any equity or bond, just as there is no tax on a COLLECTIBLE either. When you sell an equity or a bond or ANYTHING, there is a capital gain tax. However, when you sell gold or silver or any COLLECTIBLE, there is an ADDITIONAL CAPITAL GAIN TAX on any profit. In other words, gold or silver is like any other investment as there is NO TAX at the time of purchase. The difference is there is an ADDITIONAL TAX on collectibles when they a
  13. Yes, I mistyped. Now, any other questions?
  14. It's almost 6AM, not PM in Britain. Second, my day starts very early on Mondays since that is when I do most of my big meetings on Monday mornings. Usually, I'm done by noon on Mondays. The early mornings get me plenty of head start with no phones. Also, I'm going out West for a conference later week and have lots to complete. Any other questions?
  15. Have a good week! I'm off to early meal, then to the park for a run, and start the day.
  16. Actually, none of the above. I'm not sure of the point the person was making because it made no sense.
  17. You do realise the terms are synonymous, right? And I would certainly agree with the latter portion of your post. Impossible. And I don't know why I continue trying sometimes.
  18. See? You can be right once in a while despite your not agreeing with me on other discussion points. You should have a drink and celebrate. Scotch, of course.
  19. Sorry, but that is not true. It matters not what the gain is. If there is a gain, it has to be reported as a capital gain when it is sold, just like there is a capital loss if it sold for a loss. However, commodities like gold and silver are taxed at the higher collectible capital gain rate and is taxed EVEN MORE than regular capital gain.The American tax code is explicit on that, no matter what the holding that is sold. I don't know who your tax adviser is but this is why my tax adviser recommended in no uncertain terms that gold and silver are one of the worst things as far as taxes are
  20. Really? Would you want a self taught surgeon? How about a self taught attorney representing you? Would you want a self taught economist guiding the Treasury? There is a reason why there are no self taught professors at university.
  21. Then it wasn't learned by the person studying on their own. This is the prime example why self-taught carries no weight on the resume.
  22. Where in the world did that come from? First, the simplicity of your assertion concerning Rome is trying to extrapolate from a very complicated society. To say those were the reasons Rome fell is just wrong. Second gold an silver are taxed at the capital gain rate just as is any other investment. It is not true that gold, silver or any commodity is not taxed.
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