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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I don't think so. Who got the Prescription Drug Plan passed? Who got us into TWO wars? Who began the bailouts verses who continued the bailouts? The point is the recession was so big and so bad that it required those extraordinary bailouts to keep the economy from complete collapse. That's what I'm reading from a lot of sources and I think I will trust those in this area.
  2. Doesn't take much to "predict" a double dip since the severity of 2007-2009 compared to the Great Depression and there were several "dips" afterward. It is a given that it would happen and it had NOTHING to do with Obama. Businesses got plenty of tax breaks and they didn't spend it to create jobs the last 10 years, so pull that argument. Of course, your last "prediction" was way off so I expect this one to be as well. (Amazing what a search feature can find.) My Link And where are those 22% interest rates you predicted? My Link But I'm just riding this thing out. Don't care to
  3. I think YOU should be answering the question since it was YOU that said We already are seeing enough graffiti. Why would you want to invite more? One of the reasons many live here is to stay away from the "city"type of areas. What exactly are those "city type areas" that have "graffiti" that you are wanting to stay away from??? I don't think there is much graffiti in the upscale business section, now is there? Businesses want a good, reliable transportation system. A bus system certainly does that.
  4. One, we all know what is being said in whispers. I've heard that statement MANY times in the few years I've been here at schools, churches and the ball fields when this sort of topic comes up. Let's not pretend it is not what MANY people are thinking. Businesses want to have transportation options that can bring in many people from a variety of places with little cost to the business for parking.
  5. SInce when can churches sue to stop something that is not in their purview? These groups can still help anyone they want, including the illegals that are there. Suing to stop a state law? This is insane. My Link
  6. You are making sense and giving facts. Shame on you. MARTA would be a great asset to our transportation plan. We need to begin somewhere and this would be a good way to get started. Of course, a more regional plan similar to Europe would be fantastic. Let's really get down to the 2 objections. One, we don't want more poor minority people moving in. Two, it would cost more in taxes. Hogwash to both. The fact it would be cheaper on government to not have the congestion if just 10% used transit. But I'm talking logically, not emotionally nor with an ideology.
  7. I've heard of the GPS leading people to wrong places but getting lost in Death Valley can be fatal! My Link
  8. My father has problems with gout but being from up North, he says he is tougher because of it. But when he is seriously hurting, he says the pain is awful. According to this article, more and more people are complaining about gout. My Link
  9. I disagree with the next logical step. No, I'm not saying Christianity is no different from Islam. Carry on.
  10. Careful. That will give you the label of a Commie-Liberal-Marxist-Socialist-Left Wing Hack. And that was the nicer things said about me on good days. I don't know enough about the bible to know what those verses say or mean so I will have to just take your word for it.
  11. Did American soldiers do that same thing to the Indians? He is nuts. Wait. Can't say that, according to Foxmeister, Lots to Do and Mrs Howard. He is not crazy unless there is a psych report.
  12. I disagree! Society has not changed. There have always been thieves and have always been things like this going on. You wouldn't think about doing stuff like that but others would and did. That's why there is a No Stealing provision in the Ten Commandments.
  13. I see you either fail to understand what EVERYONE is saying, splitting hairs for the sake of argument, or you are so political that you cannot be reasonable. Evil, yes. Crazy, yes. Good people don't plan mass murder. Sane people don't plan mass murder. If you want to say he is not "crazy" in the legal or strict sense, fine. I already agreed with you on that. I even agree he is evil. I agree 100%. The guy is evil, pure and simple. But EVERYONE understands that his evilness IS crazy. It is not normal. It is insanity. It is whatever word you want to use. If you want to say that is an
  14. The right wing media and the mainstream media quickly blamed the attack as a Muslim action. My Link Then the backtracking began. But what scares me is that some people are saying the guy had a point, that Muslims are taking over, that multi-culturalism is bad and that it is time to stop all that nonsense. We've heard all that before.My Link The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c In the Name of the Fodder www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook
  15. A person who plans mass murder is crazy. Now if you want to split hairs and use the legal definition to just argue, knock yourself out. But I think most rational people on here would say you are the one who is crazy if you want to go that route. He is crazy. He is touched. He is psycho. He has problems. His elevator is missing a floor. Whatever you want to say. Normal people don't plan on mass murder. Period. If you want to argue he is sane for trial or that he is mentally competent or whatever, fine. You'd be 100% right. However, we all see that is a silly argument and is just that: an ar
  16. Another crazy person with religion or politics as the ignition of his actions, just like the Christian Right Winger in Norway, the Muslim Army major at Fort Hood, or Christian religion Eric Rudolph.
  17. I don't understand all the ins-and-outs of this legal stuff, but if stem cell research may lead to some serious medical good, it might be worth the effort. The ruling opens the way for Federal funding of the stem cell research again. My Link
  18. So well said. The good old days were not all that great. There have ALWAYS been crime and mayhem. There is nothing different today than was going on then.
  19. I think many of the local elected Republican leaders are finding out it is easier to voice opposition to raising taxes than it is to govern without the taxes. Fact is that government has to have money to run. Sure, there is always waste but that is the case with everything and everyone. Making an ideology that cutting waste will solve the serious budget problems is very silly. Just my opinion and I'm sure others would disagree.
  20. I can agree. But I'm trying to look at it from the side of the headline writers. (Not taking up for Publisher on this at all.) Headline writers, European or American or whatever, try to write accurate headlines that describe the situation. In this situation, it was politically motivated. The headline was accurate and descriptive. However, I don't like it one bit. Understand it. Know it is how they do it Europe. I just don't think it was a good idea for a headline in Paulding County, no matter how descriptive, accurate or globally-sophisticated it is. What it does do, is
  21. The problem is that had it been a Muslim Terrorist, the headline would have read as such. In this case, the headline is descriptive and accurate. It is also the headline I've seen on other places. The problem I have is two-fold: 1) I wouldn't have used that headline because it is accurate but it inflames American audiences, and 2) "Right Wing" is badge of honor in America and to be associated with terrorism really pisses people off. In other words, it may be accurate and what the Europeans are saying but our sensibilities can't handle that. I'm considered Right Wing by many (though I
  22. I agree. The Norwegian guy is nuts. Sane people don't murder on that scale. He is no different than the Fort Hood Major who murdered in the name of Allah, or Eric Rudolph who killed in the name of Jesus, or the Klansmen who killed in the name of racial purity. He is crazy. Now I think I see what Publisher is saying. He is saying that the guy made a conscious decision to murder in order to get his viewpoint heard. A sane person might weigh that cost. An insane person will carry that thought to fruition.
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